Review The Messenger from Galapagos Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all ,

We all have heard of the Galapagos Islands a veritable group of islands harbouring an amazing landscape and even more amazing animal lfe , studied by Darwin but one thing he would not have missed and recorded is the latest from a new company in our world .................

GALAPAGOS MINIATURES was set up in Korea by well known sculptor, Ju-Won Jung. Ju-Won has worked with Life Miniatures as well as Young Miniatures as well ...
the first release:
The release is a piece which brings the concept of the little know world ...The Chosen One , or The Storm Bringer , one of the immortals of the Galapagos who is also one of the messengers of the gods are advised to make sure you get along with him or he could whisper in a storm into your world .
He is as an old man , piercing eyes with long flowing white locks .......a beard to match ....accompanied by a wise owl ..bringer of the message to all .
The Review model was received in only a week with a continual flow of e mails from Ju-Won regarding the shipping ...great communications ....the model was packed in a very sturdy outer box , everything clearly written on , making it easy for my shortsighted postman...Thanks Ju-Won
On opening up the parcel I found the model again protected by bubble wrap , revealing a wonderfully presented box .
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Lets have a look at what I am reviewing :​

Title: The Messenger

Material: Resin

Scale: 1/10th

No of Pieces: 7

Sculptor: Ju-Won Jung

The box I received is top quality , an area often overlooked as I have seen many times , initial sight of the box aften results in a purchase , on the box top we have a fabulous paint job ...with more views spread around the sides ...all in glorious colour ...good references .

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Consisting of 7 pieces , the main torso , the base , the owl with one wing , another wing , a pendant for the chain hanging down below the beard , the owls claw with scroll , an optional mask for the owl which has wings in fully flight

Also included are 2 documents one with a nice seal on it both setting the scene for this fantasy piece

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All parts were secured in sealable clear bags , with the torso , the base being placed in cutouts in the centre piece of foam with the remaining pieces being protected by another ..protecting the valuable contents even more ...a 3 tier sandwich of foam ...more cannot be asked .
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Lets have a look at the pieces now , firstly the Torso :
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Prep needed was only the removal of a casting plug at the bottom , kev 127.jpg this is easily done due to the position ...the undersides are remarkably smooth , no moulding lines anywhere ...just masses of superb details ...lets have a look at this now :

Folds and creases are a dream to look at , his clothing sits naturally on him , the hoodie he has hangs correctly .
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The hair and beard are just amazing in the sculpting , you can almost see the winds blowing his beard , his hair has a band around the head again sitting tightly to the head pulling the hair in correctly ...
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Facial features are one of an old but very wise man , his eyes seemed to follow me around the round , the eyes are piercing with the features being well defined .

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Let the pictures tell you more :

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On now to the very distinctive "friend" he has flying around his shoulders .............

Yes thats right flying or so it seems with very clever casting positions ..his friend is the wise owl carrying in his clw a scroll with a message for the travellers .

Consisting of 3 pieces , the main torso with wing , the additional wing , the claws with scroll , there is an optional mask for the owl ...nice option but one I don't personally feel is needed otherwise you will hide some of the absolutely SUPERB details on the bird .

Prep needed was the very careful removal of a thin casting plug on the tail feathers much beautiful details are there so be aware of this .

Facial features are wonderful , the distinctive shape of the head is very well done , wings outstretched in flight .

The claw will need careful fitting after removing a small casting remnant ...I would suggest you pin this without fail .

Feathers are a real triumph of sculpting and casting just calling out for the paint to bring this to flight

Lets the pictures tell the story :

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owl 2.jpg

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Now to the final piece the base , sculpted as a knurled tree trunk , as befits this piece sculpting is great , there is a bit more to prep up by removal of the excess around the base of the trunk ...well worth it .

Fit is clean and tight into a precast recess on the undersides of the torso ( I would pin again for that additional security)

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My final thought on this piece ...a WONDERFUL 1st release setting the bar to an extremely high level , in Presentation, Quality and sculpting .

I am not a fantasy modeller normally but is this a great introduction to another world of modelling and what a display piece this will be ....I can see many of these appearing on competeition tables ...perhaps even at this years Euro Helm ????

The bust is available from both SK Miniatures and El Greco Miniatures where customer service is equally as important as it is to Galapogas .

You could also contact Ju Won by e mail [email protected] or by going to the website

Lets the islands bring forth more from this unknown age but for now lets enjoy the amazing box art



Thanks for looking in

really amazing bust! i loved it from the released .
Great review thanks a lot looks really awesome :woot:
Nap!... Excellent review!.. lots of little pit-falls, with the casting blocks!.. and the advice on pinning was most welcome! I have just placed an order!:nailbiting: .. Cheers!


Oh !!!! Nice !! Ah , real small marvelous pièce ! The Koreans sculptor and painters are very créative modelers !
The New Blood from Asia ; I love ; I'm not "Fantaisy" but this pièce is amazing, and the box, Original !

Ju Won, a Great sculptor !

However!... what is a little annoying is the 'Artistic licence' given on the box art,.. which may lull the unsuspecting (like me) into thinking that there was scroll on the lower shoulder strap!.. which is not there! ... I really dislike that element about 'Box Art',.. and I do find it rather fraudulent! .. However, Nap has shown exactly what you get, and very well!... just wished I had seen it sooner! .. lol!


I hadn't clocked that Mark till you mentioned it but it may be just some good free hand painting which judging by the paint on the rest of the bust I'd say the artist was certainly capable of :nailbiting: I know I aint

My first thought was, "Dumbledore, slightly younger, sending a message." He's missing spectacles, though, but maybe his eyes were sharper when he was younger.
judging by the paint on the rest of the bust I'd say the artist was certainly capable of :nailbiting: I know I aint


LOL!...... I know I definitively aint!.. maybe your right! ... The first piece with the Aquamarine colour, .. yes possibly!... but the second, with the Greek key design, around the collar and the strap. well a hell of a painter! :angelic:

Well, I have received mine! ... Beautiful casting, and crisp detail! a stunning piece... but, 'Damn awkward', casting blocks ! especially at the bottom of the main bust! and the, Owls wing and Tail!.. some bloody careful prep will be required on this! ... :nailbiting::nailbiting:!

