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WIP Tambour de Regiment Penthièvre , 1786

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks,
    I haven't work on 54mm figures for a while and yesterday going trough my stuff i came across this Labayen drummer i've got from a collector in Argentina a couple years back.
    I bought a about 12 figures from different sizes and manufactures, got lucky to have few Labayen figures, unfortunately few are missing the bases and drummers are missing the some pieces.
    I will paint this figure as a Drummer from Penthièvre Regiment, their coats were red, with the regiments lace in yellow gold edged in blue.
    The drums were Brass and hoops were of the coat color.
    Cheers! 20220110_145710.jpg 20220110_133952.jpg
    blaster, Martin64, Jaybo and 2 others like this.
  2. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Prepping the figure by scrubbing it with warm water , detergent and scotch brite pad.

    peedee, Jaybo, KenBoyle and 3 others like this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    Great to see you painting the larger scales , how old is the figure ?

    Look forward to seeing this progress around the bench ...especially seeing the lace and drum

    Is that a casting line running around the drum centre ?

    Following with interest

    Happy benchtime

    Oda and MarquisMini like this.
  4. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks my friend,
    I did not see casting line tl you have point it out :(
    The drum case and base are not part of the original figure, i had to scramble to get a drum, adapt a base and still find the drum sticks.
    Oda likes this.
  5. Jaybo Well-Known Member

    Well done Daniel. I like to see you painting in 54 mm. I too love the colorful uniforms of the ancien regime.
  6. Nap Moderator


    Sorry to say it ...nice additions didn't realise they weren't the original ......dare I suggest check the arms for casting lines .....just think of it as fun it's a classic figure and well worth it .......the painting will be something colourful

    Happy benchtime

    MarquisMini likes this.
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks my friend, yes, i did clear casting lines.
    Best regards!
  8. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Finished the hat and face.
    Undercoat the main body in order to lay the red color for the coat... 20220130_215657.jpg
    KenBoyle and blaster like this.
  9. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I layed the base color for the coat using Army painter Vampire red with a little bit of Matt medium ( tamiya X-21).
    The base color for the pants and vest are Army painter castle grey with vallejo panzer Aces Winter white. 20220131_211112.jpg 20220131_211129.jpg
    Nap, KenBoyle, Mookie and 1 other person like this.
  10. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I hace added the Panthievre lace, yellow edged in blue.
    Added lights and shadosw on the coat. 20220201_224153.jpg 20220201_224214.jpg
    Oda, Jaybo, Nap and 1 other person like this.
  11. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I've added a pompon on the hat, painted base color for the belts, gaiters and turnbacks.
    Started the work on the drum as well.. 20220202_191851.jpg 20220202_194951.jpg 20220202_195005.jpg
    Oda, KenBoyle and Nap like this.
  12. Nap Moderator

    Hi there Daniel

    Now we are talking , getting the colour on , will be getting Vampire red ...dare I suggest you look at the blue edging on the lace ..think it might benefit slightly more highlights of the blue

    Good start on the drum and as usual your whites will be good when completed

    Thanks also for sharing the colours your using

    Why not vote in previous months FOTM as well as entering in the class of your choice in this months

    Thanks for sharing

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

    Oda and MarquisMini like this.
  13. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks mate, the lace still need some tender loving care, i am trying to go over the big items and then comeback to the small details.
    I will look into the FOTMs.
    Oda likes this.
  14. Nap Moderator


    Apologies should have realised you'd have the TLC on the way

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

    Oda and MarquisMini like this.
  15. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Hey!, no problem my friend; i am planning to increase the width of the blue edge on the yerllow lace, the Panthievre Livery is not an easy lace to keep even throughout, but with few hours of work it will look decent.
    Oda and Nap like this.
  16. MarquisMini A Fixture

    And the white vest and troussers are done, turnbacks done.
    Next it will be the gaiters and drum. 20220208_195947.jpg 20220208_212507.jpg
    Jaybo, Viking Bob, KenBoyle and 2 others like this.
  17. Nap Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    Nice finish on the vest/breeches and turn backs ....you seem to paint whatever with ease !

    Looks like you've worked on the lace ?

    Thanks for update

    Happy benchtime

    MarquisMini likes this.
  18. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Kev, yes, i did spent few hours fixing it, i'll never be happy with it but i am ok with the result.
    cheers my friend.
    PS: i've sent email to Rosmary regarding that prize but no reply from them, any chance from a little help from Nap? ;)
    Nap likes this.
  19. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Nice painting Daniel, you always amaze me with your painting.
    MarquisMini likes this.
  20. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks for your kind words Bob!!!
    Best regards.
    Viking Bob likes this.

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