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WIP Austro- Hungarian Alpine Trooper 1916 TFB Miniatures

Discussion in 'Sculpting' started by Steve headley, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi all here is the WIP shots of the next bust from Offo. This is a Austro Hungarian Alpine trooper 1916. It’s about 90% finished. I should have photos by the weekend. Till then here is the first shots of him.

    It will be on the TFB Miniatures website soon.


    TFB Miniatures Team

    6ABF76C2-283D-4215-8CFB-353C9B69CED9.jpeg 26AB55AE-9900-4728-8E7D-377498FD971C.jpeg E626488F-FB9E-43C8-8697-592DA8D5E971.jpeg
    Nap, gforceman and Oda like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Steve

    He is a clever sculptor , if I may ..it's a real shame the medal is covered ...can't he rework the marksmanship cords etc

    Look forward to seeing the style of belt plate ?

    Any pouches planned ?

    Which reference is Offo using ?

    It will paint up well

    Thanks for the preview it's appreciated

  3. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi nap thank you for the kind words, the bust is 90% finished from what I’ve been told he still has work to do on the belts and other bits.
    The medal I will ask but I think he has set the the straps now but will see.

    As for reference he used multiple reference. Some we sent and the rest he has sought out. It’s going to be a beautiful piece when finished for sure. I know when you get yours it’s going to be pushing putty time . But I don’t know how much you can change? But I’m sure you will have a go


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Nap likes this.
  4. Nap Moderator

    Hi folks

    Posting this from Steve Headley.

    Hi all just to let you know I’ve made a bit of a mistake with regards to the Bust. I thought it was based on the Trooper I gave the back story to but I have since been informed that it’s a generic Alpine Trooper and that it’s not the said gentleman. This is totally my fault. I thought it was as the photo we used as an example and then we were given the back story of the person which fitted so my mistake.

    This does not detract from the fact that the bust uniform and equipment are correct it’s just the face and the badges my differ from the photo.

    But it’s still a tribute to the Austro Hungarian Alpine troopers who fought in WW1. Once again thank you for your understanding with this mix up.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Steve headley likes this.
  5. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    great to see a bust of a rare subject. something a bit different from the usual armies of the first world war. look forward to seeing him painted and any further busts.
    Steve headley and Nap like this.

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