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Review TFB American war of independence busts.

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Bootneck, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Bootneck Well-Known Member

    I recently took delivery of the latest addition to TFB American war of independence bust range. This bust is a departure from TFB’s normal releases in this range in that we are provided with one generic body, two different heads and four hats giving us the opportunity to paint as stated on the TFB website over 40 different units.

    A number of options are available when purchasing and I chose option 1.
    Two bodies, two heads and four hats. The option to purchase more bodies and heads is available at a discount of 15% on the TFB website.

    The kits arrived in a sturdy cardboard box with each piece in a separate bag.
    The scale is 1/9 and as with the rest of the series sculpted by Offo.

    The resin is a cream colour and well detailed and defined.
    On my version the odd air bubble was present on two of the hats but this is extremely small and will fill with a tiny amount of superglue. It’s almost nitpicking to mention it. Also the odd seam line will need attention but again very minor.

    Detail is sharp and the options available to the artist will make for a very colourful addition to this interesting range from TFB. Available from the TFB website.


    IMG_6426.jpeg IMG_6428.jpeg IMG_6427.jpeg IMG_6431.jpeg IMG_6430.jpeg IMG_6429.jpeg
  2. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Peter so happy you like the set. I would have given you it Saturday at the White Rose Club along with the other kits but I forgot to put it back in the bag (old age creeping in lol). Well at least you got it today.

    You will have lots of options to have a go at some interesting colours to choose from as well as hats. I’m looking forward to seeing what you and peter pick out in the months to come.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    WarhammerAdjacent and Bootneck like this.
  3. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    They look really interesting and thanks for highlighting a maker I had missed! I think I feel a Hessian heading my way in the near future. Hopefully I’ll meet you both at a white rose day at some point soon (I am only in Sheffield but struggle as I work weekends).
    Steve headley, Nap and Bootneck like this.
  4. Bootneck Well-Known Member

    Hi Warhammer.
    Thank you for your interest. This has been for me a really interesting series of busts featuring headgear of units involved in the AWI. I have attached a poor picture of the Hessian I am currently working on and can recommend him.

    TFB are based in Leeds and are great to deal with. (I’ve no connection but do know a couple of the guys)

    Hope to meet you at the club and the Xmas bash is a great meeting. 2nd Saturday in December. Traders, food and great company.

    WarhammerAdjacent likes this.
  5. Nap Moderator

    Hi Peter

    Nice to see the Hessian ...hope we see more ...it's a really good sculpt and your artworks looking good

    Expecting a parcel from TFB ...got a few ideas for it

    Have FUN @ the bench

    WarhammerAdjacent and Bootneck like this.
  6. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Nap it’s on it’s way to you mate looking forward to seeing what you do with him.

    Thanks peter so happy your enjoying the Bust he is a bit of a character for sure.

    Warhammer thanks for the kind words he is worth a go.the face is full of character that’s for sure.


    TFB Miniatures Team
    WarhammerAdjacent and Bootneck like this.
  7. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    Oh now that’s gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

    I have a feeling I’ll be working on the Xmas bash but I’ll be there if I can.
    Bootneck likes this.
  8. Nap Moderator


    FYI ...here's my SBS https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/hessian-fusilier-reg-von-lossberg-1776.503939/

    And Completed pics ..https://www.planetfigure.com/thread...von-lossberg-1776-from-tfb-miniatures.507052/

    Have fun and we look forward to your version

    WarhammerAdjacent likes this.
  9. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    Aww damnit, got to get it now! Cheers Nap.
    Bootneck and Nap like this.
  10. Nap Moderator

    Look forward to seeing it ....really good customer service and fast shipping from TFB


    Steve headley and Bootneck like this.
  11. Steve headley A Fixture

    Hi Warhammer thank for your order it’s in the post along with naps so you should get them shortly.

    Thanks again guys enjoy them


    TFB Miniatures Team
    Bootneck and Nap like this.
  12. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    Amazing, thanks Steve
    Steve headley and Bootneck like this.

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