Now to the resin itself:
Details of the release:
Title: The Captain
Reference: N/A
Scale: A large 1/9th
Material: Gray resin
No of parts: 3 plus 2 pieces of copper wire
Sculpting and Box Art by Rob Henden
Moulds created by: Marc Day ( from Sovereign 2000 ,or S2K )
Casting: Marc Day ( S2K )
Just a reminder why the name Tattoo Tiger : a tribute to Robs late father who had a tattoo of a Tiger and crossed Kukri put onto his arm whilst serving in Malaya in the 1950's , and also as a thanks for all the encouragement his father gave him in the hobby......I can't think of any better reasons for choosing it
As with the previous release of The Veteran the model was packed into a good strong box with the actual resin in bubble wrap , the smaller pieces in a sealed bag , on the top of the box we have a colour picture of the artwork by Rob.
The model consist of 3 pieces of resin and 2 copper wires , resin is the main torso , head and a set of glasses with the wires being used for the side pieces of the glasses .
- On the review piece a small casting line to remove on the right arm and lower body ...easy with a sanding pad.
- 3 small casting blocks at the front lower edge to cut and sand away
- Excess resin/casting plugs to cut away from neck and back of cap.
- Carefully remove glasses frame from former
- As you can see all very quick and simple to do with the minimum of fuss
Note: you can if you wish put lens into the glasses , I will use Kristal Klear .
Lets look at the resin now , as I said its a large 1/9th and you get a lot of quality resin for your hard earned cash.
This is the upper part of his battle dress and the first thing to note is the texture of the uniform , slightly raised to the touch , great for dry brushing and washes .
The undercuts of the pockets are good with the pistol lanyard actually cast onto the sculpt of Robs changes to get it cast correctly . The lanyard has good twists in each part sitting under the collar , the collar itself is opened up to reveal a tie with the battledress having a nice lined edge .

The tie sits nicely into the collar which itself nestles into the collar , the neck area is deep and smooth ready to take the head with ease.
Of course we have his rank on the epaulettes , well shaped and leading up to buttons , on the shoulders there are the "Home Guard" titles , these are slightly smaller on this piece as Rob actually sculpted them rather than use commercial lettering ...and very cleanly the letters are as well , under that we have blank patch ready to have the area lettering painted on .

Underneath we see the logo and a mark to assist when drilling for a post for the base
As with all bust the face is the main focus and we ask ourselves has Rob captured the look and features ...well in my opinion its a cracking result , instantly recognised as the actor , double chinned , chubby facial features , good nose and ear details , with the eyes looking equally as good ( on my review I will slightly fill the edges of the eyes )

Nice work on the moustache and the hair coming out from the lower edge of the cap
The cap he wears sits slightly back on his head , again there is texture on the material with the leather strap at the front being in scale , above that we see the unit badge , very well sculpted and the details have been retained during casting so well done to both Rob and Marc on this.
The cap is a good shape with the peak having really good undercuts allowing full access to the eyes
Fit of the neck into the torso is good, you could slightly turn it if you wish to look at The Veteran in a double display.
These are held on a former , one set is in the box so be careful cutting off , obviously paint them first before fitting as well as the side pieces for the ears then carefully fit .
Final Thoughts
This is a most welcome addition to the Tiger Tattoo range and one which will give you lots of fun painting , of course it sits well alongside the previous release .
Sculpting is good , nice casting and minimal prep ...can't ask for much more really ....part from another addition.......
STOP PRES: Rob released another character at the same time this year and YES I will be sharing my thoughts on that soon !!!
In the meantime :
Thanks to Rob for the review piece and to you all for watching this episode
You can contact Rob via this e mail
[email protected]
Or of course via his FB page
Happy bench time to one and all