Thank you friends. Here are little bit brighter pics. In my workbench are; Sculpting project is winter camo finnish degartyev "emma" gunner, Pegeasos Medieval Russian Archer and almost finished Björneborgs regiments soldier 1808.
This is looking great. More contrast in your figure then in the other two.
The setting is wonderfull.
I really like what you did, the sculpting and the painting.
Keep on going and show us more.
Thank you Roc. Well actually it is my first sculpting where I have sculpted body and so on. I have earlier made some little conversions. On Savolax jäger the body and arms are from multipose. Just changed pose of legs and made equipment. There are things on figure that I'm not plesed but when you are?
I like this one very much. I agree he has that tired war-weary look about him. Finnish subjects are a bit thin on the ground, which is a shame considering the proud history of the country.