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Volgor The Skull Hunter - Kit Review

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Guy, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. Guy A Fixture

    WS 02
    Volgor the skull Hunter
    54mm white (actually a 90mm in size)
    Sculpted by Joaquin Palacios
    Painter unknown
    12 parts

    This is the second figure I recieved today from Andrea's WarLord Saga series. The figure came in a much larger box with color guides on both the front and back of the sleeve.



    The parts are sandwiched between thick foam and inside a heavy cardboard box with the color guide as a cleeve.


    The figure is comprised of 12 parts cast in white metal.


    The largest part is the main torso with the 2 legs fitting into their respective sides and then fastening into the base.



    Here is the torso and legs balanced together and fit onto the base. Excellent fitment to these parts.


    The head is loaded with detail and has the bottom teeth cast seperetly to aid in painting and added detail.


    ** continued in next post **
  2. Guy A Fixture

    The loincloth is highly detailed and after a test fit was good.


    The fur detail is unbelievable and will paint up beautifully after dry-brushing the highlights on.


    Here is the only problem I found with the kit. The flashing around all of the sheild. Its gonna take alot of filing on this one to remove this. I tried a knife and it will take more than just a few scrapes of a knife. Major casting flaw......but workable with a little time.


    Even with the flashing, the sheild is loaded with detail and will really stand out after being painted.


    Finished photos of Volgor.



    Having not done a fantasy figure in over 20 years, I really look forward to painting theses 2 figures. Even with Volgor's flashing on the sheild.....highly reccomended. Excellent detail overall.
  3. Jim Patrick Active Member

    Add another one to the list of "Gotta Have" :lol: Nice review Guy. That thing is LOADED with detail!

    Jim Patrick
  4. Guy A Fixture

    It sure is Jim.

    My question to Andrea and other manufacturers:

    If they can produce and sell a fantasy figure in 90mm white metal for 47.95.......why are their other 90mm figures 95 to 100 dollars?

    I wonder what their logic is here?
  5. Sambaman Well-Known Member

    I have thought the exact same thing. For what it's worth:

    I think that maybe this figure, or this type of figure might have a wider appeal, and they may be able to recoup their investment sooner (more units sold over all). Thus the lower price. I think the "historical" pieces have a much narrower spectrum of interest - so it's much harder to make up for the initial manufacturing costs. I think they may be spreading their overhead over fewer figures with the historicals verses the fantasy pieces.

    Does that make any scense at all?......my two cents worth. :lol:

    Jay H.
  6. polyphemus Well-Known Member

    Funnily enough get down to 28mm and the reverse is very much the case. Fantasy figs can cost considerably more than historicals. Probably just a case of charging what the market will bear.


  7. mcsnead17 Member

    the french fantasy-28mm or 30mm figures can cost as much 45.00 for one figure-confrontation(rackham figures).

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