Wer’e off to Lovely Lisbon this month with Paulo


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all

After a hectic festive season time to go travelling ....this month we are off to Portugal 🇵🇹, where in Lisbon lives our artist .......


A really talented and very unassuming artist and a pleasure to interview , always willing to share his painting skills and a fine ambassador to this great hobby of ours

I present to you PAULO CARRELO (Social Media name PAULO PAULO)


Imagine the beautiful city , we are sat in a cafe having a suitable refreshment all ready to have a good chat ....so off we go ........

A really talented and very unassuming artist and a pleasure to interview , always willing to share his painting skills and a fine ambassador to this great hobby of ours

1 Tell us your background and details about you ?

So…long story short…I Love Art -Painting/Drawing/Sculpting since ever, but this was allways rellyed to Military world…when I was young, I used the school materials to try to reproduce the “Heroes” I saw in TV, Knights with Flags where doubtless my favourite. Time passed and the passion stayed. The Military world was my other love, so I joined the Marines for Military Service. Until that time I had just made some kits of airplanes and batle tanks, with no level at all, just for fun like every Modeler I know.
By now I will tell my aproach to Figures Painting, I will separate it as THEN and NOW because I believe its so diferent when I started…and now, anyway all my works are Military subjects, apart from my Fantasy Figures and exptionally one or two other works

2 How long have you been painting or sculpting figures , what got you started into this form of art ?

(THEN) - I start painting Miniatures in 1999, when I passed in front of a Hobby Shop and saw a Portuguese Colonial War Soldier -120 mm (Verlinden Coversion), it was so real and unbealivable for me at that time – I just tnhink “ I must paint like that !! absolutely “I start sculpting 1 year after, because I bought the Bill Horan´s Book, and off course I wanted to try it, although everybody called me crazy at that time.
It was the times of “Acrylic fever” VALLEJO was the sensation at that times, more clean, no smell, not toxic, we could clean with water and of course a great variety of colours – they had just defeated oils and enamels at that time. There was also a wide variety of publications teaching how to use them and many SBS pictures, This and some DEMO´s on the Modelling Show´s where my first steps into painting.

(NOW) Each time I stop is hard to retake the Hobby again, so my secret here is to inspire my self, watching other Artist works, new techniques - Non Metalic Metal or OSL, or oil painting, and understand, Why they use it? – is it better? -is it more real?- is it more easy? …understanding this makes me feel like test it, and guess what?...automaticly I´m back again in my Bench amusing my self with no effort, give it a try !!
Inspiration is not “Airborne” you must search it also, as all good things on life.
It can also appears from a movie, an Art Book a Comics Book, inspiration is every wehere. Another good is read a book or Modelling Magazine, I have all Books from Mike Blank, again Bill Horan, or Danilo Cartacci are a good exemple to follow, its like get inside the head of a “Genious” and you can find some isnpiration, and easy to follow “logic” steps you should take to make a Figure, often I read more than once, those Books, and each time I find a diferent interresting detail

3 Who if any artist is the main influence and has motivated you to your current level ?

Modeling is a Hobby that we take inspiration from others, and…give Inspiration to others…allways !! Don´t be ashamed of this

(THEN) There is so many good Artists…so I will speak mostly about those I met personally or have worked with, so my first steps was with Fernando Cunha and Jose Luiz Muñoz, to more popular Artists:

Rodrigo Chacon, doubtless the Artist I admire most, this Spanish Artist´s acuratte and smooth Painting is just incredible, Rodrigo gives “soul” to each Figure he touches and he have allways an answer for your questions.

Pietro Balloni, is also a superb Painter and better person, he teached me how to paint with Oils, is technique is ...so much simple, I had tried before with no sucess, but with him I really understand oils, he uses a minimum quantity of oil in the figure, only enough to be …PERFECT, (thanks Pietro), I must admit also that Alex Cortina, later, gave me good advices in oils

My Painting style as inluence of Jeremy Bonamment in wet on wet technique, Fernando Ruiz from FER, simple but efective, he chooses the most simple way to reach is objective, I learn to be practice with him, and also Diego Ruina in acrylics

I admire a lot Juan Carlos Avila Ribadas, Jose “Pepe” Gallardo, Danilo Cartacci, Alfonso Praolo, and many others.

(Now) Actually my main interrest goes to Fantasy Painters, as they bring so many difediferent techniques and points of view, there are so many New good Artists it´s impossible to name all, so I name- @iguazzustudio -Alex Varela, and is amzzing desaturated style of painting, also David Arroba and Jose Da Vinci, have a clean painting style and organized way of work.

4 Are you a member of any club or association ?

Actually no!!

5 Do you have a favourite paint product or medium ?

I´ve started with acrylics, and I love them for is simplicity, I use them for everything acurate like free hand drawing on Heraldry, because they are precise, otherwise for fabrics because they are matt, usually I do the first steps in airbrush or wet on wet tecnhique, this allows me to jump 10 steps and reach the objective faster – then I use that spareyd time in details where is more importante, using more classic techniques
I also love OILS mostly in everything organic like the skin, wood and leather, it sounds stupid but using oils is even more easy than acrylics, in big surfaces like skin on Busts it´s a lot easier to blend than acrylics

6 On average how long to complete a piece ?

This is…a awful question …depends a lot on everything
I´ll simplify saying normal 2 or 3 weeks – but depends on the level of the Figures (free-hand or not) and of my peorsonal life

7 Have you a preferred subject and in what scale to work on ie: historical/ fantasy ?

Romans and Barabarians / Midle Ages Knights 15 century foot soldiers / 30 Years War /ECW – are my favourites / apart of that all the Figures that call my atention and …sometimes the fashion of the moment
As for Scales, I like bigger scales from 75mm and 120mm also, because it´s amore “visible” scale, all call attentions, also Busts are amazing and they are faster to do, because there are no groundwork to do

8 Have you a favourite piece in the display cabinet ?

A lot…maybe Hartmann von Oue at this moment and all my scratch works, but actually what I really like is the challenge to make a new Figure, when I finish …I just think in Painting a new one


So let’s enjoy some of Paulo's artwork both Military and fantasy ( click on for larger images )


Some excellent painting there ..........enjoy those before we continue with part 2 of the interview after finishing lunch of course 😉😋

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We are back after being suitably refreshed internally and inspired by seeing some of Paulo’s artwork .......

Let’s continue with the interview .....

9 Is there a subject you’ve not done yet but want to ?

Several I believe, maybe a small vignette telling a small story with a group of Figures ( I have a couple of ideas like this on Nap and Mediaval subjects)

10 Is there a favourite manufacturer you’ve worked with ?

(THEN) Doubtless PEGASO my favourite brande ever, the poses of the Figures, the subjects their Artboxes made them number 1 in the Figures Market for years (more than a half of my grey army is PEGASO), I must admite that actually FER took a litlle this place of PEGASO …we can´t way to see the News of the month
(NOW) Actually we have a lot of 3D brands that have take the. Figures to other level – it´s where RP MODELS comes as a revolucionary Brand, I know them since the beggining and they have developed a lot since then – allways searching to go further
Fantasy brands like BLACK CROW, HERA,and many private manufacturers have also amazing stuff

11 What’s your favourite model show ?

Hard to say …the ones Ive been and liked most was LYON /LUGDUNUM SHOW - SEVRES -LEGANES – VALE DE AOSTA – MONTREUX (WE )

[/B]12 What’s your thoughts on the current world of Miniatures ?[/b]

Historic Modelling is diyng… that´s a fact …we are the same in the last 20 years – and that´s “our” fault, we put the standards very high so new blood was not welcome – critisizing a lot, being sarcastic with them, and showing the “black side” of Modelling – nothing in life is perfect …why should Modelling be ??
Otherwise Fantasy is the “Queen Class” on Show´s – precisely because Artists have more freedoom of colors and subjects and also a open mentality

13 Where do you see the future of the hobby heading ?

Doubtless 3D has a word to say in the future of Modelling …everything will pass by them.
About PAINTING …the young Artists from Fantasy really bring something NEW and diferente, and thats why Fantasy is growing more and more, they are valorizing more the artistic side using techniques like OSL, NMM, and the comics style for example
As for Show´s I do believe the smaller local Show´s should have change to a 1 day format, maybe peoples would participate more, because it demands less costs and logistics for Organizers and also for Visitors

14 Any thoughts on 3D compared to traditional sculpting ?

3 D brings to life things we have dreamed off for long Time …
It´s practical and versatile and have developed a lot in the last 5 years, and it has just started…
Although as na Artist I must confess that a hand made sculpture it´s a perfect imperfection, and I still love it

15 Do you much sculpting/ conversion on your figures ?

I do almost conversions instead of Sculpting, because I use comercial heads and weapons/ acessories – but I just love to do it - I work mostly with DURO /MAGIC SCULPT/TAMYIA epoxies sometimes I just change a litlle a commercial figure to give her different look
About transformations/single pieces for me number one will allways be Bill Horan “father of all Scratch Building” is unbelivable what he made at that times (and still now) followed by Mariano Numitone and his endless originality, Mike Blank, Mario Ruberti, Antonio Zapatero, and many others

As Commercial Sculptors Andrea Jula is a amazzing person and better Sculptor, and you feel that this is more than a Hobby for him. I believe he is the best on Mediaval subjects

16 Is there anyone you’d like to see featured in “Meet the Artist” ?

Of course yes – Mariano Numitone (I can help on that)

Well what can I say except ......E7521275-81B3-47B6-90FE-2421F58809FD.jpeg

This leave me only one thing to do .......let everybody enjoy even more of this artists work ( click on for larger images )

Firstly some figures ....

Misc pieces


And of course as it’s me interviewing........Busts

5E756FA2-D9CB-49E2-AA16-A043E8578C9B.jpeg542CE52C-8766-4DF9-ACDF-B05E40FBCEB3.jpegF30207E0-EA67-4887-869A-56F1D36D94EF.jpegEFC8A047-9BFA-4FD1-B9B1-0FE8C3386F51.jpegF95C95FB-1B1E-4E36-8083-FCF5E8660E43.jpeg11A67E4E-E0F8-4965-934F-CFB56AC03EA9.jpeg39CA1C00-116D-49E1-90A8-5A7D5624878A.jpeg59603A70-6E35-4CB8-8EE5-71FB964CA6ED.jpeg821811D0-C210-4E55-97DE-9BBD60DC39B6.jpeg.......the man himself

Love the broad range of figures on display here, a stunningly rendered Gandalf next to authentic historical figures, modern soldiers...just fantastic.
Thank you for the lovely trip to Lisbon and for introducing us to this artist. Congratulations to both of you for this lovely interview.