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The dark, dark days of winter........

Discussion in 'General Figure Talk' started by chailey, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. chailey Active Member

    As summer becomes a distant memory and the dark evenings are thrust upon us, I would love to know how other figure painters cope with artificial lighting.
    Previous years I have simply given up modelling for the winter months as I simply couldn't paint using lamps, even with so called 'daylight simulation' lighting, however good the results looked in the evening, I new the following day would be spent with my fingers covered with Nitromors!
    This year I spent out a kings ransom on a 'specialist' all singing, all dancing twin tube, colour balanced, multi-articulated super lamp, yet STILL this morning the colours looked all wrong, the shadows and highlights too stark, please 'enlighten' me someone!
  2. megroot A Fixture

    I use daylight bulb for a decade.
    Can't see the problem.

  3. kagemusha A Fixture

    Tip for you regarding using 'daylight' lighting/lamps/bulbs....this is primarily for those that use 'natural' daylight...i.e. a window....always have the lamp on as well....
    This means that your eyes will naturally adjust as the outside light diminishes....also...try a 'northlight tube instead of 'daylight'...as they operate at a different colour temperature....which some eyes find less harsh...
    Another way to cut down the effect of colour imbalance daylight tubes/bulbs cause for your eyes....is to have an ordinary lamp either side of the daylight lamp....this cuts out the cold glare of the daylight...

    chailey likes this.
  4. valiant A Fixture

    Ive always used a daylight lamp even in the day. As the sun goes down, like Ron says, the light remains constant, so you are not aware of any change.
    I also use a secondary, non daylight lamp, at the same time as the daylight one, for extra light.

    If you are right handed, angle the lamp beam slightly to the right, then you don't work in your own shadow! Left handers, try the opposite!(y)
  5. chailey Active Member

    It would seem that the 'northlight' is often used in the treatment for 'SAD', it looks quite pricey but if it extends my painting time it may well be worth the outlay, I can always tell the wife it's her Christmas present, she usually has a face like thunder through the winter!
    Thanks for the tips guys.
    peedee and Helm like this.
  6. Ferris A Fixture

    If you want to keep things affordable I recommend IKEA swivel lamps and their energy saving bulbs. I use two to have more light (make sure you have a LOT of light, especially when working under magnification) and to have it from the front left and right to avoid shadows. Total setup cost around €30.
    I've never tried the fancy and expensive special lights, so it may well be superior, but the above works for me. My feeling is light is a bit like wine: the more you take an interest in it, the more expensive it becomes. :)

    By the way, I use the same setup for taking pictures.

    chailey likes this.
  7. Alex A Fixture

    When building my home studio (I paint mostly at night), lighting was a primary concern.
    I have installed TL950 Philips lights.. they are the best fluorescent tubes on the planet right now when speaking of replicating natural light.
    No more surprise in the morning at all.

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