I've recently purchased this 75mm ACW figure from TFB miniatures.
Sculpted by the very talented Eduard Delgado.
Cast in resin and comprises of 11 components including the scenic base, and the choice of two heads.
The detail is very crisp, and well detailed.
A little cleaning up is required, nothing major, just a few casting lines and remaining section of sprue.
The pose is very casual set against some fencing and works very well.
TFB are producing a very nice range of figures from this period, I already have another myself
and I'll review that one shortly.
I'm really looking forward to making a starting on this very soon.

Please click on the image for a larger image.
As you can see the the quality on casting of the is of a high quality.
Sculpted by the very talented Eduard Delgado.
Cast in resin and comprises of 11 components including the scenic base, and the choice of two heads.
The detail is very crisp, and well detailed.
A little cleaning up is required, nothing major, just a few casting lines and remaining section of sprue.
The pose is very casual set against some fencing and works very well.
TFB are producing a very nice range of figures from this period, I already have another myself
and I'll review that one shortly.
I'm really looking forward to making a starting on this very soon.

Please click on the image for a larger image.
As you can see the the quality on casting of the is of a high quality.