Ultonia Regiment 1808 (sculpt)


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A Fixture
Mar 7, 2007
Hi everybody,

I did my first sculpting at the WE2008 under supervision of Andrea Iotti. It was a great experience and Andrea encouraged me to continue sculpting. So I bought some magic sculpt, wire and Mike Blanks book and took it when I went vacation. I decided to try make a figure similar to the figure given at the WE2008 of the Ultonia regiment 1808. So I had a nice example as a reference. For the pose I used an advancing soldier on one of the pictures in Mike’s book. I made a wire frame for a 54mm figure and applied some MS for creating the body. When I had more or less a body shape I continued to make a head shape, still some work to do. I went down to the feet and start sculpting the shoe and gaiters on one of the legs. Punched out some buttons and glued them on the gaiters. Now I have to do the same on the other leg and workup to the rest of the body clothes.
There are probably many mistakes already :rolleyes: so please give me some comments and critiques so I can correct them and improve my figure.

Thanks for looking,

Thanks for commenting Tony and Roc.
Tony: After reading your allergic problems with MS, I'm not very optimistic for myself. Because I have a tendency to develop allergic reactions since my childhood. But we will see, I will take some extra precautions with the MS.
Nice start Marcel.
I should consider the look of the gaiters. In my opinion they are to high and to long.
Look at these: UniformsJefferys.jpg

Further you can sculpt better then me ( I can't) so everything you do is in my eyes very good.

Thanks for the compliments and the closer look Marc!
About the gaiters I'm not sure if they are too long. I find references where the gaiters are higher or lower than the knee. It seems that the Ultonia regiment used the ones that where higher than the knee. On first two photos of the Ultonia regiment it seems that the gaiters are higher than the knee. I also found a reference from a similar regiment in osprey.
But maybe I'm wrong, if so please let me know.



It looks quite good, Marcel.
The anatomy is more or less correct and that is the most important thing.
The arms seem too forward to me. I would try to put them a bit backwards to gain stability in the stance.
Very good start.

Stephen: I have only been to Dublin but I have to say very nice city and great people.

John and Daniel many thanks for the compliments!

Thanks commenting Diego. I will have a look at the arms. Firts I'm going sculpt a bit more of the torso, and will correct the arms afterwards. I also have to correct the neck, it's a bit too short.
It seems that there are more sorts of gaiters in that period. With your info i think you did the right gaiters. But maybe at the back of his knee (knieholte) a little bit to high for a comfortable walk... I should leave the front of the gaiter as it is now.
Keep going, i like this threat.
But maybe at the back of his knee (knieholte) a little bit to high for a comfortable walk... I should leave the front of the gaiter as it is now.

Marc, I was already doubting about the back of the gaiters, so I will trim them a bit later on.
I found some more time to put some MS on the figure and started to do the shoe and gaiters of the other leg. I sculpted also the trousers and a part of the jacket. When sculpting the folds I noticed my lack of knowledge on folds and wrinkles.:rolleyes: So I pulled out one of maurizio's latest figures out of my cupboard to have some reference. I tried to place the folds in the right place but I'm not sure if all are done correctly. The jacket still needs a lot of work especially on the back part. After that I'm going increase size of the neck and look into the position of the arms.

Thanks for looking and comments and critiques are welcome!


Looking good. From my profession i would like to give the guy some plaster of paris bandage around his lower back. :D:D
He definely need some correction. It looks like he has some extreem lordose's. (maybe it is the angle of the picture).
At the moment his but is looking like a saddle from sudden lady's (sorry for that but couldn't help it).
Maybe some more putty on that particular place...but i said it before i can't sculpt.

Thanks for the references Daniel I have bookmarked them. The last reference is very nice.

Yesterday evening I found some time to sculpt a bit more and did some work on the back of the jacket. I've put some putty on the lower back (I think it needs a little more) and worked a on the flap of the jacket. Also I cut of the head and replaced it a bit higher.
Still a lot more work to do, but this is where I'm at the moment.


Comments are welcome!

Last weekend I found some time to continue on my sculpture and I want to show you my progress.
I worked mainly on the jacket. I sculpted the collar, added some putty to the lowerback part and worked on the jacket ends and the front part.
Reworked a bit the bellypart of the pants and did some minor work to the face (mouth and chin) and gaiters.


Thanks for looking and comments and critiques are appreciated!

Marcel,your figure looks better and better.I like what you did to the turnbacks and the collar.
Keep posting more pics please!!:)