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"Trapper - 1830" - 75mm AuthorSculpt SBS

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Guy, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. davidmitchell A Fixture

    Making good progress with the horse Guy,looking forward to seeing it all come together.Just got the primer on mine cant wait to get it started.

  2. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks for the feedback Marc & David. I am looking forward to seeing yours done Davis.
  3. mario Active Member

    Wonderful work Guy
    The progress in saddle and blanket is really great

    Warm regards my friend

  4. tonydawe A Fixture

    Great work Guy, I'm enjoying your SBS and watching how you build up your colours on the horse. You've done an excellent job bringing our the muscules and creating a sense of movement.
  5. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Mario & Tony for your feedback. Much appreciated.

    I spent the last several days painting the horse accessories including the saddle bags, bedroll, canteen, stirrups and the rope and hatchet. It seems like the little small parts take forever to paint, but finally tonight I attached the small accessories to the horse.

    MM 63.JPG

    MM 64.JPG

    MM 65.JPG

    MM 66.JPG

    Being that the rope and hatchet were a tight fit I attached the rope and hatchet at the same time as the Mountain Man.

    MM 68.JPG

    MM 69.JPG

    MM 70.JPG

    MM 71.JPG

    MM 72.JPG

    Now its on to the rifle and the canteen along with some small areas of the horse itself. I have decided not to use the beaver skins and antler and will look for another roll in my spare parts box.

    All comments welcomed.

  6. ubbi Active Member

    Guy, like a lot what you are doing with this great figure, very beautiful the colours choice for the horse , it seems very sauvage , also the leather dress of the trapper is very likely. Many compliments !!

  7. John Bowery A Fixture

    Looking very good. Are you going to add a little pink gray around the mouth of the horse?
  8. Zlobov*S Active Member

    Cool my friend - is pleasant all!
    I for a long time look at various variants of painting - each figure searches for the variant of color. More precisely - each form has the color!
    Forgive, I was possible poorly translation of language.
    I very much like breed Pinto, but it is possible for this figure color of a horse light brown.
    It not criticism, only opinion my friend.
    Any case I see a fine variant of the author for painting!
    Yours faithfully.
  9. gothicgeek A Fixture

    That is some lovely work!

    not a subject i have any interest in, but man you make me want to buy that kit!

    thanks for the exellent SBS

  10. Guy A Fixture

    Stefano ~ John ~ Sergey ~ Mark ~ Many thanks for your kind words. Much appreciated.

    Sergey - Any color of brown is available. I chose this color to be close to the same color as his clothing, but slightly variant.
  11. Guy A Fixture

    I have started preparing the base I will use and acquired a couple of cliff front bases from Ron Sanders, in Tulsa, Oklahoma but had to remove the wax sealer that was sprayed on the end grain (cliff) before I could paint it the color of granite. The bottom black base had to be removed to keep it from being ruined and put aside. The next step was to hold the base in a vise with cloth rag wrapped around the back so as not to ruin the finish and take a dremel flex-shaft with a wire bruse and remove all of the wax. After most was removed I took a small torch and lightly heated the cliff face so the remaining wax would run to the bottom and off the base. Needless to say this operation was done out in my garage workshop because it was extremely messy.

    The wax is removed and the 1st of 2 coats of dark gray is painted over the cliff front of the base and set aside to dry for a few days.

    Mm 76.jpg

    Above is almost an identical base to the one the Mountain Man will be on. It has a black sub-base attached to the bottom which was held with screws and glue. I removed the screws and tapped the black base with a rubber mallet and it came right loose.

    Mm 77.jpg

    Mm 78.jpg

    Mm 79.jpg

    Mm 80.jpg

    Above is the actual base with the wax removed and the 1st coat of dark gray enamel painted on. Once it is all done this base will be re-attached to the black sub-base again.

    Mm 81.jpg Mm 82.jpg

    Mm 83.jpg

    Mm 84.jpg

    Mm 85.jpg Mm 86.jpg

    So you can get an idea of how the Mountain Man will look on this base I have placed him on the twin base that will be used for another mounted figure in another project. You can actually see the wax that I had to remove from the other base coated all over the cliff face portion.

    Mm 87.jpg

    Mm 88.jpg

    Mm 89.jpg

    Mm 91.jpg

    Above is the actual base to be used without the bottom black sub-base re-attached back on. I have much more painting to do before I re-attach the sub-base.

    All comments welcomed.
    Thanks for looking.

  12. mario Active Member

    Hello Guy

    Wonderful base for a wonderful figure .
    Amazing work my friend

    Warm Regards

  13. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Mario for the feedback. I wish the surface are was a little larger to accommodate a couple of pine trees.
  14. Christos Well-Known Member

    Great work my friend,will it be snow on the base?
  15. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Chris for the feedback. Yes, I will have some type of snow scene with the Mountain Man.
  16. EasyOff Member

    Looks Great Guy! What a wonderfull tree! Folks are so smart, have such great ideas, someday when I grow up I wanna be creative. :)

  17. unknown01 New Member

    Hello, Guy.
    It's a nice base, isn't it?
    The figure is also wonderful.
    An excellent work!
  18. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks John & Mitsutaka for your feedback. Much appreciated.
  19. davidmitchell A Fixture

    Great idea for the base Guy, the figure is looking good to.

  20. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks for the feedback David.

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