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Zouave 1870, part II

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Jason W., Mar 7, 2004.

  1. Jason W. Active Member

    Here is some jacket work-

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  2. Jason W. Active Member

    From illustrations I've studied, it appears that the zouaves typically wore their equipment (haversack, canteen) under their jackets. Guess they didn't want to cover up the pretty trim on the jacket :lol:

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  3. Jason W. Active Member

    Note the brass peg on his back. This will snap into his knapsack later on.

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  4. Jason W. Active Member

    finished rear view-

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  5. John Long Active Member

    Looks great Jason. Like I mentioned before, it's great to see the process. I wonder, what purpose does the brass pin in the back serve?
  6. Jason W. Active Member

    Thanks John! The brass pin will help hold up the knapsack later on.

    What I did was take a half-cured, square piece of putty, placed it over this peg, I then manipulated the piece of putty to the contour of his back (the surface was brushed w/ talcum powder). Baked it for 20 minutes, snapped off the piece (knapsack) and thats it. This will ensure a tight fit later on.
  7. Jason W. Active Member

    Here's some beard work-

    I also added some more putty to the trousers.

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  8. Uruk-Hai PlanetFigure Supporter

    The Zouave is coming along nice there.

    One question though, the haversack, is that made of Duro with just a small portion blue in the mix? And if so, how does that affecting the drying?
  9. John Long Active Member

    Thanks Jason. I guess I was too busy marvelling at the photos to read the text.

    Is a stand alone, or part of a vignette?
  10. Pete_H New Member

    You may have answered the following question already; if so, I apologize. What mediums are you using? I can tell the duro/kneadatite and A&B, but is that sculpey or magic sculp?

    Keep going!
  11. garyjd Well-Known Member

    Jason, Very nice, he gonna br neat. I meant to ask, how do you do shoes? It looks like you do the basic shape and then carve or scrible the soles in.~Gary
  12. johnbrewer New Member

    Jason i just love the folds on those pants. Are you working from a painting for this one?.
  13. Jason W. Active Member

    Thanks! Actually it's combination of Magic Sculp and Duro. I don't like wasting too much putty and I had some Duro left.
  14. Jason W. Active Member

    John- it will stand alone

    Pete-I'm using Magic Sculp and some Duro. My fault, I usually describe what I'm using. My apologies

    Gary-I'm still experimenting with the shoes. When I decided to sculpt my own, I sculpted the whole thing in one go. But that took waaaay too long (1 hour) for one shoe :( Now I sculpt the basic shape,let cure, then carve and scribe the rest. Less time than pushing putty. The down side is it leaves little room for error, and I hate applying putty to such a small area to an already cured section if I do make a mistake.

    John B.-I've seen this pose before in a painting, but I'll be darned if I can find it now, I just knew it would look cool in miniature. But I have lots of zouave reference...also I have correctly constructed zouave uniform (5th New York) from my reenacting days.
  15. Johan Well-Known Member

    Wow! (y) ... well what can I say that I haven't said before?
    Reminds me of the poste mil Turco, but I guess you're going to do him in the red baggy pants, are you going to paint on the sky blue piping or sculpt it on?

    Great work,

    Johan ;)
  16. Jason W. Active Member

    Thanks Johan!

    I will paint him as a zoauve from the 3rd Regiment at Froeschwiller. I may paint his trousers white (summer issue) with no trim.

    All trim on his jacket will be painted on. It would be too tedious to sculpt on trim for this small of scale.
  17. JCOX Active Member

    Very well done Jason. Love seeing your work!

    -jim cox
  18. jitch0t Member

    can`t wait to see it finished and painted :)
  19. gordy Well-Known Member

    Excellent work (y)
  20. yeo_64 Well-Known Member

    Wonderful stuff,Jason ;always a joy to see your work ! Looking forward to further updates on the figure.Cheers !

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