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Wladimir Semjonowisch Wyssotskij

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Martin Antonenko, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. Martin Antonenko A Fixture


    Dear Planeteers,

    A riding messenger on a yellow foaming horse that could barely stand on its feet brought me a packet one hour ago!


    In the luggage a laser-cut wooden box came to the fore and inside it THE BUST OF MY FOVOURITE SINGER WLADIMIR WYSSOTSKIJ !!!


    Packed in individual transparent pouches and with lots of foam, the very clean casted items presented themselves ...:



    Hurraaah - finally I have got him !!!

    Wladimir Wyssotskij - who is that anyway?

    Here's his history...:

    The Summer Wyssotskij died...

    On July 25, 1980, the Soviet singer, songwriter, poet, and actor Vladimir Semyonovich Wyssotskij died of heart failure in his Moscow apartment at the age of only 42.


    While Wyssotskij, who was born in 1938, is almost unknown in the West, he was the idol of his generation in the Soviet Union!

    Wyssotskij lived a life in the musty seventies of the Soviet Union, reminiscent of Western rock stars with his drug and alcohol excesses.


    Secretary-General Leonid Brezhnev ruled the country at that time. Those who rebelled against the Communists were sent to prison or psychiatry.

    From the beginning, the rebellious artist was a thorn in the side of the rulers. Wyssotskij wore jeans, loved beautiful cars and married - but that was a tremendous provocation for the Red Tsars in the Kremlin! - a woman from capitalist France, the actress Marina Vlady ...:


    Marina Vlady wrote about her husband's alcohol addiction:

    "After two days of drunkenness, your body is nothing more than a flabby sack, your voice a shapeless croak, your clothes a heap of rags, your terrible second self gains the upper hand."

    Between delirium and creative crisis but the multi-talent Wyssotskij was immensely productive. He wrote poems and more than 600 songs and ballads, he was a celebrated film and theater actor (inter alia as "Hamlet").


    In his songs, the charismatic singer with the distinctive bass voice picked up topics that were taboo in the Soviet Union.


    He sang of alcoholism and prostitution, of anti-Semitism and crimes - all phenomena that, according to official interpretation, did not exist in the best of all socialist worlds.


    WhenWyssotskij joked in his song "Morning Gymnastics" about the daily, in factories and offices prescribed and distributed over the radio instructions for physical training, everyone understood what was meant:

    Meaningless uniform rituals.

    Wyssotskij criticized the ubiquitous uniformity imposed by the Communist Party on its subjects. That's why the state hated the songwriter! His music was not allowed to be played on the radio.


    But the people loved Wyssotskij!

    Under the hand, noisy tape recordings of his concerts were passed on millions of times.

    In one of his songs it says:

    "We're just dolls, we're dressed in silly models without blood and skin, we have heads, but our brains are made of cotton."

    Here's one of his songs - live performed...:


    When Wyssotskij died of heart failure at his home in Moscow in July 1980 during the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow, the Soviet media kept silent about his death.

    Nevertheless, more than 100,000 people gather on the streets of Moscow for the funeral.



    Their grief was also a political demonstration. It was the largest non-state organized demonstration in the Soviet Union!


    For many people, the summer of 1980 is still "the summer in which Wyssotskij died ..."

    Even for me!


    Thank you so much, Roman!



    The Bust:

    Legion Miniatures
    Scale 1:9
    Sculptor: Aleksandr Bodunov

    Contact to Roman Vetrov, the owner of "legion Miniatures" here on planetfigure:
    PM to "romariogandalf" (Romans Usernick).
  2. gazer Active Member


    Wyssotskij is relatively known in my country, as many of the former USSR-born Israelis came to Israel in the early 1990's. A famous belarussian-born Israeli, Arkadi Duchin, recorded in 1989 a very powerful record with Wyssotskij's poemsqsongs translated to Hebrew. The Hebrew version of
    Дурачина became an instant hit!

    I am looking forward to see your work on this bust.


  3. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Very interesting, looking forward to seeing this painted..(y)
    Nap likes this.
  4. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    Sometimes I think here in Germany I am the only one who knows him...

  5. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    2. Day, February 21, 2019

    This beautiful bust - a gift by Roman Vetrov from "Legion Miniatures" - will be my next project!

    I have many thoughts on what a base I can present the bust of a musician probably the best ...?

    And then I had an idea!

    I ordered two real miniature speakers on the internet!


    Cost point for the two little dices: € 6.99! You do not even get half a wooden base for this price in Kumbach or anywhere else ...!

    The edge length of the things is 6 x 6 x 6 cm. Fits.


    I will pimp up the whole with a miniature vinyl record, which I will make myself, as well as the matching - scaled down - original cover of one of his two most successful albums.

    Either this one ...


    ... or - at the moment more likely - this here ...:


    Next week, Vladimir Semyonovich will be prepared for painting - and I will start on the 1st of March during the workshop in Goslar ...

    Zastrow.cuirassier, Joe55 and Nap like this.
  6. Nap Moderator

    Hi Martin

    Saw the release of this from Legion ...very different subject to choose and a real nice present as well

    It's not Cossack !!!

    Unknown by me so it's interesting to see the story ...a national icon musically .

    Going to be really interesting how you do this ...will the guitar actually be playable we wonder ...music coming from the speakers ....we are intrigued !!!

    Look forward to the prep

    Following with pleasure


    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  7. Martin Antonenko A Fixture


    I know, the music is not for everyone - but I looooove it!!!

    Nap likes this.
  8. Joe55 A Fixture

    I'm just really looking forward to watching this new epic creation unfold:D!

  9. Sergei Active Member

    I do not think that that song on YouTube is performed by Vysotskii: the performer has a heavy foreign accent and even Vysotskii's name is spelled wrongly.
  10. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    3. Day, February 17, 2019

    High time to turn back to Vladimir Semyonovich - next weekend is Workshop at Goslar, and I finally will have something to paint!

    Today, "cleaning" is on the program.

    First, the sprue under the head ...



    ... has to disappear, but very carefully, not to sand too much ...:


    Then the head fits like a glove on the hull!





    Second step:

    On the "invisible side" of the torso is also a small sprue ...


    ... which is to be eliminated ...:


    Under the left arm there is a bit of ridge and "fish skin" due to the undercut ...:


    To remove both, a sharp scalpel is enough ...:


    Under the right elbow is also a small spot that should be veiled ...:


    Fortunately, I managed to do that without destroying the folds and the "piercing" elbow.


    The work on the right forearm and the cuff took a little longer - there are a few grooves and uncleanness that probably arose when separating the form...:


    Nothing problematic, but it takes just time - by the way, the only place on the bust, where I had to use a bit "Miliput" ...:


    Finally, I drilled in the head a small hole (for a makeshift pin / toothpick)...


    ...and a big one at the bottom of the bust (for the aluminum pin).

    And so the parts are now in front of me - tomorrow they will be primed ...:



    KenBoyle, Nap and Zastrow.cuirassier like this.
  11. Zastrow.cuirassier PlanetFigure Supporter

    A really esoteric subject.
    But an almost perfect review, which makes you want to, at least know the manufacturer.
    Thank you again for this discovery!
    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  12. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    It's really worth it! Legion has great figures!

  13. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    4. Day, February 28, 2019

    Today, Vladimir Semyonovich has first gone swimming!


    In the ultrasonic bath ...


    ... I allowed him to relax for 15 minutes ...:


    While drying...


    ... show the turbidity of the water and the particles that can be seen on the ground ...


    ... where dirt and grease traces have remained!

    Finally it was primed ...:



    Then I packed my scraps together for the workshop ...:


    Before that, however, I have been able to solve an urgent problem:

    Vladimir Wyssotski died in 1980 - at a time when digital photography was not even imaginable, and the paper image dominated - especially in the Soviet Union!

    A good two-thirds of the images that are available from him are therefore black and white, which helps me nothing in determining the details - such as eye and hair colors!

    The color images are either scanned or photographed - and thus less depth-sharp and also color-washed out. As templates, they are good for nuts!

    So I've flawed the www again, and -Hurrraaaah! - found the digital image of a colored graphic showing Wyssotski and after which I will work ...:


    So - Tomorrow at dawn, I will drive from the vibrant glittering metropolis on the Weser ...



    ... to the Harz ...:



    See you next Monday!

  14. Nap Moderator

    Hi Martin

    As always excellent prep and as ZC says makes you want to look at the company more

    Have a good weekend , safe travelling and see you Monday

    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  15. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    5. Day, March 1, 2019

    So how did Vladimir Semyonovich fare during the workshop at Goslar?

    I started on the first day with the most difficult - the eyes! I always do that, for when the eyes are finished, the figure begins to "live" and "speaks" to me. And only then - why I do not know - I can paint a character reasonable ...

    The eye color of Vladimir Semyonovich was gray blue ...:


    So I rummaged in my color box and picked out these colors ...:


    The eyeballs are not made of pure white but I take "Light Flesh" for it - in which I mix a little "Brown Rose" for the inner side (towards the nose) and something "Light Gray" outwards.

    Reward of effort:

    He "lives" ...!




    Henk, KenBoyle and Nap like this.
  16. Nap Moderator

    Hi Martin

    Glad you survived the Harz !

    Eye eye ...what's this then ....nice start ...life is beginning to be breathed into him

    Thanks for sharing

  17. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    6. Day, March 2, 2019

    I start my painting day by underpainting the face of Vladimir Semyonovich with "Basic Skintone". To live outside was not his thing, he spent more time in apartments, smoked pubs, recording studios and concert halls - which is why his skin was little tanned and relatively bright.

    Vladimir Semyonovich actually looks like a zombie with this thin underpainting...:


    While the underpaint of the face is drying, I have made the body likewise. The color consists of a mix of "Prussian Blue" and "Light Gray" ...:

    Obviously, our friend loved jeans shirts, which you could only access in his time in the Soviet Union if you had western contacts or even traveled to western countries.

    And since his wife Marina Vlady was French and he himself was quite famous, Vladimir Semyonovich could travel abroad!

    That's why there are a lot of photos of him with the beloved jeans shirts ...:
    So he will wear such a shirt - although I'm not quite sure how to paint that denim jeans texture best ...

    But - back to the face!

    I put it quite bright, the reasons are higher up, but still try to paint a face in which, so to speak, "something plays".

    These are not just the chapped lips - which he had ...

    ... but also the scarred eyebrows, the asymmetrical nose and the scar on the chin - "memories" of earlier brawls!
    Today's photos are a bit misleading - they show the head much brighter than it really is and a bit too reddish at the temples and in the corners of the eyes - I forgot to make out the daylight lamp above it before taking pictures ...:
    Then I made Vladimir Semyonovich's hair - they were medium brown with a slight sting in mahogany ...:
    And then was - much too fast! - the second workshop day over already.
  18. Martin Antonenko A Fixture

    7. Day, March 3, 2019

    The third and (unfortunately!) last workshop day starts with some corrections:

    I first worked on the lateral hairlines and then - with a mixture of skin color and "umber burned" - much more into the shades.

    Next, our friend got a few chest hairs, which look out of the top of the shirt - and at the very end was the beard shade, which I have painted with "Paynes Gray".

    Vladimir Semyonovich's face is finished with it - and now the colors in the photos show nearly the reality ...:


    I love these meetings in Goslar, in the highly inspiring pewter museum, this unique mix of sitting with minded people, the focused work of giving each other lots of helpful tips, and the cozy chatter and jokes - most of a caliber in which every gender com,issioner's hair would stand on end ...

    And for Vladimir Semyonovich, the workshop was also quite good, I think ...

    Henk, Nap, arj and 1 other person like this.
  19. santi fernandez Well-Known Member

    Martin is a great paint..
    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  20. arj A Fixture

    Very nice work on the face Martin.

    Martin Rohmann likes this.

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