In today's world of miniatures the one thing we all desire is QUALITY and manufacturers realise this without a doubt , a recent example has been the re release of this review item from Broken Toad ....
why a re releases ...simply in the words of the owner Kris from Broken Toad: so
"Earlier this year we had to remove Skin Deep from sale due to various issues we had during casting, there weren't any issue with the model itself but we couldn't guarantee quality and were faced with a lot of miscasts which we couldn't use and refused to sell."
So all credit to them so lets look at the concept of this piece , the jester hiding his agony behind the mask due to the way society judge him and us in today's lifestyle , what we see is only skin deep underneath the exterior something else we can't see is there ..yet sometimes we all just see the beauty on the outside and not the inner.
The sculpting of the release has completely been redone meaning that all the quality that is essential to the customer and of course Broken Toad is there .
Details of the release:
Title: Skin Deep
Reference: BT-MB003
Scale: 1/10th ( Approx 80mm tall)
Material: Poly Resin
No of Parts: 21
Box Art: NA
Sculpted by: Roberto Chaundon and Dennis Zarnowski
Packing is in a lightweight but strong box with the logo on the box , no box art , the parts are held in plastic bags and put between 2 thick foam layers .
Parts consist of the main torso , right arm , hat pieces (x 4) , hanging wire ( x 4) , 4 small round balls , (headwear decoration in the form of heads (x 4) , face mask , ribbons for mask.
Be careful when opening the bags as there are some small pieces
Torso..Quick sand around the base
Right Arm...Dry fit and sand fitment peg down as needed.
Mask...Remove small casting plug 4 pieces into cutouts around head of his "crown", drill hole under each to fit wire and fit small heads and small balls as in picture above ( I would suggest drill)
That is it ...absolute minimal work and not a casting line anywhere on the pieces and I spent nearly 20mins looking !!!...So Kris has achieved the aim of the resculpting and re release....QUALITY
We will look at the main torso in this part
Starting at his "crown" , very nicely done with the 4 areas for the horns to be fitted into , dry fitting promised a filler free build , the casting is sharp and around the head we have diamonds and hearts , the band has vertical lines around it..
To the head now this is a great bit of sculpting one side being as we expect , the other has scars and spots and wrinkles ...very clever idea ..the mask is used to hide the truth..
With sculptors like Roberto and Dennis we can expect really good work and this shows in the face , nice features , particularly the nose and the eyes with the mouth with a single tooth in it in a downwards movement resulting in a sad face from both sides..
The back of the head is covered by the hood he wears under the fools crown with good folds and hanging naturally .
Clothing consists of the ruffles around his neck , these all show really good undercuts on both sets . with the under piece having a design running down the centre , nice laces holding it together .
This finally leads down to a cast in base , small to work with the bust itself and 5 sided.

Continued in next post
why a re releases ...simply in the words of the owner Kris from Broken Toad: so
"Earlier this year we had to remove Skin Deep from sale due to various issues we had during casting, there weren't any issue with the model itself but we couldn't guarantee quality and were faced with a lot of miscasts which we couldn't use and refused to sell."
So all credit to them so lets look at the concept of this piece , the jester hiding his agony behind the mask due to the way society judge him and us in today's lifestyle , what we see is only skin deep underneath the exterior something else we can't see is there ..yet sometimes we all just see the beauty on the outside and not the inner.
The sculpting of the release has completely been redone meaning that all the quality that is essential to the customer and of course Broken Toad is there .

Details of the release:
Title: Skin Deep
Reference: BT-MB003
Scale: 1/10th ( Approx 80mm tall)
Material: Poly Resin
No of Parts: 21
Box Art: NA
Sculpted by: Roberto Chaundon and Dennis Zarnowski
Packing is in a lightweight but strong box with the logo on the box , no box art , the parts are held in plastic bags and put between 2 thick foam layers .
Parts consist of the main torso , right arm , hat pieces (x 4) , hanging wire ( x 4) , 4 small round balls , (headwear decoration in the form of heads (x 4) , face mask , ribbons for mask.

Be careful when opening the bags as there are some small pieces
Torso..Quick sand around the base
Right Arm...Dry fit and sand fitment peg down as needed.
Mask...Remove small casting plug 4 pieces into cutouts around head of his "crown", drill hole under each to fit wire and fit small heads and small balls as in picture above ( I would suggest drill)
That is it ...absolute minimal work and not a casting line anywhere on the pieces and I spent nearly 20mins looking !!!...So Kris has achieved the aim of the resculpting and re release....QUALITY
We will look at the main torso in this part
Starting at his "crown" , very nicely done with the 4 areas for the horns to be fitted into , dry fitting promised a filler free build , the casting is sharp and around the head we have diamonds and hearts , the band has vertical lines around it..
To the head now this is a great bit of sculpting one side being as we expect , the other has scars and spots and wrinkles ...very clever idea ..the mask is used to hide the truth..
With sculptors like Roberto and Dennis we can expect really good work and this shows in the face , nice features , particularly the nose and the eyes with the mouth with a single tooth in it in a downwards movement resulting in a sad face from both sides..

The back of the head is covered by the hood he wears under the fools crown with good folds and hanging naturally .
Clothing consists of the ruffles around his neck , these all show really good undercuts on both sets . with the under piece having a design running down the centre , nice laces holding it together .
This finally leads down to a cast in base , small to work with the bust itself and 5 sided.

Continued in next post