Steve Brodie
PlanetFigure Supporter
Started on 3 figures / busts last night - dunno why, just decided to get back to some figure painting. They are;
Mick's Mick's Miniatures - 1/9th scale 2/3RDS FIGURE PIPER ROYAL INNISKILLING FUSILIERS 1900 ( SHOWING A LOT OF KILT & FULL SPORRAN) ( Purchased here )
Storm Troopers 1/6th Scale CHASSEURS A CHEVAL OF THE IMPERIAL GUARD ( Purchased Here )
Hawk Miniatures 150mm Sergeant The 15th Kings Hussars ( Purchased Here )
Heads have all been base painted with Vallejo Acrylics, eyes have been blocked in, need pupils and highlights added.
Micks 1/9th bust;
Highlights and shadows sketched in and (hopefully you can see the difference) his left side has been blended in, may need to redo a couple of highlights again. New technique to me used by Master figure painter Jaume Ortiz, I have to say Iwas very dubious of the fact that all you need to do to blend is add hundreds of paint dots, Glazes around the hard edges to blend everything together - even though you can see it work on YouTube, but amazingly it works fantastically well. Apparently the eye gets confused and loses sight of the hard edges;
Highlights added, bit strange though as no matter what i did his eye colour wouldnt stick!, maybe some wet paint still in the eye socket;
Hawk Miniatures 150mm Sergeant The 15th Kings Hussars;
Highlights added, eyes blocked in;
I have also swapped my brushes to a couple of DaVinci brushes, all the figures have been painted with a No.0 brush. I have found that the longer bristle length seems to have a sharper point compared to my Windsor and Newton Series 7 Brushes, and they cost about the same (£7 for the 0 brush).
Size comparisons of the heads, also with my 1/16th Chinese tank commander;
Mick's Mick's Miniatures - 1/9th scale 2/3RDS FIGURE PIPER ROYAL INNISKILLING FUSILIERS 1900 ( SHOWING A LOT OF KILT & FULL SPORRAN) ( Purchased here )
Storm Troopers 1/6th Scale CHASSEURS A CHEVAL OF THE IMPERIAL GUARD ( Purchased Here )
Hawk Miniatures 150mm Sergeant The 15th Kings Hussars ( Purchased Here )
Heads have all been base painted with Vallejo Acrylics, eyes have been blocked in, need pupils and highlights added.
Micks 1/9th bust;
Highlights and shadows sketched in and (hopefully you can see the difference) his left side has been blended in, may need to redo a couple of highlights again. New technique to me used by Master figure painter Jaume Ortiz, I have to say Iwas very dubious of the fact that all you need to do to blend is add hundreds of paint dots, Glazes around the hard edges to blend everything together - even though you can see it work on YouTube, but amazingly it works fantastically well. Apparently the eye gets confused and loses sight of the hard edges;
Highlights added, bit strange though as no matter what i did his eye colour wouldnt stick!, maybe some wet paint still in the eye socket;
Hawk Miniatures 150mm Sergeant The 15th Kings Hussars;
Highlights added, eyes blocked in;
I have also swapped my brushes to a couple of DaVinci brushes, all the figures have been painted with a No.0 brush. I have found that the longer bristle length seems to have a sharper point compared to my Windsor and Newton Series 7 Brushes, and they cost about the same (£7 for the 0 brush).
Size comparisons of the heads, also with my 1/16th Chinese tank commander;