A Fixture
It's been a few weeks, about a month methinks, since my last posting on this blog. Why so quiet you may be asking, or not. And so, the purpose of this posting is to inform those vaguely interested why it may be perceived that I have been quiet and perhaps detached over the past few weeks or even months. Even if you're not really interested, but read this blog as a 1/35th scale modeller, keep reading - there may be something of interest herein (he says slyly).
Let's jump right in. Now, whilst I may be been quiet on this blog (and not posting many new reviews lately) I have been busy modelling! OMG! Shocking! Yeah, I know. As most readers of this blog probably know I frequent many, many forums and subscribe to dozens of blog (I'm a self-confessed forum whore!). I think it was last year that I came across a new corner in the modelling world called "Tanks & Things". A site with many Aussie modellers and some big modelling names I made the odd post before over-committing myself to one of the group builds they often run. Quite honestly I was drawn in by the promises of fame and fortune. Just kidding, although the campaign is sponsored of sorts by the Spanish publication Xtreme Modeling. As far as I understand they'll eventually do a photo spread of all (or some?) of the completed entries.
I won't go into the details of the nature of the campaign but I put forward that I would build a Stug III B, since I had the Tamiya 1/35 scale Sturmgeschutz III Ausf B in my closet waiting to be built. Here comes the over commitment bit: I bought 2 Aber PE sets (a general exterior set and fenders - fenders! Bloody hell, PE bloody fenders!), and a set of Friul tracks. Talk about biting off more than I can chew! There I go and enter a group build, procrastinate starting the kit to 3 months before the deadline, and then decide to add more PE than I've ever dealt with as well as tracks I've never dealt with before either. To top it off, for some crazy reason, when I got to the interior stage I even decided to scratchbuild some of the interior. I think there's something wrong with me. Anyway, the build is not going to schedule and I'm way behind. Here's a link to the build for those interested: Rudi's StuG III B. And yes, this is part of the reason I've been off the grid as far as this blog is concerned.
Next up: Some of you may have noticed the feed just under my profile in the right hand column titled FigureOneThreeFive. Some of you may even have clicked it and visited the site. Now if you read the F135 Editorial on 1 Jan '10 (or there abouts) you would know that I am the bugger that started that site/blog. That's right, I've started yet another blog. This time you'll be spared my rants and raves though. FigureOneThreeFive (or Figure 135, or F135) is a blog styled site wherein I'll be posting 1:35 scale figure news, but specifically those figures falling within the Great War (WWI), Inter-War Years period, and World War 2 (WWII). However it's more than just news, I've also been posting links to the reviews of these subjects on a variety of sites. I just post the links, and make no judgement on the review - I expect we all have some form of brain, are able to read the text and between the lines, and make our own deductions and decisions. I should note, that what I'm not linking to are these so-called reviews which simply post the box-art and then descrive it. Yeah, guess what? I can do that when the news is announced if I really care to do so.
So, do yourself a favour, visit http://figure135.blogspot.com/. If you like it, visit again, or better yet subscribe. For the Facebook addicts (again, guilty Your Honour) I've added a FaceBook link and have a group going there as well simply posting the cross links. Feel free to join there as well if you'd prefer. So there you go, another part of the reason I've been off the grid as far as this blog is concerned.
The more astute Armorama/Historicus Forma readers may have noticed something a bit odd this week. Actually i'll almost guarantee it's not what you're thinking. The more observant will have noticed that from about the 15th of February my name no longer appears as the host of the Armorama Figure discussion group, nor about 4 HF DG's. No, it's not a computer glitch, nor was I canned. Due to personal reasons I have resigned from the Kitmaker staff in all capacities. Jim S is kindly facilitating my "extraction"
I gave notice of my intent at the beginning of Feb, ending all hosting duties mid-month, and editorial duties at the end of the month - just to help with any hand-over, not that one is required.
Now, let's get this out the way. When I cite "personal reasons", it is not due to: any discontent within Kitmaker or KMN staff member; or my new blog; or any heightened activity on any other site. The personal reasons we'll get into below, but there is more to this. You see, I'm a firm believer that if one serves on the staff of a club, or organisation, one should be making an active contribution to that organisation. I don't believe in absent landlords. My personal opinion is that if some assigned an editorial position to a site like Armorama or HF cannot spent at least 1 hour a day looking for content, editing features (articles, reviews, news, etc), encouraging users then one should reconsider their role. Similarly if one hosts a discussion group, one should be prepared to spend an hour or 2 a week posting interesting links, and encouraging discussions about DG related topics (it is called a discussion group). I found earlier this year that I was getting to the point where I felt I wasn't contributing enough to this regard and as time was about to become even more scarce, I felt it better to step down and let someone else, someone fresh, pick up the gauntlet.
If you're wondering if you missed a post on Armorama/HF regarding this, no you haven't. Consider yourself special; I'll make an announcement on Armorama/HFlater this month.
I need to clarify one further point though: I will still be reviewing modelling products. So fear not.
So, now, the main reason I've been quieter? Well, I'm going to keep you in suspense just a bit longer. Afterall, it is personal. Did you really think I'd go into the personal bit now? Watch this space, it's a good'un! ;-)
Let's jump right in. Now, whilst I may be been quiet on this blog (and not posting many new reviews lately) I have been busy modelling! OMG! Shocking! Yeah, I know. As most readers of this blog probably know I frequent many, many forums and subscribe to dozens of blog (I'm a self-confessed forum whore!). I think it was last year that I came across a new corner in the modelling world called "Tanks & Things". A site with many Aussie modellers and some big modelling names I made the odd post before over-committing myself to one of the group builds they often run. Quite honestly I was drawn in by the promises of fame and fortune. Just kidding, although the campaign is sponsored of sorts by the Spanish publication Xtreme Modeling. As far as I understand they'll eventually do a photo spread of all (or some?) of the completed entries.
I won't go into the details of the nature of the campaign but I put forward that I would build a Stug III B, since I had the Tamiya 1/35 scale Sturmgeschutz III Ausf B in my closet waiting to be built. Here comes the over commitment bit: I bought 2 Aber PE sets (a general exterior set and fenders - fenders! Bloody hell, PE bloody fenders!), and a set of Friul tracks. Talk about biting off more than I can chew! There I go and enter a group build, procrastinate starting the kit to 3 months before the deadline, and then decide to add more PE than I've ever dealt with as well as tracks I've never dealt with before either. To top it off, for some crazy reason, when I got to the interior stage I even decided to scratchbuild some of the interior. I think there's something wrong with me. Anyway, the build is not going to schedule and I'm way behind. Here's a link to the build for those interested: Rudi's StuG III B. And yes, this is part of the reason I've been off the grid as far as this blog is concerned.
Next up: Some of you may have noticed the feed just under my profile in the right hand column titled FigureOneThreeFive. Some of you may even have clicked it and visited the site. Now if you read the F135 Editorial on 1 Jan '10 (or there abouts) you would know that I am the bugger that started that site/blog. That's right, I've started yet another blog. This time you'll be spared my rants and raves though. FigureOneThreeFive (or Figure 135, or F135) is a blog styled site wherein I'll be posting 1:35 scale figure news, but specifically those figures falling within the Great War (WWI), Inter-War Years period, and World War 2 (WWII). However it's more than just news, I've also been posting links to the reviews of these subjects on a variety of sites. I just post the links, and make no judgement on the review - I expect we all have some form of brain, are able to read the text and between the lines, and make our own deductions and decisions. I should note, that what I'm not linking to are these so-called reviews which simply post the box-art and then descrive it. Yeah, guess what? I can do that when the news is announced if I really care to do so.
So, do yourself a favour, visit http://figure135.blogspot.com/. If you like it, visit again, or better yet subscribe. For the Facebook addicts (again, guilty Your Honour) I've added a FaceBook link and have a group going there as well simply posting the cross links. Feel free to join there as well if you'd prefer. So there you go, another part of the reason I've been off the grid as far as this blog is concerned.
The more astute Armorama/Historicus Forma readers may have noticed something a bit odd this week. Actually i'll almost guarantee it's not what you're thinking. The more observant will have noticed that from about the 15th of February my name no longer appears as the host of the Armorama Figure discussion group, nor about 4 HF DG's. No, it's not a computer glitch, nor was I canned. Due to personal reasons I have resigned from the Kitmaker staff in all capacities. Jim S is kindly facilitating my "extraction"

Now, let's get this out the way. When I cite "personal reasons", it is not due to: any discontent within Kitmaker or KMN staff member; or my new blog; or any heightened activity on any other site. The personal reasons we'll get into below, but there is more to this. You see, I'm a firm believer that if one serves on the staff of a club, or organisation, one should be making an active contribution to that organisation. I don't believe in absent landlords. My personal opinion is that if some assigned an editorial position to a site like Armorama or HF cannot spent at least 1 hour a day looking for content, editing features (articles, reviews, news, etc), encouraging users then one should reconsider their role. Similarly if one hosts a discussion group, one should be prepared to spend an hour or 2 a week posting interesting links, and encouraging discussions about DG related topics (it is called a discussion group). I found earlier this year that I was getting to the point where I felt I wasn't contributing enough to this regard and as time was about to become even more scarce, I felt it better to step down and let someone else, someone fresh, pick up the gauntlet.
If you're wondering if you missed a post on Armorama/HF regarding this, no you haven't. Consider yourself special; I'll make an announcement on Armorama/HFlater this month.
I need to clarify one further point though: I will still be reviewing modelling products. So fear not.
So, now, the main reason I've been quieter? Well, I'm going to keep you in suspense just a bit longer. Afterall, it is personal. Did you really think I'd go into the personal bit now? Watch this space, it's a good'un! ;-)