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The Morrigan

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Henk, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Henk A Fixture

    My next project. The Morrigan by Journeyman Miniatures and culpted by Charles Agius. I'm going to try and use OSL to represent the glow of the candles. I've done the rock on which the throne sits, and the granite standing stones. The first coat flesh has been airbrushed on, next week I'll do the highlights. Chappy pics, but had to get ready to get to work in he morning.

    20210909_124815.jpg 20210909_124822.jpg
    Kevtk135, Osebor, MacCoy and 9 others like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Henk

    Not my thing but certainly a nice looking sculpt , good start with the stonework

    Look forward to seeing more ...inbetween work of course

    Following with interest

    Happy benchtime

    Oda likes this.
  3. misfit151 A Fixture

    Great start Henk....(y) looking forward to more.......Mike
  4. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Henk nice kit, first time that I have seen it and looking forward to following your progress, going to the Journeyman miniatures site now to have a nosy.
  5. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    great looking figure, should paint up nicely.
  6. Henk A Fixture


    Nice, shapely legs.. what's not to like Kev? :ROFLMAO:. Seriously though, I know that these kind d of subjects can split the room, but every now and then I indulge. Besides, it's a figure steeped in historic lore, the dark side of the lore, which I like ;).
  7. Henk A Fixture


    Thanks Mike, welcome aboard.
  8. Henk A Fixture

    You wont be dissapointed.

    But but hide your wallet before you enter....
  9. Henk A Fixture


    Thanks, I've been looking forward to starting this one. The OSL will be a challenge.
  10. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Indeed Henk had a look at the figure on the Journeyman site and what a super project you have there, lots and lots of accessories to paint and it will look impressive when finished.
  11. clrsgt A Fixture

    Good start Henk on a very nice sculpt tha I have never seen before. I will be following how you deal with OSL light, a technique that is a mystery to me, but I want to try sometime.
    Henk likes this.
  12. Henk A Fixture

    It will be a first to me, I have practiced a little on a old piece, I'm not 100%sure how I'm going about it exactly yet. Welcome aboard.
    Osebor and Nap like this.
  13. Henk A Fixture

    Right, I've started to darken the parts that will be in shadow, and tried out a small bit of the candle light glow. I'm going to try to use two light sources, the candles on the left, and a night time glow, like moon light, from above. In for a penny.... 20210915_193445.jpg 20210915_193514.jpg
    Nap likes this.
  14. Peter Day PlanetFigure Supporter

    She's coming alive. Looking good Henk.
  15. Nap Moderator

    Hi Henk

    Nice to see where your placing the shadows , this is going to be a interesting thread to follow ....
    2 light sources !! .....your going to earn that penny

    Look forward to more from you on this

    Happy benchtime

  16. Henk A Fixture

    Ok, I started to work on the moon light 'light' and the shadows, and it's scary as much. I'm not used to painting with OSL, or harsh highlight and shadows for that matter, and it looks very odd to me... progress will be relatively slow, because I'll be using a lot of glazes, which need to dry inbetween. I know it will suddenly come together, so I'll slowly chip away on this one, a few layers a day. I'll post some updates and pictures when it starts to look like I have the faintest idea what I'm doing..:oops:.

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