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Completed United States Marine 1833.

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Viking Bob, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    When I saw this a few months back, I was impressed with the figure. El Greco miniatures stocked the figure and with out further ado, brought it.
    Now to do some research, which with the internet, made it easy.
    I found the regulations for 1833 and was lucky to have a black and white photo of a marine shako.

    excellent reference can be found here
    https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/Uniforms of the American Marines 1775 to 1829 PCN 19000411100_2.pdf
    on page four are the regs regarding 1833.

    next , find uniform ref. again provided by the USMC as a series of photos of marines from inception to 2016.

    You may've to copy and paste this address but it will then take you to the page.

    All painting in acrylics and inks with an oil wash on the brass parts.

    449030721_1158427968766106_4656170537271305167_n.jpg USM 1.jpg 450677053_1167955677768773_3413681107267133443_n.jpg 449949133_8259889824035317_5956574448936451255_n.jpg

    The ground work is finished as are the boots and gaiters. the rest will be painted.
    Better photos will be done when I have finished this one.
    MCPWilk, Przeborz, Oda and 12 others like this.
  2. dfmoss PlanetFigure Supporter

    Excellent start! I really like the face.

    This is a figure that I have not added to my collection yet. I did paint the similar 120mm figure from Michael Roberts several years ago. Maybe I will get this one, too! :)

    Oda, Viking Bob and Nap like this.
  3. Babelfish A Fixture

    Off to a great start with the head there Bob. Base looks good as well, simple but effective.

    - Steve
    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  4. Nap Moderator

    Hi Bob

    Great to see you showing what’s on the bench

    This is one subject I’d love to see as a bust but the figure is a real cracking piece of work

    The heads looking good , nice work on the shako

    As always with you the groundwork’s working nicely

    Look forward more WIP updates especially on the green


    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  5. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter


    Don, Steve and Kev.
    Thanks for the comments, the face is a cracker to paint although doing the eyes is a pain because of the peak.
    Now looking for a suitable green. Hopefully get some painting in before we have carpets laid over the weekend into Monday.
    Let's have more USM figures please.
    All the best
    Oda, dfmoss and Nap like this.
  6. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Lovely start Bob, interesting seeing American uniforms of this period, following with interest.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  7. NigelR A Fixture

    Great start on a lovely looking figure. Like Simon said, an interesting subject.
    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  8. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter


    Thank you both for the comments, it's a very good figure and the face has excellent detail.
    Oda and Briggsy like this.
  9. Tommy Atkins A Fixture

    Hi Bob. Looks like a great start and it will be a very eye catching piece when you have finished. Following with interest! Regards Pete
    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  10. MalcC A Fixture

    Very nice start Bob.
    Following with interest as I'm considering adding this one to my collection.

    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  11. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter


    Thanks for looking in Pete, great to have you along.

    Malc, it's a nice one to add to a collection, mine was from El Greco miniatures
    Oda and MalcC like this.
  12. Steve Ski A Fixture

    I can already see this one, Bob, superb it will be!
    Oda and Viking Bob like this.
  13. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter


    Thank you Steve,
    I'm glad that someone thinks that, myself eh, I have everything crossed.
    Nap and Oda like this.
  14. clubcat PlanetFigure Supporter

    Coming along nicely, Bob.
    Viking Bob likes this.
  15. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter


    Thank you Melanie, hope to restart painting tomorrow as for the last couple of days have had carpets laid
    Nap likes this.
  16. F Troop Active Member

    Following you on this one Bob. Working on the same figure and enjoying it. Looking forward to your next progress report
    Viking Bob and Nap like this.
  17. Nap Moderator

    Be great to see how yours is progressing Rick ...why not start a V bench if possible


  18. F Troop Active Member

    I'll see if I can put something up this weekend.
    Viking Bob and Nap like this.
  19. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter


    Thank you for looking in, its a bit warm here at the moment sweat and acrylics don't mix, but a soon as it rains will try and upload progress.
    MalcC and Nap like this.
  20. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    When I undercoated the figure I notice quite a few swirls mark to do with 3d printing, so a dunk in the stripper and start again.
    This has not solved the issues and a further clean up was tried. Not happy but went ahead and undercoated again. They are still visible but hey ho.
    I completed the jacket and arms and fixed the right arm no problem but the the left arm would not sit right with the sword and bayonet fixed in position.
    Arghhhh. it was nearly thrown at the wall. I cam back to it an hour later, calm and collected but the thing wouldn't play ball. he is on the shelf of shame for a while now
    Sorry chaps, defeated.

    Briggsy and MalcC like this.

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