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"Trapper - 1830" - 75mm AuthorSculpt SBS

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Guy, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Guy A Fixture

    Today was spent doing the preliminaries to the Trapper kit by AuthorSculpt Miniatures. The little sanding of the joints before joining with epoxy....sanding a couple of rough spots on the horse's rump......attaching the arms to the Trapper prior to spraying with primer. Now the horse sits waiting for the Magic-Sculpt to harden where I applied a small amount over the horse joint on the rear top of the horse and a small area on the belly.

    Over the years since I have had the internet and access I have saved any images of Mountain Men / Trappers / Native Americans that I came accross while doing research through Google. Here are some of the reference images I will be using for painting the Trapper.


    Above is one of my favorite prints that I have hanging in my den. Its by the artist David Wright.

    Beaver Pelt.jpg


    With the 2 beaver pelts included in the kit I pulled from my reference folder a couple of images of a beaver and a stretched pelt.

    Calley MM.jpg







    I will also be using several books for reference in both historical text and photographs:

    Paul Calle - An Artist Journey, by Mill Pond Press
    My wife gave me a copy of this book last year for Christmas. A real "must have" for anyone painting alot of Mountain Men.

    The Art of James Bama, published by Bantam Books
    Another great book for worn leathers, aging of people of the Old West.

    The Mountain Men, by George Laycock, published by Outdoor Life

    There are many more images and books I will use and have here by my desk but the above are the main books I will keep on the corner of the desk.

  2. Christos Well-Known Member

    Good references,thanks for sharing.Looking forwrd to see the first steps!!!
  3. Guy A Fixture

    Also for location of the kit parts I will keep on hand the assembled photographs of Sergey's Trapper.

    Trapper 04.jpg

    Trapper 05.jpg

    Trapper 06.jpg

    And of course the color guide Sergey provided with the kit will also be kept handy for reference, especially the guns.

    Trapper 49.jpg

    I started off deciding to drill the edge of the resin base supplied with the kit and fastening it to a wood work base with screws to hold it on the base.

    MM 01.JPG

    My next step was to assemble the horse by epoxying the 2 halves and then the head together. I then sanded the rear rump of the horse and applied a thin coat of Magic-Sculpt.

    MM 02.JPG

    While I was waiting for the epoxy to set on the horse I attached the right and left arm to the torso of the Trapper and drilled up into his bottom and inserted a 1/16th brass rod. The rod will be held in a hand vise for the painting.

    MM 03.JPG

    After the arms set with epoxy I took the Trapper out into my garage shop and spray primed him with Floquil R9 Primer.

    MM 04.JPG

    MM 05.JPG

    Now comes 2 long long days of waiting for the primer to set and cure on the figure. I have found with resin figures it takes longer for the primer to cure than on metal figures. Damm....I hate waiting....lol

    More to come .
  4. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Christos. I will try and take as many photos of the steps as I can for anyone else who also has this kit or is thinking about picking one up.

    If I zero in on a particular reference photo for the horse or the Trapper I will also post it here.
  5. Angaliel A Fixture

    Thx Guy for all those nice pictures you showed us.

    I will follow that SBS for sure. I do love mountains men.

  6. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks JP. I have some more reference photos I will post soon.
  7. Sambaman Well-Known Member

    Guy, you're in hog heaven aren't you? I'll keep an eye on this as you progress!

    Jay H.
  8. Kevin D. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Don't look now, but I think that beaver pelt is still moving!!!![IMG]

    Seriously, looking forward to see how this one turns out!

    Good luck!

    Kevin D.
  9. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Jay & Kevin. I have been patiently waiting for this one to be released. My favorite subject.....The American Mountain Man!!...:D:D
  10. megroot A Fixture

    Happy painting on this Mountain Man.
    I will follow this SBS closely.

  11. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Marc. I hope to do some work on it today.
  12. Tommi A Fixture

    Some very nice referance material there Guy, I know who`s brains I will be picking at when I start mine:D looking foward to your progress on this.
  13. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Tommi. I was able to make some progress on the figure today.
  14. Guy A Fixture

    I'll finish up with the reference photos before posting the pics of progress so far.

    Below is the photo of a Paul Calley print I have hanging here in my studio. I will use this portrait for painting the head.

    Trapper head ref 2.JPG

    Horse Reference Photographs

    MM 06.jpg

    MM 07.jpg

    MM 08.jpg

    MM 09.jpg

    Below is where I am at today with the base coat for the white and the base coat for the brown. Both enamels. The first two photos are of the horse with the primer coat on which also acts as my white base coat too.

    MM 10.JPG

    MM 11.JPG

    And now below the brown is added using the horse photographs as a guideline.

    MM 12.JPG

    MM 13.JPG

    MM 13a.JPG

    More to come.
  15. Guy A Fixture

    Below are some photos of where the progress ended for the day with the Mountain Man torso and head. The flesh was done last Saturday and left to dry for several days. I base coated the Khaki hunting shirt its first coat. The hat and pouch were painted the 1st coat of 2 as were the waist belt and some of the other accessories sculpted into the shirt. This all gets a second coat tomorrow before setting it aside to dry before I blend and shade the colors.

    MM 14.JPG

    MM 15.JPG

    MM 16.JPG

    MM 17.JPG

    All comments / questions welcomed.
    Thanks for looking.
  16. John Bowery A Fixture

    Super job so far.
  17. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks John. Still a long way to go yet.
  18. FigureLover A Fixture

    Man, this is one awsome kit. It's great that you are doing a SBS on it and we are grateful for it. I hope to get one of these kits soon as with most of us. Keep up the good work on it and cant wait to see more.
  19. Guy A Fixture

    Thanks Ben for your feedback. This is one kit you would surely enjoy painting.
  20. mario Active Member

    Hello Guy

    Fantastic figure and fantastic paiting
    I liked the flesh and the color of clothes of mountain man
    I´m anxious to see your next steps

    Congratulatios my friend


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