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Waffen SS MG42 Gunner, WWII - Young Miniatures Review

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Guy, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Guy A Fixture

    "Waffen SS MG42 Gunner, Ardennes, 1944"
    1/10th scale resin - 28 parts
    Sculpted by Ebroin
    Painted by Sang Eon Lee

    Waffen 01.jpg

    Junes new release from Young Miniatures is a bust (1/2 figure) of a Waffen SS Gunner at the battle of the Ardennes in late 1944. A large kit consisting of 28 parts with a complete construction sheet for building the weapon. I am sure we will see many of these at upcoming shows.

    [ continued in next posting ]

    Mike S. and Steve like this.
  2. Guy A Fixture

    Waffen 02.JPG

    Arriving in Young's traditional black box with all the parts sealed in bags as well as cushioned by layers of foam the above photo shows the box open and the bags containing all the parts to the kit.

    I shall photograph the parts to each bag as to not get the parts mixed up for later assembly.

    Kit Parts

    Waffen 03.JPG
    Bust torso

    Waffen 04.JPG
    Bag 1

    Waffen 05.JPG
    Bag 2

    Waffen 5a.JPG
    Bag 3

    Waffen 06.JPG
    Bag 4

    Waffen 6a.JPG
    Bag 5

    Above are the contents of each bag laid out for inspection and to be photographed.

    Waffen 07.JPG Waffen 08.JPG

    Waffen 09.JPG Waffen 10.JPG

    Waffen 11.JPG Waffen 12.JPG

    Above you see the various views of the separate cast head.

    [ continued in next posting ]

    Aumakua likes this.
  3. Guy A Fixture

    Waffen 13.JPG Waffen 14.JPG

    Waffen 15.JPG Waffen 16.JPG

    Waffen 17.JPG Waffen 18.JPG

    Above is the main torso section of the bust showing the beautiful detain of the fur liner of the heavy coat

    Waffen 19.JPG

    Waffen 20.JPG Waffen 21.JPG

    Waffen 22.JPG Waffen 23.JPG

    In showing the helmet I decided to combine the helmet and the head for photographing.

    [ continued in next posting ]

    Aumakua likes this.
  4. Guy A Fixture

    Waffen 24.JPG Waffen 25.JPG

    Waffen 26.JPG Waffen 27.JPG

    Above you see the head, helmet and torso section of the bust dry-fitted together. Excellent fitment.

    Waffen 28.JPG Waffen 29.JPG

    Above you see the hands with the optional hand holding the pistol or the glove. A very nice touch here with the optional hand.

    Waffen 30.JPG Waffen 31.JPG

    Above you see the front and back of each arm as well as the underneath of the helmet showing the lug recepter for correct placement on the head.

    Waffen 32.JPG Waffen 33.JPG

    Above you see the front and back of the waist pouch and pistol holster.

    Waffen 34.jpg

    Above is a scanned and reduced copy of a complete assembly guide for the machine gun that he is carrying over the left shoulder.

    [ continued in next posting ]

  5. Guy A Fixture

    Additional Box Art Photographs
    Painted by
    Sang Eon Lee

    Waffen 35.jpg

    Waffen 36.jpg

    Waffen 38.jpg

    Waffen 39.jpg

    Waffen 40.jpg

    Waffen 41.jpg

    Waffen 42.jpg

    Waffen 43.jpg

    Waffen 44.jpg

    A beautiful kit sculpted by Ebroin and engineered by the Young Team. Well cast with small mold blocks to remove before painting. Highly recommended.

    Young Miniatures web-site
    click here

  6. Sambaman Well-Known Member

    Another stellar review Guy, thanks! That gun is a kit on its own! Nice bust for sure.

    Jay H.
  7. Major_Goose Well-Known Member

    Well this for a fisrt time would be a WWII kit that i would paint . i really like this very much !!!

  8. stu A Fixture

    I got my 2 kits and it is as good as it looks. Great review Guy of a fantastic kit.

  9. Einion Well-Known Member

    Great, thanks Guy - I was looking forward to seeing how the face looked in the resin and as I expected it's much better.

    Lots of superb sculpting on this one!

  10. Kevin D. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Good morning Guy!

    Great review and what a gorgeous piece!!

    I sent a pm to you.


  11. housecarl Moderator

    Beautiful bust, I always smile when I type that. I would like to know how Lee gets that fabric effect.
    Excellent all round,
  12. nautilas Member

    Hi guys got mine today, but i would love to know how those lines on the uniform are done, they look like white lines. roy.
  13. joepanzer PlanetFigure Supporter

  14. Michael Tse Active Member

    So do I. I think one can do without it as we basically always have done without it. But then came Lee's magic touch, and now we all think we CANT do without it... Wicked.

    Have started building it. I am definitely a very very inexperienced builder, so this may not be how the others find it:

    To mount the machine gun on the shoulders in a specific way (the position of which is helpfully indicated by moulded troughs on the shoulder) and then ensure the front part of the gun meets the hand holding it is rather tricky.

    It would have been easy if the left arm fits right into the torso but on both front and back of joint there is a sizable gap so puttying is required, and one can't be too sure about the exact way to attach the arm due to the considerable widths of gaps until he/she establishes the exact positioning of the machine gun.

    I haven't read any comments on building this kit yet so I bring this up. Would love to hear from you guys on how you find it and hopefully I could benefit...
  15. Frank-Holger Member

    The first bust I will buy. Your reviews rock a tousand times! All I can say is a big hurrah for the times we live in with such awesome sculpters and painters!

  16. Tommi A Fixture

    Nice review Guy, not my period of interest but I will be purchasing for sure, just like everything about it.

  17. Ventress Well-Known Member

    Thats my birthday pressie sorted!
  18. Tommi A Fixture

    Got mine last week, a well engineered kit, beautiful detail and casting, thanks for the review, it sold it to me (y)

  19. kiwi45 Active Member

    God, another bust I'll have to get, also sold on the review. Cheers Les
  20. pinsel Active Member

    thats one i have liked at first glance.
    alone from the box art.
    i saw the fabrik look too and ask myself ho its done.i could thing after the painting an certain form of gaze or something is placed on the surface and then with an fine mix of paint in whites or so is brought on maybe even airbrushed....
    like an certain kind of print....
    in any case this shows what first rate peoples invente in this hobby.always
    the level go higher.

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