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Review Viking bust from RP Models

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Nap, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi to everyone

    Previously released before my last review of Curley here https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/us-cavalry-indian-scout-curley-all-scales.671670/

    Announced by Hugo here : https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/viking-last-stand-in-stamford-bridge.598179/

    I will just do the actual 1/12th bust but there are full figures in both 120 and 75mm , you can see RP’s pictures here of all scales in the release announcement https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/viking-last-stand-in-stamford-bridge.598179/

    On the figures the bust have been scaled down accordingly and with additional pieces but being a 3D there is no difference in the quality

    The release features a warrior of legend swinging the long handled “Dane axe” , said to have killed 40 plus on the bridge at Standford giving the others time to form a shield wall , he was killed by a spear thrust from under the bridge by the enemy


    Details of release

    Title: Standford Bridge - Viking Last Stand ( from Ancient World Series )

    Reference: RP-06-B-0008

    Scale: 1/12th

    Material: Dark Gray Resin

    No of parts: 11 plus information insert

    Sculptor: 3D

    Casting : In House

    Box Art: N/A

    Note: As with previous release this is a limited run of 150 worldwide
    All stock is with RP partners only with UK stockists being SK MINIATURES and EL GRECO Miniatures
    Non UK suppliers include include BERLINZINFIGURE, WENDY's and many more

    References used for review


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    90AA2816-091F-442A-8220-FAA8B8B6A658.jpeg 542A8884-3A84-444B-B801-10B8DFA6CEC9.jpeg

    Books that are good information and background

    D1DBFA3C-B5CA-45E0-B891-7966B3FDAAB1.jpeg 4A7A4213-2EA9-48A3-8E69-F2FC269E12D0.jpeg 27FC683C-4969-4016-A3B1-BB6B35D8EB8B.jpeg

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    As with all RP releases in a black box the parts in resealable bags enclosed in polystyrene chips, on top the information insert ( signed and numbered personally by Hugo ) , there is a slip over wrapper

    7B7618FF-CC3E-4D3D-ABD7-15F9B810B555.jpeg 5885E511-A474-4A45-A2B0-9AD54C1AD93D.jpeg

    Parts consist of Torso , 2 Arms , head , Axe , sheathed Sword and Knife , Shield , a small bag , drinking horn , eye protector

    The Shield is placed at the bottom of the box without packing but safe from possible damage

    Continued in next post

    mazayas011 and Oda like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    On now to the resin

    All parts are cast in a dark gray resin , personally not too keen on it but it helps the team when sculpting and prepping the pieces


    As in Curley , the largest of the pieces wearing a mail shirt over which there’s a half sleeved garment, the mail is good in definition and shaping with the outer clothing having really good textures , showing up well , the edges have studs and some good edging and at the centre stitching , not over worked , all aiding the painting

    Across the chest over the left shoulder is the shield strap .....this fits spot on to the shield , the strap itself has worn edging with various cuts along edges ...some might want to thin down the strap

    Across the other shoulder the sword support belt , good work on the buckles

    The waist belt has a fancy buckle with the belt looped round and sitting on the clothing

    There’s are cutouts to fit the sword and knife into ....no issues here

    Arm fitment points are clean and accurate ....dry fit these with the hands that are on axe

    On the back a good fitment that the shield sits well into

    The area below the waist is well thought out , billowing out , on the underside a central hole

    0E455331-4CFA-40A9-A755-1474660D2869.jpeg EA300F29-151A-4A94-A4B8-DB1DA12CFDDE.jpeg FB76D047-205B-424E-8CD8-E41FD66987CB.jpeg 866C697A-FD29-4854-8018-247FC172088C.jpeg

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    Both arms are with large posts to fit to torso shoulders .....a tiny bit of filler might be considered depending on the primer
    The arms have a short sleeve with textures and edging , the mail sits nicely underneath and halfway down the lower arm , the wrists have cutouts to fit the hands into ...you’ll need some filler in these areas , under the mail is a turned up sleeve ...folds and creases are in place


    The face itself is excellent , a ragged and bushy beard and moustache, nice nose features , liking the mouth area , the teeth being prominent and no doubt grinding together , easy to get to for painting

    Pleased to say the eyes are accessible as well thanks to the eye protection being cast separate

    The helmet has a large mailed neckpiece , which sits above the shoulders slightly when in position

    The helmet itself has a small point at top centre with suppports at 4 points l easing down to one around the lower part , all have rivets in position , the helmet itself has battle damage

    We have 2 small holes to fit the eye protection piece after you’ve finished the flesh painting

    There’s a shaped post under neck to fit .....no issues there on fit

    ABC2C9EB-866D-4B61-AF6F-4F552943FB22.jpeg CEEB6809-18C3-4354-8DE7-FF366B3400B0.jpeg 339FCB18-A943-4C2C-995A-B3410E933D4F.jpeg 92ABFB29-2C17-4C65-AD82-D59D71DD782A.jpeg FF3DE739-1672-4D55-9C24-C9321BC7B175.jpeg

    Continued in last post

    mazayas011, Oda and MCPWilk like this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Onto the final pieces


    The main weapon being the much feared long handled axe , to help fit the hands have been sculpted into position ...a good idea , making fit a lot simpler

    The handle has the wooden texture with wrappings at top and bottom for support when wielding this beast !

    The axehead is as often seen in references, nicely shaped with cuts and damage on the sides , some might wish to thin down the edges a touch

    The hands are really well done , sculpted correctly gripping the handle , at the wrists are a small bracelet and a torque

    Fits made easier with the casting like this , as said before will need a touch of filler ..nothing major though

    A659F559-F8DD-4189-8DD9-51D425D10173.jpeg C304ECC1-77CA-49E4-9D3B-753BDE7218FC.jpeg

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    The sword and knife are both in the scabbards , the sword has a classic Viking pommel with the straps being held in position by a support on the front edge , the scabbard is of course textured , the very end has a protecting piece

    The knife , a item carried by most if not all warriors with thousands of uses has just. A small amount of handle showing the remainder being held in a textured scabbard , fit is easy to torso using the more than sufficient pieces cast on

    7BC423CB-7C2D-4BF9-993F-D2525A71FDA8.jpeg BC45AB94-9098-4159-AFDD-9A1A6E192546.jpeg

    The shield is a fully rounded all wooden version , no covering , the treatment of the wood texture is excellent on both surfaces , the edging has strengthening held in place by 4 stud and stitching

    The central boss looks good both front and back

    The fit is really accurate to the straps on the torso ...no filler

    You have the option to go wild with either the wood effects or a actual design of your choice

    1ED7441A-AE08-47B6-8682-1BCC1D433A8B.jpeg 654C5281-B016-4ACA-A4D4-8B787349FD45.jpeg

    Miscellaneous items

    Our warrior has a full bag that fits on the waist belt , good stitching details with a 4 diamond design on the front , again we have textures

    BA456A6A-EBA0-4C78-A0DA-796617FD3D9F.jpeg A21DC9D0-3AF8-428F-8148-488F0E774115.jpeg 1A8D53F5-5B7D-4BF2-87E6-057F9206CF93.jpeg

    No self respecting Viking would be without his drinking horn for his favourite tipple , again the surface is textured slightly , painting will be fun


    To finish off the helmet there’s a separate eye protection , the front is patterned , with 2 tiny studs to fit correctly to the helmet on the back

    A17ACE4D-3348-48FA-AAD9-C7B7AFDEE4F1.jpeg 9F60FE01-29E8-4BE0-9074-6314CE3D9268.jpeg

    Final words

    A good subject , plenty of textures and pieces to paint , build is easy thanks to well thought out casting , I would like to see the straps thinner but that could be a casting issue for RP ...there’s always careful filing if you wish .Nice to see a central hole on the underside for fitting a post for basing

    Overall a nice action packed release , will look good painted up

    Thank to you all from RP for the support and assistance everyone here on PF gives Hugo

    I RECOMMEND this with pleasure with a 4/5

    DA1DD0C0-6D27-48C6-89C1-257934A46237.jpeg DA1DD0C0-6D27-48C6-89C1-257934A46237.jpeg DA1DD0C0-6D27-48C6-89C1-257934A46237.jpeg DA1DD0C0-6D27-48C6-89C1-257934A46237.jpeg

    **Just a reminder RP releases are cast in limited numbers so get this while you can**

    For more details on RP releases contact via


    Facebook: www.facebook.com/RPmodels

    E mail: hpereira@rpmodels.pt

    or you can contact Hugo via this site using PM

    Thanks from me for looking in .....Enjoy whatever you paint

  4. Hugo Pereira A Fixture

    Hello BIG GUY

    Thank you so much for the review... We will try continue working harder to improve and develop better models...

    Big hug
    Oda and Nap like this.
  5. MCPWilk A Fixture

    A great looking half figure. Personally I prefer legs to a pedestal in larger scales.

    Oda, Babelfish and Nap like this.
  6. Billy Dickinson PlanetFigure Supporter

    Good review. Super looking bust. I like that expressive face with the ‘nose’. Shame to cover it up with the eye guard….
    Thanks Nap…
    mazayas011, Oda and Nap like this.
  7. rcfanuk Member

    Another great release from RP, thanks for the review
    Oda and Nap like this.
  8. Rob Shaw Member

    Excellent review Steve. I've recently done a few native American busts but not to any decent standard. Still, they say practice makes perfect.
    Oda and Nap like this.
  9. Larsen E. Whipsnade Moderator

    Thanks, Kev. You sold me.
    Oda and Nap like this.
  10. mazayas011 Member

    Hi, I think it's a very good piece, especially the published comment, thank you.
  11. Helm A Fixture

    I have this and I think I am going to leave it off and add nasal bar instead. It's a lovely sculpt.
    Nap and Billy Dickinson like this.

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