Hi to you all,
Blacksmith Miniatures are a French company based in Lyon who are exploring the fantasy world of elves, faeries and the like , they have produced some fine minis among them were 2 that caught my eye , of course they were busts!!!
So from the Blacksmiths forge and anvil we have:

The purchase was easy to do on the website ( there is a english version as well) , good comms from the folks at Blacksmith , shipping was fast being received in a nice and strong cardboard box , on opening it I found the 2 bust both in individual clear plastic foldover containers , with the resin in a small plastic bag both have a simple frontage card of the painted model.
Prep on both was simple a small casting plug underneath together with a easily dealt waith casting line at the back and fit either the spectacles or in the captains case the pipe , wash them , prime and paint.

What attracted me to these releases , of course I like busts but these guys are just so cheeky and in the case of the captain artful looking as well , the characters on both are great full of fun and thats what this hobby is about ...having fun at the bench.
Lets have some details:
Titles: The Apothecary and The Old Captain
Scale: Approx 1/16
Material: Both are in Gray Resin
No of parts: 2 in each
Lets start with The Apothecary

There is as you can see glasses which you can fit if you wish ( remove the small tab first and paint )
If you want to put some lens into them very easy to do using a great product which aircraft and AFV modellers use its called Micro Kristal Klear , which you form into the space and by capillary action its fills it , milky when used but drys totally clear.

On now to the piece its elf this is an older gentleman , the face is packed full of wisdom and really nice details , for the scale sculpting is very clean and sharp , great features the bulbous nose , bald head , great moustache , well looked after , hair is nicely textured , ears are pointed and nicely formed , the eyes are good with one opened slightly wider than the other adding to the character of the piece
Clothing is a waistcoat with a well tied bow tie, very well worked , nice undercuts in the collar area
Now to the "The Old Captain"
This is my favourite , he is an old seafarer , no doubt he has a stash of elfic brandy hidden somewhere , pipe in mouth he could tell many a tale . As with the other this is full of character , the face is full of details , pointy ears again .
a nicely sculpted beard (upper lip is clean shaven)

On top his head we have well done "naval" cap with 2 braided cords and the anchor badge on the crown.

Clothing is a polo neck jumper , no doubt warm when on the high seas , the turned over neck part is nicely ribbed .

Final Thoughts: It is good to see some fun in the releases from companies , these are exactly that , well sculpted , full of details and lots of fun to enjoy and paint up. I will be keeping on my favourites Blacksmith Miniatures and I suggest you give them a look and do the same!!
I hope to see further releases from them.
For more information the website details are:
Thanks to them for the very good service and to you all for looking in.