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Young Miniatures - New Release for December

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by Guy, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. AJLaFleche Well-Known Member

    Probably not high on my to get list, but I love the little detail of the right breast pocket flap folded into the pocket. Wonderfully expressive face as well. Great sculpt; great painting.
  2. pmfs A Fixture


    Yes I know!;) We can call anything else, so many Obersturmbanfuhrer´s in
    Modeling is the ability to improvise and adaptation at all situations.;)
    The most important is Mr.Young provide to all is costumers another stunning work and like you said "great likeness".
    Congratulations to the painter and sculptor.(y)

  3. Ebroin Active Member

  4. JasonB Moderator

    The man himself with rank info

    Inspiration for the figure and his date of ranks
    I don't see the rank insignia on his sleeve, and I don't know whether a Lt. Col. would still be manning a Panther tank while in command of a division, but cool figure nonetheless. Max must have taken one to the cranium, as seen in this photo, where you can also see the rank insignia on his sleeve.
    and here

    Attached Files:

  5. ryall Active Member

  6. Ebroin Active Member

    I sculpted based on picture you post.
    And he had ranks on his sleeve later on.

    So I decided to put the ranks for more visual interest. :)
    Please think it as little exaggeration.:D Thank you.
    winston likes this.
  7. Ventress Well-Known Member

    What he said!
  8. Michael Tse Active Member

  9. pmfs A Fixture


    sorry but is incorrect, the passage from wikipedia that you mention:
    "In June Sturmbannführer Max Wünsche was ordered to transfer to a new division forming in France, which later became the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend (12th SS Panzer Division Hitler Youth), and take command of the 12th SS Panzer Regiment."
    The photo from wikpedia as you see is from 1944 and the left rank on the jacket show the true of his rank.;)
  10. Ebroin Active Member

    Please see jburch's link.
    It also says he was promoted to SS-Oberstrumbannfuhrer at the bottom

    and I think one bar is hidden in folds on that picture.

    On this picture, oak leaves are not shown very cleary, but two bars are shown.

    and Dragon did same mistake I did if it is a mistake.

    Sorry, but I am not going to argue about his rank anymore.
    This is all I can say about it.
    pmfs likes this.
  11. pmfs A Fixture


    Sturm...or Obers... its fine, the bust are stunning Mr.Youn congratulations and keep the good work on the Germans.:)

  12. Ebroin Active Member

    I truely thank you very much for your attention and interet.:D
    I guess I was overreacting.:eek:
  13. lbfactory Well-Known Member

    hi Ebroin

    CONGRATULATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for this beauty it's stunning

    for historical part Wunsche was obersturmbannführer i've got the Heimdal book of the 12 ss with plenty of pics of him, sometimes books are better than internet lol
    he was commander of the ss panzerregiment 12
    the picture used for the figure was taken at Bretteville l'orgueilleuse
  14. Hardy Guest

    I wants it!!!!!
  15. Blind Pew A Fixture

    Even I wants it too!
  16. pmfs A Fixture

    Oui monsieur, je sais!

    " historical part Wunsche was obersturmbannführer i've got the Heimdal book of the 12 ss with plenty of pics of him, sometimes books are better than internet lol
    he was commander of the ss panzerregiment 12
    the picture used for the figure was taken at Bretteville l'orgueilleuse

    Like internet, books are written by men´s and woman´s this photo was taken in Normandy in June 1944.:D
    The promotion to obersturmbannführer was in middle August 1944, Wünsche was captured in end of August when he tried to escape from Falaise pocket and was capture and sent to prisioner camp in Scotland. The military actions in Normandy was with the rank Sturmbannführer like you see in the picture.:D
    I like books to!:)


    Attached Files:

  17. Ebroin Active Member

    Like internet, books are written by men´s and woman´s this photo was taken in Normandy in June 1944.:D
    The promotion to obersturmbannführer was in middle August 1944, Wünsche was captured in end of August when he tried to escape from Falaise pocket and was capture and sent to prisioner camp in Scotland. The military actions in Normandy was with the rank Sturmbannführer like you see in the picture.:D
    I like books to!:)


    well actually.. why don't you magnify that image and look carefully?
    That image is bit tricky, but I found two bars judging by sleeve's wrinkles.

    maybe this one shows better.
  18. Ebroin Active Member

    this one.

    Attached Files:

  19. pmfs A Fixture

    I will go check with an Historian 85 years old expert!

    This was Obersturmbannführer, Wünshe??? photo was taken in Falaise pocket in August 1944 for sure.
    The photo that I show was in Juin 1944 at Caen when Max Wünshe was an Sturmbannfüher look the green sleeve!
    Possibly??? in June is was an Obersturmbannfhürer and is promotion had not yet been updated, but in the other photo is an Sturmbnn...no doubts about it!

    I had here 11/8/1944 the date of the promotion to Obers...but in the net mention in January?!:confused:

    Here is an Standartenfhüher:confused:

    Keep the good work!
  20. JasonB Moderator

    Hi all,
    Ok at this point does it really matter? As we said before, if someone wants to "demote" the figure, a quick scrape with the knife will take care of it. After seeing all the pics so far, and considering the link that states he was promoted in January of 1944, I would leave it as is. However, like I said previously, I don't know if he would be crewing a Panther as a Lt. Colonel in command of the division. My guess is either the photo used for the sculpt was a posed shot (consider where the photographer would have to be standing to take it) or that it was from earlier in his career. As Ebroin said, he added the Oberst rank insignia for some added interest, so the picture may be from an earlier time frame. Pedro, I don't think anyone will chastise you if you decide to lower his rank based on what you believe either. In fact if/when I get the fig, I may well replace his peaked cap with a feldmutze of one variety or another and demote him even further. Just to make him different. And build a complete Panther turret, too!
    pmfs likes this.

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