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Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Paulo, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. Paulo A Fixture

    Hello, wat´s better than a Vietnamit Modeller to represent... VIETNAM ARMY
    That´s PARACEL , although they have other subjects, at least half of the catalog is concerning Vietnam Army. In this review I will show the Viet Mihn Leader in 1/16 - Traditional sculpture (no little brothers this time) - This Figure is in the Indochina War (later Vietnam) for independence .
    DSC00452.jpg DSC00453.JPG
    DSC00455.JPG DSC00454.JPG
    Torso and legs have same mold lines
    DSC00456.JPG DSC00458.JPG
    DSC00457.JPG DSC00460.JPG
    DSC00478.JPG DSC00476.JPG
    DSC00470.JPG DSC00471.JPG

    The face is very well detailed
    DSC00465.JPG DSC00466.JPG
    The accessories ...
    DSC00463.JPG DSC00472.JPG
    DSC00468.JPG DSC00474.JPG

    Resuming, it´s a nice Figure, with a dynamic pose and a rare subject in this scale, with a minimum cleaning ...

    Nap, Robert Jan de Wit, 1969 and 5 others like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Paulo

    Thanks for the look at the figure , good sculpting , very little prep as well looking at the review

    Interesting subject choice not seen that often so credit to the sculptor and the company


    Paulo likes this.
  3. Sgt. Red Active Member

    Cool figure.
    Paulo likes this.

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