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WWII 120m Jeff Shiu Germans

Discussion in 'Acrylics' started by Tommi, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Tommi A Fixture

    Hi All

    These are a couple of 120mm Jeff Shiu figures that I am near completion for one of my German collectors. There is no weathering on the figures atm. Few small bits to finish. Coming to an end of the run of WWII figures and looking forward to moving onto something else.

    Figures are cast in resin, 120mm scale and painted in Scale 75, Vallejo and reaper acrylics.

    Sorry for the poor pictures, just never seem to get it right!


    IMG_1809.jpg IMG_1806.jpg IMG_1801.jpg IMG_1799.jpg IMG_1795.jpg IMG_1789.jpg IMG_1788.jpg IMG_1777.jpg IMG_1772.jpg IMG_1769.jpg IMG_1769.jpg IMG_1772.jpg IMG_1777.jpg IMG_1788.jpg IMG_1789.jpg IMG_1795.jpg IMG_1799.jpg IMG_1801.jpg IMG_1806.jpg IMG_1809.jpg
  2. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    Nice work, Tommi, got these myself, so nice to see a pair painted up. :)
    What colours did you use for the cammo as I cannor seem to get it right?
    Mark D;)
    Tommi likes this.
  3. swralph A Fixture

    Both really well painted(y)
    Tommi likes this.
  4. Babelfish A Fixture

    Very nice work Tommi. Good to see you posting stuff up again and you have not lost your touch at all mate.

    - Steve
    Tommi likes this.
  5. Tommi A Fixture

    Hi Mark

    Yer that pattern was a real pain in the ass to paint. I used the Calvin Tan book as a reference. Just need to take your time, break it down and deal with one section at a time.
    I painted the base colour in Vallejo German Beige then added sepia and black to the base for deep shadows, add black and dark brown dots. The lighter land masses were sunny skin tone with a dab of German camo black brown and the dots then applied same colour as base. Darker land masses are Vallejo German Black brown with German reflective green dots. smaller green areas are reflective green with a touch of field grey and light brown and black dots. The entire jacket then receives a couple of light washes of sepia ink before all the details and seam lines are highlighted.
    I know its all a bit confusing and very time consuming but just remember to work on one section of a time.
    Hope all my confusing rambling helps!
    Mark Dollery likes this.
  6. Mark Dollery Well-Known Member

    Thanks Tommi, helps a lots, now where's my jeff shui figures????o_O
    Mark D ;)
    Tommi likes this.
  7. John Bowery A Fixture

    Excellent looking figures and nice boots to boot. :LOL:
    Tommi likes this.
  8. malc PlanetFigure Supporter

    I like these... smashing job (y)
    Tommi likes this.

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