This is my take on the above titled figure, for which you can find the WIP here:
WIP - Tambour-Major 25th Light, by Troop 54 | planetFigure | Miniatures
54mm Resin, painted in Vallejo, Scalecolour and Citadel acrylics/inks. Base from Pete's Bases, name plate from Name-it.
I'm a comparative stranger to Napoleonic figures though I do recognise the enormous potential of the Grand Armee in providing endless subjects for this hobby. I enjoyed this one and it was pretty much a straightforward painting exercise, being very well sculpted and engineered. Full marks to Stuart at Stormtroopers for that - I will certainly check out more of his range.
Anyway, here's how he came out.

Comments and critique welcome. Thanks for looking in
WIP - Tambour-Major 25th Light, by Troop 54 | planetFigure | Miniatures
54mm Resin, painted in Vallejo, Scalecolour and Citadel acrylics/inks. Base from Pete's Bases, name plate from Name-it.
I'm a comparative stranger to Napoleonic figures though I do recognise the enormous potential of the Grand Armee in providing endless subjects for this hobby. I enjoyed this one and it was pretty much a straightforward painting exercise, being very well sculpted and engineered. Full marks to Stuart at Stormtroopers for that - I will certainly check out more of his range.
Anyway, here's how he came out.

Comments and critique welcome. Thanks for looking in