Viking Warrior


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
After doing the kit review I started to sand down the mold lines and drill and peg the parts I was going to paint seperately and attach later. I decided to epoxy the chest / upper torso to the legs / hip part and paint together. I also drilled into the botom of the cape and attached to a work base. Now the parts are all primered and I will paint the base coats next. The head and hands get a base of Humbrol #121 for the base for the tube oil flesh.

Here is the finished Box Art that Young B. Song painted. I hope to come close to looking this good.


Here is where I am at now with the main parts of the torso pegged onto work bases and the head, helmet, and right arm pegged onto dowels for ease in painting. The Sheild and axe were put into a clothes pin for painting.


Viking Kit Review
Guy, Ihave no doubt that your viking will look every bit as good as the box art when you're finished. I've got a feeling that you've already answered this silly question somewhere but I was wondering what's your technique for glueing the arms & other pieces you paint separately? Since epoxy requires you to hold the pieces in place for a bit, do you have a problem with some of the paint smearing or disappearing? Thanks.
Thanks for the votes of confidence Marc, Mike and Keith. I hope it comes out well myself.

Mike - Before I glue the arm on for example, I will give the finished arm a clear flat coat of poly s acrylic "Clear Flat". I will also paint the oposite side, in this case the cape, also in "Clear Flat" to help protect the paint from my fingers. I have done this for years and it seems to work. If, for some reason, there is a place that needs to be touched up, I usually will do a "spot paint" over the small area before I give the figure the final drybrushing, which will help eliminate any difference in color.

hope this helps
Today was spent base coating the Viking and also looking for information on their clothing. Here are a few links I had saved.

Viking Tunics

Anything you want to know about Vikings

Viking Armor

Images of Medevil Armor

Glossary of Armor Terms (with links)

Tomorrow I will second coat the base colors and post a photo
I have base coated the Viking and begun blending and shading his trousers, tunic, cape and fur. The fur has been dry brushed with 4 lighter colors. The flesh I will do tomorrow.





I am not quite happy with the tunic and have not decided what to do about it yet.

All comments welcome :)
Hey Guy,the fur looks real good (y) ! BTW,is there a reason why the pictures are still so grainy-looking ;) ? Just wondering. Cheers !
Kenneth :lol:
Thanks Kenneth.

The Viking has progressed somewhat and is now being assembled from the seperate dowel pegs and the shield attached to the right arm. I have been playing with lighting and backgrounds to try to get a better way is to get a new camera with more macro I think.




All comments welcome.

Still alot more to do.
No point in slowing down now Guy :lol: . Looking forward to seeing the groundwork and how you tie it all together.

Jim Patrick
Looks great, Guy ! Colour combination looks good too. Will you put him in a winter setting?

I find Vikings intrigueing subjects - They say they discovered Newfoundland ... if I ever do a viking, it will be one who's just arrived in Newfoundland.
Hey Guy,sorry for the late reply,been very busy.

Your figure looks great,you are doing a fantastic job.
Have you decided on the ground work,I think a nice Winter scene would look great.

Keep up the good work.


Roc. :)
Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate them.

Marc - I'll get back with your email

I have gone through my base cabinet and selected one of my S&T bases because of the color. With the Viking being in so much blue and the snow scene, the reddish color of the base would set it off. The shield is painted on the inside and needs to have the design done next. I needed to get the Viking set so I could attach the shield and paint it from the outside.





all comments are welcome
Thanks Marc. I am working on the shield now and also attaching the sword, knife and pouch. The groundwork will be done very simply in the next few days as I work on the shield.
I have made slow progress with the Viking over the last several days but have managed to do a small amount of plastering around the feet and also paint the base color of the plaster with acrylic burnt umber. Next step is a black wash to the ground area and then dry-brush with humbrol flesh.


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