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Review Wang Zhaojun From Linjo

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Nap, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi to all on PF ,

    Following on from my previous post about this release


    its now my pleasure to do the full review for your interest .

    The subjct is one of the beauties in Ancient China a lady called Wang Zhaojun, so as normal lets have a bit of information about this lady :

    Wang Qiang also known as Wang Zhaojun was a real person, born in a village called Baopin in the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 8 AD).She was married off to strengthen the Dynasty through this union. She is famed as one of the 4 beauties of ancient China and her story as a ‘political bride’ has handed down to generations.

    A very clever woman who had several children throughout her life , adept at using her charms to pacify the warring states for over 60 years, a favourite of the Emperor.

    She has been depicted in many illustrations and her story has been the subject of modern media presentations , including film and well as about 700 poems and songs and 40 kinds of stories and folktales.

    A noted musician of the Zheng something she is often depicted with.

    There is a Memorial to Zhaojun in Inner Mongolia although it is called a "Tomb", she is not actually buried there. Her date of death and true grave is unknown.

    The subject is a great companion piece to the previous releases of the beauties :

    Lin Chong : http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/lin-chong-from-linjo-models.46067/watch-confirmand

    Concubine Yang: http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/imperial-concubine-from-linjo-models.46404/watch-confirm

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  2. Nap Moderator

    Lets have a look at the model now :

    As usual the model comes in a distinctive cardboard box , with a full colour picture on the front , the parts are sandwiched between thick foam ..absolutely no chance of damage to the cast parts included .

    Details of the model are as follows:

    Subject title:Wang Zhaojun

    Scale: 200mm

    Parts: 13

    Material: Resin

    Code: LJ20020

    Sculptor: Chunmei Zhou

    The parts consist of the following all cast in a very light cream resin, the torso, the head(hooded) the arm , hand, the musical instrument (consisting of 6 separate parts) some fine wire for the strings, , earrings and the standard base.

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    kev 263.jpg

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  3. Nap Moderator

    Lets have a look at the actual resin now starting with the torso:

    As I said all pieces are cast in a cream resin, she wears the cloak as depicted in many illustrations , possibly velvet , its plain but was certainly highy decorated (great chance to use the fine painting skills!) .

    The torso includes the left arm which is under the cape , thee is a locating insert for the lower arm .

    The cloak would I feel have been ermine on the edges ...a nice contrast with the bright red colour of the main material .

    The folds are softly done and will allow the painter to produce a finely painted model , on the right side there is a casting lug to remove but as normal , not a problem .

    She wears a traditional chinese dress , the undercuts all over are 1st class , particularly at the neck area .

    Despite using my optivisor I can see no other casting lines to deal with ..Hats off and a round of applause to Linjo (y)

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  4. Nap Moderator

    Lets have a look at the arm :

    This again has some beautiful flowing material , all making panting so easy and more enjoyable , there is a lug which fits perfectly into the opposite underneath the cloak , a small casting remnant will need to be romved prior to this .

    The presentation of the material just seems to cry out for detail work t be painted on .

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    kev 275.jpg
  5. Nap Moderator

    Now onto the head itself:

    This has to be one of the best pieces both in sculpting with all the undercuts and in casting and a credit to both sculptor and caster ...both are masters of their art.

    The headpiece consists of the face beig enveloped in the ermine edged hood , looking at the hood first there is a casting lug to remove carefully on the top ...sanding pads to the fore guys.....easy , folds are again soft and very natural looking .

    The face itself is a beautiful and delicate sculpt , details are very femine and finely detailed, with absolutely no blemish or casting line to worry about , infact her face is like a fine bone chine , wonderfully smooth .

    Her hairstyle is nicely done with hair brooches cast in underneath the hood ...just how did they do that and with some of the best undercuts I have ever seen !!!!

    Fit into the torso neck area is great with only a little filling (a swipe only) where the ermine joins that on the torso ...easy .

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  6. Nap Moderator

    Lets move on now to the actual instrument the Zheng:

    Firstly a little information about this distinctive instrument :

    The zheng is an ancient Chinese instrument. It has been developed from a small instrument made from bamboo, originally used by herdsman. It was very popular during ancient times, as early as the Warring States Period and the Qin Dynasty (225 to 206 BC and earlier). The Zheng has an arched surface and is elongated-trapezoidal with 13 to 21 strings stretched over individual bridges. Although metal strings are common today, the strings were of silk in ancient times. The modern zheng rests on two pedestals and is played using 3 to 4 imitation fingernails. On the right side of the bridges, both hands pluck the strings and on the left side, the left fingers bend the strings to change pitch or to provide embellishment. Its playing range spans three to four octaves.

    Details on the actual instrument are clean and finely done with only a small casting plug to remove at the base , the top of the instrument has holes ready to take the tuning pieces , you have to put the strings on either using the fine wire provided or possibly stretched sprue ....there is also a piece with flower decoration to fix to the top (see box art) .

    A very distinctive and unusual item and it certainly adds interest to the piece ..again some great sculpting and casting .

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  7. Nap Moderator

    Now looking at the remaining pieces :

    All were enclosed in a clear plastic bag and includes the following :

    The tuning pieces for the instrument (small casing plugs to remove , these pieces are well produced and look great when fitted , also in the pack were some fine wire for the strings , you aso have the top piece with the flower decoration , small amount of work to remove a casting plug ...at the end you will have abeautifully sculpted version of this instrument .

    Also in the pack were 2 tiny drop pearl drop earrings , these will have to be caefully removed otherwise they might end up lost in the carpet!!!!

    The hand is as with the face delicate , fit is spot on , the fingers include some longer "false nails" used when playing the instrument so don't think these need to be removed !!!

    Also in the box you have a nice little pedastal plinth , fit into the underside of the bust is good , I suggest you pin as well.

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  8. Nap Moderator

    Hi to all ,

    My final thoughts on this release from Linjo :

    Its a great subject , love the addition of the instrument

    Presentation and sculpting are Ist class IMO

    Casting has been carried out extremely well with minimal casting remnants to remove.

    Details on the bust are clean and with great undercuts

    This is a great addition to the range , which as with the previous releases has QUALITY from the time you open the box to displaying the finished bust ...WELL DONE Linjo

    As always this and other Linjo products can be obtained direct from Linjo via the website...always an enjoyable experience visiting this .


  9. kansas kid Well-Known Member

    A very comprehensive kit view, . . . indeed.
    Thanks for all the information and the
    Kansas Kid

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