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Starship Troopers Arachnid Warrior Bug - VERSION 2.0 !!!

Discussion in 'Figure News' started by vorennaal, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. vorennaal Member

    Dear Visitors, I am happy to announce my latest release. A scale model of Bug Warrior. Highly detailed and very accurate Starship Troopers Arachnid Warrior Bug model kit (VERSION 2.0) from the movie Starship Troopers (1997)

    Unboxing VIDEO (V2.0):

    Material: resin (master is not 3D printed but handmade.)
    Item location: EU
    Height: 150mm.
    Lenght: 210mm
    Weight: 430 grams
    Kit contains: 16 individual parts + eyes/stand with metal stick/user guide
    Payment: PayPal
    Posts to: Worldwide
    The model fits to the 3 3/4 inch action figures, although it is not a toy.
    (If you are interested in my product, please send me private message. Thank You.)

    For pictures please visit:
    http://www.vargamuhely.com/arachnid/index.html - VERSION 1.0 is out of stock, it was a less detailed product. Version 2.0 is much more accurate and detailed.
    Facebook page:



    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Thank You,

    Attached Files:

    Manfred, Oda, kenshin393 and 2 others like this.
  2. Metal Extremo Well-Known Member

    A beauty bug
    vorennaal likes this.
  3. vorennaal Member

    Yes. Indeed it is. My passion is strongly rooted in this one ever since I first saw the movie in theater. This is my gift to the fans. This model is highly articulated depends on how you set up the parts.
  4. JasonB Moderator

    Nice! Would you estimate the scale to about 1/16? Trying to determine if I could convert a figure to go with it, or might you be planning a trooper to go with it?
    How to order?
    vorennaal likes this.
  5. ellie A Fixture

    very nice indeed I loved the film and you have done a great job on the bug well done.



    vorennaal likes this.
  6. vorennaal Member

    Thank You Ian. :)

    Dear Jason, if you (or anyone else) interested in buying this kit, please send me private message. You can use this site or my FB account. You're welcome. :)

    So to answer your question, Yes...I am planning a trooper to go with. The model fits to the 3 3/4 inch action figures although this is not a toy.
  7. engeee Active Member


    Jason...here you go...lol...a little smaller though...1/35th scale. It's on eBay.
    They are a little more careful about calling it "Starship Troopers" for the legal reasons I suppose.


    JasonB likes this.
  8. vorennaal Member

    Looks great, mine is 3.75 (1:18th) (3 3/4). You can easely adjust the height with longer stick for the dynamic movement. With setting up the parts in different way you can bring more life into it.

  9. JasonB Moderator

    Hey, I'm sure some bugs are smaller/ larger and not all the same size, I think a 1/16 guy would be OK. Considering I have 1/16 and 120mm guys that are probably a scale foot taller/shorter than each other. the difference shouldn't be a problem. Especially if they are ripped in half!
    vorennaal likes this.
  10. vorennaal Member

    Dear JasonB, I think the same as you, but the scale is 1:18. I really appreciate your interest, it means alot to me, so I don't want to mislead you...the scale is 1:18. It may be fit for your figures, but I am not sure. The good news is, sooner or later but I will release a mobil infantry figure to the kit. :)
  11. Ong Active Member

    I would be very interested to see how your Sci-Fi mobile infantry figure would look like. There have been some 1/32 and 1/24 trooper figures made before. Some trooper figures look more like the movie (hardly high-tech and not a full body armor suit), and others that follow the book more (high-tech looking because the troopers in the book wear jetpacks and head-to-toe hard body armor). It all depends on how one interprets the book's description. And it's really hard to find any 1:18 or 1:16 futuristic high-tech Sci-Fi infantry figure wearing a helmet, hard body armor, and holding a futuristic rifle, so any futuristic infantry figure would be welcome.

    What scale do you plan to make it? 1:18 or 1:16? 1:16 would probably appeal to more people.
    vorennaal likes this.
  12. vorennaal Member

    Dear Ong, please be advised, my mobil infantry figure (movie version) will be available in 1:18 scale because I would like to attach the figure to my Arachnid kit (each sold separately). I am also planing to do a power armor suit from the book.

    I have just purchased this book from ebay, so the mobil infantry unit is definitely coming.

  13. Ong Active Member

    Sounds good! I'm excited and I look forward to seeing how your mobile infantry, both versions, look like.
    vorennaal likes this.

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