Let us run with the resin
Main figure
This consists of both upper torso ( less arms ) and legs , the upper is wearing a very detailed and very sharply cast dolman , the braiding on the front is a joy to look at as is the barrel sash and its associated cords .
The sword belt ...again well detailed and well cast , the snake buckle at the front and the rings that take the sword and sabretache straps are all cast into place
The trousers "a la campaign" have a toothed edged lining , the shaping being very cleanly worked , the inner legs are not fully finished but it matters not as they will not be seen, the outer centre have a line of well shaped buttons , leading down to the boots which have the spurs cast on , some might like to reduce the scale on these

2 options , the shako or the colpack from the elite company , both are very well detailed , the shako has a small squadron pompom above the rosette ...both sharp in style , there is no shako plate ( this was clearly based on a drawing by RIGO which shows on page 74 in the Hussars book #2 )
Features are the same on both with a good definition and easy to get to for painting , the hair is held together , and wrapped , good textures
The head is turned away from the centre of the collar
Fits is no issue , a tiny bit of filler might be needed ...be careful removing from formers you don't want to loose the casting quality

Remaining pieces
The arms are on 2 separate formers , the right holding the sword , you will need to add the hand guard and the hanging strap .
The blade is well shaped and has a cutting edge , the gloved hand is well shaped withing the guard
The sleeve has the shaped cuff , above you will need to sand away the small amount of excess above the cuff
The left arm is outstretched to take the reins, same cuff detail no work needed above that
Both have good creases and folds and seams
On the same former as the left is the portmanteau , good shape and with plain ends so any regiment number could be added ....obviously with the correct facings details

The scabbard and musketoon are on separate formers , the scabbard has the fitment rings on , so be careful removing , the musket is the right shaping with good mechanism shown

The sabretache ....a choice of 2 , both have a shield on them one plain the other with a small eagle , the latter has the fitment rings without any straps , the other has them
Again good casting brings out the details
The pouch and the small belt are well cast , and a good shaping and defined , the pouch is plain , the other strap fits under the musketoon
The ends of the pouchbelt fit well if a little fiddly but in place look good , the same goes for the horse bits and the hand guard for the sword

There are really small but well cast and detailed strap/buckle ends , good definition , the stirrups have the straps on then already , the hanging strap for under the horses head is very thin and very much in scale , at the end the crescent , there is the retaining clip for the weapon and the sabre strap
All are small so take your time

General Comment
The rider and his parts shown are all very highly detailed , well sculpted and cast , no slips or air holes to deal with
Continued in next post