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Review WRAF WW2 from Paul Blaber Miniatures

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Nap, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi to everyone,

    Its very suitable that in this year the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain I have the opportunity to share a release from Paul Blaber Miniatures .

    A nice choice of subject and a fitting tribute to the brave women who served in the WRAF , often suffering the same dangers as their male opposites , in addition to this they freed up the menfolk by doing the less glamourous jobs ie clerks , cooks etc ...all vital in their own way .

    The WRAF had its beginnings in WW1 and was actually created the same time as the RAF on 1st April 1918 , but the organisation and provision was far from as organised as their male counterparts . Wearing Khaki originally with the same coloured stockings , caps were soft crowned with a single breasted jacket , in 1919 some issues of the blue were made albeit slowly .

    In WW2 the WAAF was formed on 28th June 1939 with the aim to release the male RAF to combat roles. Uniform consisted of a jacket similar to the men's , the rank badges were also the same but with different titles to the same rank of their male counterpart, for example a Flying Officer was called a Section Officer in the WAAF.

    Books are many as expected all make interesting reading both for reference to the uniforms and to the bravery of those serving.
    book 1.jpg book.jpg book 0.jpg book3.jpg book4.jpg images (4).jpg book2.jpg images (2).jpg
    00.jpg images (3).jpg WRAF.jpg WRAF 1.jpg
    images.jpg images (1).jpg
    So the release we will be looking at is : WAAF 001.jpg

    Continued in next post

  2. Nap Moderator

    Let look at the release:

    Details are as follows:

    Title: British WWII WAAF "Margaret"

    Reference: PJBB10

    Scale; approx 1/9th

    Material: Resin

    No of parts: 3

    Sculptor: Paul Blaber

    This release is in Paul's "Home Front" series with the previous one being female despatch rider which I painted up in V Bench..., now all done with pictures in the completed part of the forum.

    The Model was received in simple but strong packaging in the form of a brown cardboard box , no box art was on the top , the parts were also in bubblewrap.

    Parts consist of the torso , the head complete with cap and the base
    WAAF 002.jpg

    Prep needed before primer consists of with the torso , casting plugs to remove from the underside , together with the base having excess to be taken off the bottom part, the head had a casting line to sand away from the top of the hat and on the neck with a couple of bits of resin to take away from the back of the cap and hair , you might also like to reduce the neck length as well , but please dry fit to check .

    WAAF 016.jpg WAAF 005.jpg WAAF 012.jpg
    WAAF 004.jpg WAAF 008.jpg

    Starting with the Torso , the first thing that shouts out to me is that our lady is certainly well built ...in all departments , she is quite full figured but that matters not of course !

    The way it has been sculpted seems to make the torso lean back , not to everyone's choice but not wrong.
    WAAF 009.jpg WAAF 006.jpg WAAF 007.jpg

    The torso is sculpted wearing the uniform with the breast pockets as worn , the pockets themselves are nicely shaped , the collar shape looks good with the tie being worn slightly off centre , nice touch this , the collar edge undercuts look okay , the waist slightly tapers down to the belt where the buckle is nicely worked. across the body we have a strap , like the work on this replicating the texture , but painting will bring it out even more .
    WAAF 011.jpg WAAF 010.jpg
    The Arms are only a small part of the upper area on it we have the shape , albeit a little soft of a badge , the torso overall has folds in appropriate places.

    On now to the Head this has been sculpted with the cap well back on her head in a rather jaunty disrespect for regulations!! what this does do is expose the full face making painting easy , the facial features are not a good looking woman IMO but in keeping with the torso , the nose tapers thinly , lips are good the eyes might be a tadge too close together but nothing really to worry about , she has quite a pointed chin as well , with the hair a la WW2 style being good in surface work ...I think I might be doing a redhead when I paint her!!!
    WAAF 014.jpg
    WAAF 013.jpg
    WAAF 015.jpg
    The cap has certainly seen better days IMO with nice folds being done but again in keeping with the sculpt , nice work on the badge ( this looks like an Officers badge as in pictures so the sleeve badges would need to come off , the badge also looks like the WW1 Chief Section Leaders badge ...so maybe that's a possible conversion there as well.

    WAAF 017.jpg

    I am pleased that the peak looks so good and is not likely to get broken , its well shaped and well done.

    As I said I would look at the neck length before final fitting , but when in place the torso and head look nice together.

    The base is as with the despatch ride a nice shaped and easily fitted and suitable for the job but as I normally do I will use brass rod either 5 or 6mm.

    Final Thoughts

    This is a timely addition to Paul's range , it has lots of potential for conversion and for detailing up ( keep an eye out on V Bench!!) , a bit of prep needed and perhaps not the most female in shape but when painted up it will look great next to the Despatch Rider .
    Pauls range of busts are well thought out and has interesting subjects , they are very reasonable in price and provide lots of fun bringing them to life .
    I welcome Paul's work and look forward to seeing more when he can get off his moped Ooops sorry ..motorbike!!!;):)

    For more details on this and others have a look at the website :


    Or you can email him at: paulblaber63@outlook.com

    STOP PRESS: Paul will be at Euro as well on the CGS stand alongside Graham so why not pop say hello and have a look ...I will be!!

    Thanks to Paul for the review model ( mine was one of 3 initial castings) and for you all for looking in

  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys,

    Paul has just completed a painted version , which he will have at Euro to see alongside castings to look at closer

    Nice one ...and he only had 4 hours to paint our Maggie


    image.jpeg image.jpeg
  4. swralph A Fixture

    Thank's for the review Nap(y)
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  5. Nap Moderator

    Cheers Ralph

    Thanks for looking in

  6. Babelfish A Fixture

    I think that having the cap and head as separate parts would have improved this piece, but nonetheless nice overall.

    - Steve
  7. Nap Moderator


    Good suggestion Steve but it probably makes casting harder

    Thanks for looking in see you at Euro

    Babelfish likes this.
  8. Zastrow.cuirassier PlanetFigure Supporter


    - "Pilots, pilots, yes wonderfull boys... But Hugh (Dowding) told me it will be a great review of WRAF !!!!
    I'll go on Planet have a look, perhaps Nap will find some WRAF to review!!!!"
    blabsy likes this.

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