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Review "Thracian Nobile" by Georgi Stamov 54-75mm - review from the box

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Sergey Popovichenko, Apr 15, 2023.

  1. Sergey Popovichenko A Fixture

    "Thracian Nobile" by Georgi Stamov 54-75mm - review from the box"

    A few weeks ago I bought all the figurines from the Thracian series of the Bulgarian sculptor Georgi Stamov. He also produces these figures.


    This is the case when, having seen the figures, you immediately want to buy them. There are ideas for future interesting compositions.
    Packaging - compact cardboard boxes, foam rubber and a sachet. Reliable for shipment. I received 8 sets. Everything is safe.
    Hecreates the figurines in 3D so they are available in 54mm, 75mm and the Nobile already has a bust option.
    The sculpture is lively, detailed and accurate. I have a 75mm figurine in resin, and 54mm in print. Both are of excellent quality. Historicity is also undeniable. As prototypes, he used real samples of things of that time. The choice of subject is also interesting - the Thracians are rarely found in miniature ... Maybe in the form of peltasts in some Greek sets. All in all. I am satisfied, highly recommend! Support the master and get great pieces to add to your collection!
    331720984_985549626143084_4718277880781558771_n.jpg DSC02550.JPG DSC02552.JPG DSC02553.JPG
    Unfortunately, I dropped the sword of the 54mm figurine, broke off and lost a piece of the strap from the sword scabbard. Seeing this, Georgi offered to send a replacement, but it would not be difficult for me to make such a part.
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    This and other reviews are also available on my patreon always with free access to the "reviews" tag
    BRAN, Nicolaos, Egg and 7 others like this.
  2. Oda A Fixture

    Agree 100%.Georgi's works are exceptional.I have all his historical releases so I speak based on my experience.What is remerkable about Georgi is that he progresses by leaps with each new figure he creates.His printing sevice is also one of the best I've come across.

    PS: Needless to say I would love to see his works painted by the mighty talented Sergey Popovichenko.
    Nap likes this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Sergey

    Many thanks for the look at a talented 3D sculptor Georgi

    Nice details on the piece and with offer of replacements to you , customer service is high on the list

    Well done to him

    Appreciate your time

    Do share more reviews ...and artwork

    Have fun @ the bench

    Oda likes this.

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