A Fixture
End of session one; phew!!
Vallejo acrylic (2 washes 1:1 paint to distilled water) base coats over shirt and trousers.
Shirt is nearing the end of its life. Been worn of the last two patrols and has bleached through with sweat, mud, water and constant wear for the last 14 days. Base colour is Buff.
The trooper has "broken in" his new trousers on this patrol, which are a later pattern ERDL developed by the US but made in South Vietnam. They have been wet for the last two weeks and have not been taken off, except for when the trooper had a call of nature!! Base colour on trousers is Yellow Green.
First colour on the four colour camoflague pattern is (appropriately) Gunship Green, applied in two rough washes. The colours will be applied in order of lightest to darkest.
I started priming this figure approximately 10 hours ago. I've had less than 5 hours of solid painting in that time.
Very early days, and a long, long, long way to go yet my friends.
Hope you stick with it. I hope I do too.
Vallejo acrylic (2 washes 1:1 paint to distilled water) base coats over shirt and trousers.
Shirt is nearing the end of its life. Been worn of the last two patrols and has bleached through with sweat, mud, water and constant wear for the last 14 days. Base colour is Buff.
The trooper has "broken in" his new trousers on this patrol, which are a later pattern ERDL developed by the US but made in South Vietnam. They have been wet for the last two weeks and have not been taken off, except for when the trooper had a call of nature!! Base colour on trousers is Yellow Green.
First colour on the four colour camoflague pattern is (appropriately) Gunship Green, applied in two rough washes. The colours will be applied in order of lightest to darkest.
I started priming this figure approximately 10 hours ago. I've had less than 5 hours of solid painting in that time.
Very early days, and a long, long, long way to go yet my friends.
Hope you stick with it. I hope I do too.