Onto the Resin
The largest of the pieces of course , wearing the long cape sitting over the shoulders and hanging down at the rear with a small tassel on each side
The neck area is angled to take the head , filling is needed , simple enough to deal with
The folds and creases are well formed on the cape , the edging lacing is nicely lined in , holding the cape together at the lower neck is a stylised and engraved brooch with swirls
The undershirt has good detailing in the lacework over this 2 straps , crossed over , buckle details look right , slight rework is needed on the underside one , the over one lines up to a holster ready to take the pistol handles
The waist has a well folded sash , there is a casting line and a air hole to rework
The actual over coat/waistcoat is again well formed at the sleeves with the folds , no issues casting , except to note the lacework is really good and well defined , making painting easier
The good casting continues on each side with the patterned lace as you can see in the pictures

Offo the sculptor has without doubt a talent when capturing faces , and this is a good example , really good facial hair showing good texture of the actual hair , nicely shaped moustache and beard , the latter sitting on the chin , pointed in shaping , same nice texture on the eyebrows as well .
Neck muscles are in place with the ears peeking out from under a turban ( a little bit of careful knifework might be needed where that meets the head just to remove any flashing) eyes are well shaped and with excellent lining at the sides , aging the features to about mature warrior , the nose and nostrils are well formed as well
Fitting on my review piece called for a small amount of filler ( I pinned in place as well )

These consist of just the handles , slight sanding needed on one and on lower edges to fit , both have cross hatching on each side
I would definately suggest you dryfit before committing , most will paint both fully then fit , this will allow access to the detailed centre area and lacing

The base if you choose to use will need sanding on all edges and certainly a need to pin into place ...or you could drill a hole in the underneath and fit a brass rod ( I use 5 or 6mm depending on scale and how it looks )
Final Thoughts
A good strong first release , small amount of prep , casting is no issue and a colourful subject , reasonable price and a quick shipping when buying , the review piece only too just over 2 days to reach me , and with good communications as well
Pleased to say that TFB will also release full figures but for me I will be watching the website closely for bust releases
Bookmark the website
Well done on this release , Look forward to seeing more
You can contact TFB at
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You can also contact them here on PF ...username TFB MINIATURES and also Steve headley
Thanks to Steve at TFB for the review
Cheers to you all for looking in
Happy benchtime