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"Trapper - 1830" - 75mm AuthorSculpt SBS

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Guy, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. mil-mart A Fixture


    I'm a little late discovering this gem, what a great SBS for all levels.

    Many thanks for posting and look forward to seeing it finished.

    Cheers Ken
  2. megroot A Fixture

    This is gonna be a showstopper Guy,
    I'm looking every day to the mailbox, and hope that my Trapper is soon be falling to the doorstep.
    Keeping this threat as reference.

  3. John Bowery A Fixture

    Looking great so far. How about a coyote that the rider is looking at? Causing the horse reaction? Maybe you have already thought of that.
    Just my 2 cents worth.

  4. Guy A Fixture

    Ken, Marc and John
    Thanks for the kind words and feedback.

    John ~ Not sure what I will do to give the reaction the horse is going through.
  5. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    have perused the thread to date, and like how the figures have developed.

    The colour palette has been well chosen, is complimentary, and finished well.

    the horse has good colours, and I like how you have shaded the muscles, gives the beast some 'tone'

    Like how you have handled the leather work and fur. Plus the beard. One of the more challenging aspects of a figure, leather 'tones' and 'textures' of hair and fur

    And thank you for sharing with us as you progressed.

  6. Kirtles Well-Known Member

    Great Work Guy.

    I've just received the figure back in after a delay - demand outstripped supply - and it's a beauty.

  7. 1969 A Fixture

    Guy this has been very enjoyable watching your figure progress and you are doing a fantastic job,very nice base.

  8. Guy A Fixture

    Jamie ~ Steve ~ Steve

    Thanks for the kind words and feedback. Much appreciated.
  9. Guy A Fixture

    One of the many projects I worked on today was the base for the Mountain Man. The base color of dark gray had dried and I began the dry-brushing technique over the face of the base to simulate granite rock.

    Here are the photos of the first dry-brushing of 3, I did this morning. I did 1/2 of the base (on the right) and left the other 1/2 the base color so you could see the effect of the dry brush technique.

    MM 92.JPG

    MM 92a.JPG

    After this 1st dry-brush set for an hour I mixed another dry-brush mix, this time lighter than the 1st and applied it to the base as seen below.

    Mm 93.jpg

    MM 93a.JPG

    After letting the 2nd dry-brushing set for another hour I mixed up a 3rd dry-brush to bring the rock face to the color I wanted. Each dry-brushing is done with less pressure on the brush than the previous dry-brushing which makes the lightest dry-brushing hit just the tips of the rock face giving the cliff face yet more depth.

    Mm 94.jpg

    After letting this set again for some drying time ( enamels) I applied some 5 minute epoxy to the bottom of the cliff face base and re-attached the base to the bottom black plate. Next I re-inserted the screws into the base from the bottom and set the assembly aside.

    Mm 95.jpg

    Mm 96.jpg

    Mm 97.jpg

    Mm 98.jpg

    The next step will be attaching the Mountain Man and horse to the top of the base and start the groundwork on top.

    After I finished one of the dry-brushing steps I noticed the back of the old business really showed the process of dry-brushing. here is the photos of the dry-brush mix on the back of 2 business cards.

    Mm 100.jpg

    The card was moved to the left and you see a wet spot from the paint's carrier which soaked down through the business cards leaving me semi-dry pigment which is what I use for dry-brushing. This is the step that gives me the texture to my skins and horses and in this case.....the cliff face.

    Mm 101.jpg

    Above you see just the card and you can see the upper side of the puddle of paint the carrier that has soaked down into the second card and also down onto my work matt.

    All questions welcomed.
    Thanks for looking.
  10. mario Active Member

    Fantastic base Guy

    I like the way you make the dry brush in the rocks ,very realistic

    Warm Regards

  11. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks for the kind words and feedback Mario. You will enjoy yours when it arrives.
  12. Christos Well-Known Member

    Going really good my friend,looking forward to see some snow on it!
  13. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Christos. I think the scene will be in snow.
  14. Guy A Fixture

    After letting the paint dry on the front of the base I mixed a 2 part epoxy and fastened the horse and rider to the base.

    Mm 102.jpg

    After letting the epoxy set up and cure over night I will start on the groundwork.

    Mm 103.jpg

    All comments / questions welcomed.
  15. Guy A Fixture

    Sorry its been so long getting back to this project. I had a commission bust that took priority over this figure which is for my own collection.

    I have mixed Sculpta-Mold with water and Elmers white glue and applied this consistency to the top of the base working it into the base already supplied with the kit.

    ground 2.JPG

    Next I place the larger rocks I want to use and gently tap them into place. I follow this with a sprinkling of medium sized rocks and stones and gently tap them into the plaster mix.

    Ground 1.JPG

    After the medium sized stones are added I sprinkle fine sand in between the rocks. Alot of this will come loose after drying and I just scrape it back into the container for future use.

    ground 3.JPG

    ground 4.JPG

    ground 5.JPG

    ground 6.JPG

    The next step is tedious with painting all of the groundwork in an earth color so that none of the white plaster mix shows.

    All comments welcomed.
  16. Sambaman Well-Known Member

    Looking good Guy. Glad to see my visit didn't stiffle your groundwork activity this afternoon!

    Jay H.
  17. Steve Well-Known Member

    Man Dude, cool rocks!
  18. mario Active Member

    Great work in groundwork Guy ,It´s coming more one fantastic work .

    Warm Regards

  19. ubbi Active Member

    Cool result Guy...

  20. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks for the kind words guys.

    Having the right rocks makes a big difference. Thanks for the assortment Steve.

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