A Fixture
After doing the kit review I started to sand down the mold lines and drill and peg the parts I was going to paint seperately and attach later. I decided to epoxy the chest / upper torso to the legs / hip part and paint together. I also drilled into the botom of the cape and attached to a work base. Now the parts are all primered and I will paint the base coats next. The head and hands get a base of Humbrol #121 for the base for the tube oil flesh.
Here is the finished Box Art that Young B. Song painted. I hope to come close to looking this good.
Here is where I am at now with the main parts of the torso pegged onto work bases and the head, helmet, and right arm pegged onto dowels for ease in painting. The Sheild and axe were put into a clothes pin for painting.
Viking Kit Review
Here is the finished Box Art that Young B. Song painted. I hope to come close to looking this good.
Here is where I am at now with the main parts of the torso pegged onto work bases and the head, helmet, and right arm pegged onto dowels for ease in painting. The Sheild and axe were put into a clothes pin for painting.
Viking Kit Review