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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

There are many modellers quietly beavering away at their bench who have a project in mind one was a friend of mine called ALBERT STEINER

His idea was to use current figures and busts to do a display of as many WW1 soldiers involved in the hell of WW1 as well as a few from other periods

He needed help converting and reached out to a fellow we all know on PF and respect as a modeller and as a company

The man in question STEVE READDIE
He does of course run a successful , high quality business of spare parts , weapons , figures and much more



Also involved was a certain HUGO PERERIA....of RP MODELS



Albert painted and did some converting as well

Little bit about Albert , like many a military background and has a degree in History, and enjoy model figures in 120mm and 200mm. Doing the figures one at a time is good for me.

Let's look at figures .....see if you can guess where and what any donor figure/ bust was before the conversion ...no prizes ...lol

Text is from Albert

Zeppelin Commander We had a photo of Kpt.Lt. Joachim Breithaupt as a POW in 1916 to work from. Steve sculpted a new head, corrected and strengthened the visor of the cap and built the figure from the shoulders down. I added whiskers and the lower row of tunic buttons, as the photo showed Breithaupt missing buttons taken by British Navy personnel, along with the Iron Cross and EK II Ribbon. Breithaupt insisted having his uniform, awards, and buttons returned. As far as I could research only 6 buttons of the 10, were given back. I built this figure to show Breithaupt before his capture. Kudos to Steve for a wonderful piece of sculpting.

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Late WWII Volkssturm officer converted to an Austrian assault troop officer, Caporetto, October 1917. The only part of the kit used was the tunic, arms and hands. Made the combat awards, and Iron Cross ribbon, new collar insignia, sculpted the lower part of the figure, used Jon Smith Modellbau head, helmet, grenade, trench club, and gas mask cannister. I made the Steyr Hahn holster from a really bad Luger one. The boots are Dragon, which I added cleats from lead foil. Had to make the lanyard, and bread-bag. The Death's Head badge on the right pocket is photo-etch.

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WWI Alpini. Head replaced with one from Kirin, extended the visor of the hat (which was ground out to fit the new head.) Made a gas mask case, Alpenstock, haversack, added plastic card to the soles of the boots, and cleats. I totally re-sculpted the trousers to the WWI pattern, added a chinstrap, and liner to the helmet, and made a climbing rope from solder. I sculpted Corporal chevrons on the lower sleeves. A big moustache was added the the face.

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I started this kit in 120mm about 1994 !! Been through quite a few mods. 13th Infantry Regiment (1st Westphalian) August 1914. This figure is an NCO 3rd Company, 1st Bn, 13th Inf Rgt

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200mm Uhlan Rgt Nr. 3, Russia, 1915 converted into a full figure for me by Steve Readdie in the UK. I sculpted the EK.I and EK.II, chinstrap and goat-beard.

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Steve Readdie's special Commission for me on German East Africa 1916. The African is a Corporal, and the German is a Sergeant. Two soldiers from FK.17 (Feldkompanie) after the one-time re-supply the Germans in East Africa ever received. Hence the Iron Cross II ribbon in the buttonhole of the Unteroffizier.

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An old OOP Chasseur d' Alpin, which I had to correct and modify to make a decent figure. The Vosges, 1914.

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Long OOP 120mm Lewis Gunner. 55th (Territorial) Division, Ypres (Wipers), West Lancashire. The figure is not stock. I have since cinched up the Lewis sling.

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200mm special commission which Hugo at RP Models made for me. Oberleutnant Franz Kern, I.R. 14, 3rd Infantry "Edelweiss' Division 30.April.1918 receiving yet another combat award on the Italian Front. Many thanks to Hugo. This figure is based on a photo when Oblt. Kern was just awarded another medal by Kaiser Karl.

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WWI in 200mm so far. It is my quest to represent as many Powers as I am able. So far, I have: A Royal Fusilier of Great Britain in Flanders, 1917, two soldiers of the Schutztruppen in German East Africa, 1916, a German Uhlan 1915 in Russia, Oblt Franz Kern of the Austrian Edelweiss Division, Italy, 1918, and the Zeppelin commander of LZ.15 Imperial German Naval Service Joachim Breithaupt, 1915. The Royal Fusilier, two Schutztruppen, the Zeppelin commander and the Uhlan with the Luger were created for me by Steve Readdie in the UK. The Austrian was commissioned by Hugo Mendes of RP Models.

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Hi folks

Albert not only does WW1 here's a couple of my favourites from WW2

120mm PMC bust of a Moroccan Goumier in Italy, 1944, converted to a full figure for me by Steve Readdie in the UK. This completes the nine figures Steve made for me. I had to change the rifle from a Garand to the 1903, added a converted bayonet, an E-Tool, and Frag grenade. Thanks to Steve for all the great work.

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This photograph will be the subject of a 300mm 3D custom figure build. It is a German sailor at Narvik, 1940, after his destroyer was sunk by the Royal Navy. The only thing German on him are his Matrosenmuetz, grenade and the field glasses.


Text from the 3D company RP MODELS :


This was a comission work for a private collector, Mr. Albert Steiner... It's a German Sailor in Narvik 1940. The soldier used a Norwegian Officers tunic, M1914 Colt Pistol, belt and spare magazines. The rest of the uniform and equiment is German issue. We left the original photo we used to develop the model...RPModels Team

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200mm 101st Abn at Bastogne. Fair amount of mods had to be done, including a new Readdie's head and M1 Garand. A fun project.

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120mm British Infantry converted to the BEF, France 1940. The early kit was quite a bit different from late war, and required research and scratch building.

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Major of Royal Marines at Salerno, 1943
Mods are: GEG right hand, helmet, pantyhose net, ground out and added chinstrap and liner, STEN with suppressor made from a sprue tree, brass rod stock, and lead foil sling. New moustache, lead foil ribbon bar with DSO and MC, holster ground out, sculpted butt end of .45 Colt auto, Verlinden spare optics added, spare mag pouch added,made an essential tea cup. Like mine way better than original , Also ground off all badging and patches, as the Major removed them as not to violate OPSEC.

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To look at others from Albert here's his FB link


it's always a big pleasure to work or paint the figures from "Reedees" Miniatures and" RPModels" always very very happy with these,alsofrom MMM to be honest,
And absolute so true van Albert ,he do a lot with his figures and they are very beautiful I follow
him also on Facebook,a very kind men (y)

Hi folks

Saw this from Albert .....

Old OOP morphed into a Chasseur a Pied, 1916.
Used a Verlinden Lebel rifle and back-back.
Ground out the helmet, added the chinstrap, whiskers, combat awards, slings, made a scarf so the head would not sit so low. Detailed the water bottle (full of Pinard), and made a cup.
Added the Corporal stripes in yellow, the three wound stripes on the right sleeve, and the four six-month service stripes on the left sleeve.
The blade on the bayonet is brass rod.
Had to make a new scabbard for the bayonet as well.

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A nice piece from Albert and Steve

Finished Steve Readdie's special commission for me of the Welsh Chieftain Owain ap Gruffydd of Gwynedd, AD 1236.

Steve made me the basic figure, the sword hilt is GEG, I made the scabbard, shield, spear shaft, and I sculpted the hair and moustache.

The spearhead and grounding spike are spares.

The scale is 1/9th.

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