Review Wurttemberg Infantry from SOGA Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hello to all

Following on from the announcement from SOGA Miniatures here :


Details of the release

Title: Wurttemberg Infantry Officer 1812 year

Reference: 5426

Scale: 54mm

Material: Gray resin

No of Pieces: 11 ( including a choice of helmet type )

Casting: In House

Sculptor: Mikhail Tyulkin

Box art: Dmitri Baev

As with all from Soga the box keeps everything secure and with little movement as the pieces are also held in resealable bags which was sitting on a layer of packing material

Again open carefully and remember:

On the box top a full colour of the painted piece ,more are available from the website as well as usual


It would be nice to have the company name or perhaps get a logo on the box as well

There are a total of 11 parts , namely full body with left arm, sword, cane/stick, right arm , sash , sword knot , cane tassel , base , a choice of TWO different helmeted heads ( these are one with the crest and the other a grenadier style one )


Lets have a bit of information on the Infantry :

The Duchy of Württemberg allied with the French in 1805, as a reward Duke Friedrich was crowned King on 1 January 1806 and Württemberg joined the Confederation of the Rhine on 12 July 1806 (Treaty of Paris) the federal contingent being fixed at 18000 men.

By 1810 Württemberg had doubled the population and territory it had possessed before the Revolution. One price was supplying troops for Napoleon’s campaigns (some 20,000 in 1809 and 16,000 in 1812).
12 July 1806: Seven line infantry regiments, each comprised one battalion of 4 musketeer companies (of 160 men).

Between 1807 and 1808, all infantry regiments were gradually increased to two battalions,the first battalion of one grenadier and three musketeer companies , the second battalion of four musketeer companies.

Prior to the 1809 Austrian campaign, all infantry regiments were expanded to an establishment of two battalions

An infantry division of 2 line brigades (each of 2 regiments) and 1 light brigade (all 4 jäger and fusilier battalions), By the end of the 1809 Austrian campaign Württemberg had raised an 8th regiment of line infantry

During the 1812 Russian campaign Württemberg troops made up 2 divisions assigned to Ney’s III Corps: 25th Infantry Division of 3 brigades (2 line brigades, each of 2 line regiments and 1 chasseur (jäger?) battalion and 1 light brigade with the 2 light battalions).

On 23 October 1813 Württemberg deserted the Imperial cause.

Resources are available here are a couple of pictures showing various regiments

Regts in action as used in wargaming :​
These are a couple of really good and informative books you might like to look at​
Continued in next post​
Lets look at the resin now:

Main Torso

Prep: Remove from former, sand away tiny casting line from rear of arm , slight flashing between the legs

As you can see the pose is rather positive the right leg forward , he stands proud , the left arm on his hip the hand holding his gloves

Casting is really very very good indeed and even with out the head this piece has attitude , wearing a long tailed coat , a thing to note is the sharp undercut on this , clearly separate from the legs ...really accessible as well for painting

Wearing knee high boots with the trousers tucked in , the boots are well shaped , good work on the edging of the soles , natural folds at the ankle as well

The trousers are well worked as well in respect creases and folds , nice definition around the crutch area , on the left the sword belt with a accurate fitment point for the sword

The coat tails are a nice shaped area with sharp lining piping at the edges , whwere they meet at lower back there is a cutout to allow the sash to fit

The sash around the waist is well represented and full in material

There are some nicely worked seams on the jkt and trousers , define these more when painting

The left hand grips the clearly recognised single short glove , the fingers of the hand are shaped correctly

The plastron at the front is a accurate shape with the casting of the buttons being no be honest all the casting is spot on , really good edge definition

On the shoulders we have his rank which is I feel a premier Lieutenant with no bullion fringe on the left shoulder .....the detailing on the contra epaulette is really good with the half moon and the retaining strap being sculpted well

At the neck area is the cut out to fit the head of your choice




Right Arm/Plume


Prep : Remove arm from the former , dryfit and then a tiny smidgeon of filler , you will probably redefine the seams after removing, the plume is simple just remove and fit

The arm is cast with the rank bullion in place for the premier Lt , nicely detailed and fitting accurately to the shoulder

The cuff detail is the square edged with 2 good buttons , , piping on the cuff is well done and in scale

The hand is positioned to take the cane top , and is wearing the actual glove

The plume is showing surface texture and in place looks good


Prep: Choose the head you wish to use after removing from the former I really like both but would go for the Grenadier version which you see in the first set of 4 pictures

Both helmets have some real fine details on them the grenadier has the royal arms with the addition of grenade motifs in the plate corners , on both the arms are sharp and easily seen , a well done to both the sculptor and casting team

Peaks are on both versions , despite this access to the well worked facial features presents no problem

The Grenadier has a high fronted piece of fur , well textured , good chinstrap and bosses , running along the centre towards the back a high comb , again defined well in the styled sections

The other , a line regt has a high comb running from back to rear at the centre , nice helmet plate

Whichever head you decide its going to look good after a easy to fit collar area







Remaining pieces

Sash/Sword knot, Cane tassel


Prep: Remove from former , fit with ease , no filler needed

The sash is a good piece of sculpting , long and full the ends shaped , fit is simple and adds more interest to the rear of the figure

The tassel is the longer of the 2 in the picture I suggest fitting this after the cane is in place , you could do the same with the sword knot as well ...both are a good version


Prep: Remove from formers and fit , there is a small amount of flashing to remove from the sword handle area

The cane is a angled piece of resin , wood in reality , it tapers nicely towards the metal covered lower edge

The sword is in the scabbard so the handle has the detail on it the end of the sword knot is wrapped around the actual hand protector , there is a hand guard as well , I am unsure about the sword handle casting above the hand guard




A smaller piece of textured groundwork with stones scattered , oblong in shape with 2 defined areas to fit the figure into place


Final thoughts

In this release we have a distinctly officer type , very nicely posed and with a good amount of details , all sharply done both in sculpting and casting , there is the option to depict any regiment , and of course the choice of heads ..a added bonus for the modeller

Well done to the sculptor MIKHAIL TYULKIN for this figure hope we see more sculpting from him :woot:

RECOMMENDED you visit the site ( there is a english translator at the top which is good to see ) and bookmark Soga will be worth it :)

Thank you to Dmitri @ Soga Miniatures for the review piece(y) I will be looking at others and not just cavalry so stay tuned

For more information including other views of painted versions and to order go to their website via this link :

Or contact Dmitri here on PF

Thanks to all for looking in

Happy benchtime

Well dove this office.
A question, there are others napoleonic figuresfrom you?
I've find on your site only painted figures.
Well dove this office.
A question, there are others napoleonic figuresfrom you?
I've find on your site only painted figures.

Hi there

The site shows painted versions of what I review , they can be bought unpainted as in this review, there are other napoleonic both foot and mounted

The link is direct to order this particular figure
