Review Something for the New Year from UP Miniaturen - Von Fasbender


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi guys ,

What better way to spend the hours before I see the New Year arrive than to show you a bust from UP Miniaturen , a real nice start to 2012 we have from the talented hands of Ulrich Puchala :

Ritter Karl von Fasbender

As always lets have a bit of a background to the man himself put down those peanuts and champagne for a while ........

Born in 1852 in Michelbach, the son of a factory owner, on 1 October 1872 he was a one year volunteer in the 9th Bavarian Infantry Regt
On 1 October 1873 he decided to become a career soldier and on 12 November 1875 was promoted to SekondLeutnant .

From 1878 to 1881 he was a regiment aide, in 1884 he went to the war acadamy becoming a captain In 1891 Fasbender was appointed as company commander of the 9th infantry regiment on 11 June 1891

On 22 September 1893 he had a place on the general staff teaching at the war academy, where he was promoted to major on 13 April 1896 .

On 27 September 1897 he was appointed the battalion commander of the 10th Bavarian Inf Regt. On 7 March 1900 he was promoted to lieutnant colonel handing over the command in 1901 . Promoted to Colonel on 15 Oct 1902 .

Appointed Major General in 1905 he became commander of the 9th Inf Bde . On 26 June 1908 with further promotion to Lt General he was appointed commander of the 4th Division.

The Ist Bavarian Reserve Corps fought hard against the Canadians at Vimy Ridge resulting in horrific casualties on both sides and the highest awards being also awarded to combatants from both .

During his career he received many awards including the Iron Cross , the Military Order of Max Joseph

He was respected by his men (at times he is seen wearing other ranks puttees) and his commanders for his leadership and with the oncoming of the NSDP the germany he knew was no more , he finally died in Munich on the 13th May 1933 .

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On now to the model itself :

On opening the box we have :

Subject title: Ritter Karl von Fasbender

Scale: 1/10th

Material : Resin

Sculpted by : Ulrich Puchala

Box Art : WIP

Reference: Nr 0028

The model was received packed in a strong blue box , with the parts secured in a plastic bag to avoid any damage , surrounded by foam chippings (I removed these for the picture).

The front had a picture of a unpainted version but the boxart is I believe in progress (I will update as soon as I get it )

Consisting of only 3 parts , the torso , the head with the helmet and the base itself , all parts are cast in the now familiar light grey resin .

Also included is a great information sheet full of details , providing an ideal place to start any research ...and if you are stuck ...well you have PF members to call on as well (y)

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Moving now to look at the torso :

Sculpted in the uniform of the 1st Bavarian Infantry Regt in 1916 at Amiens .

Over his shoulders he wears the Mantel , underneath he has the 1915 Bluse togther with his various decorations on the chext and at the neck , together with a set of medal ribbons also showing .

Fasbender wore spectacles and these are hanging from his neck on a cord ...a challenge to paint the lens ..or you could always remove these and make some new ones that he could be wearing option for sure !!!

Sculpting is as before well done soft and with natural folds , the cloak looks like it is being worn , hanging on the right shoulder and lifted slightly on the left , the collar of the cloak sits well and looks good .

Undercutting and definition of the cloak is very well done , this will I am sure aid painting , good trick is to put a light souce from the direction you want the light etc to come from and this will show you where the highlights and the shadows fall .

The tunic he wears is again well sculpted , the pockets are finely undercut , with the natural folds being also well reproduced .

The collar is a fold down with the Bavarian white/blue checked braid to the lower edges...another area which with careful painting will create a nice effect .

The Glasses are a cracking bit of sculpting and indeed casting , again with careful painting the result will be well worth it .

The awards and decorations are very well represented , with some fine cutting in , and enough details to aid painting ..take your time , it will show when you look at the final result .

On closer inspection for more casting lines to remove I could find none whatsoever ...a credit to all involved in this release .

As with others in the range the pedastal is cast with the torso , there is a tiny casting block to remove but after this fit is perfect (pin though ...just to be safe) .

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I think UP is bringing the whole WW1 important figures to life again.
This is also great.


Marc ,
I agree with you UP is bringing this and others that he sculpts to life , its good to see the period being looked into more .......on with the review now !!!!

On now to the helmet and head itself :

In my opinion this is what makes the bust he is wearing the Jager helmet , a distinctive shape and has Ulrich succeeded in getting this right bet he has ...have a look at the pictures and the profile of an actual helmet (this is infact an other ranks ...but the shape was the same just of a higher quality)

During my research into the subject , Fasbender was thought to have sparkle in his eyes with a very mature moustache ..has this been captured ... without doubt .

Facial details are really well done , the eyes are well defined but directly under the helmet peak , ears and facial features are also good , he looks the part , fit into the neck area was fine with only a small swipe of filler needed , there is a fine mould line to remove from the side of the neck...easily done.

On now to the helmet itself ...a wonderful piece of sculpting , the top and bottom leather bands are well defined , the chin scales are worn up and the actual helmet plate is something that is a pleasure to see ...infact I would go so far as to say its going to paint itself with all the fine details .

The shape is as stated spot on with both fore and rear peaks being well undercut and as much as I tried again no flashing could be found apart from a minute piece at the base of the rear peak...again easily done in seconds.

The cockade itself is well done sitting proud at the top of the shako itself , don't forget this would be the bavarian blue and white .

Fasbender has also been seen wearing the OR's helmet with a cover and leather strap (Osprey Elite Series 97 plate H4) so you have the option to do a little rework if you wish .

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I will add my happy impressions of this kit as I have been painting it myself. A very fine kit with a lot of little details that will keep the painter busy and happy. A must have for the WWI collector.

On now to the final piece the base together with my final thoughts :

This is as with the remainder of the range in the shape of an Iron Cross , a little work on the edges was needed , the pedastal fits fine but as before I would suggest pinning as well as using glue..better to be safe than sorry eh !!!

My final thoughts on this release ...............Its a great addition to the ever popular range of WW1 personalities coming from the talented hands of Ulrich , the sculpt is full of character , great details and an interesting subject not only to model but for me to review as well .

My final conclusion :

Another nice piece of work from UP miniaturen and both the sculptor and caster are to be congratulated on achieving such a high level of detail , the character of Fasbender has been reproduced extremely well .

If you like WW1 and personalities then this is for you , in fact why not have a look at the other busts that UP have released will not be dissapointed .

The range had developed to a really impressive collection all of which look great together or as stand alone individuals .....

WELL DONE UP Miniaturen for another great production ...Highly recommended

UP miniatures contact details or [email protected]

Price of 35 euro's plus shipping, you will always get an excellent service from UP

or from Historex Agents in the UK

We also have some pictures of the piece all together so enjoy both the subject and the model itself .


PS :

Happy New Year to all on PF and thanks for reading the reviews in 2011 there will be more in 2012 (y)


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UP Miniaturen - Von Fasbender -Box Art

Hi Guys ,

Following on from the review

.......its my pleasure to share with you the boxart for this little cracker of a model painted by our vey own Jim Johnston (aka Roadking)

Here's the link to Jims WIP and completed and ofcourse the very nice boxart itself , for me presentation of the boxart is very important as its the thing you see first especialy at shows ..eyecatching which leads to the lock on my wallet being opened !!!

Great layout Ulrich and great painting Jim .(y)(y)



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