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Silver Surfer repaint.

Discussion in 'Painting Techniques' started by Lew J, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Lew J Active Member

    Hi all.

    This was just a little stop gap between projects, I found it in a box of collectables my Brother left behind for me when he moved to the U.S last year.
    I didn't think the stock painting was all that great so had a go myself, and may I just say what a nightmare painting different tones and shades of silver. He does have blue hues as well as silver but unfortunately my photography still leaves a little to be desired.
    DSCF1194.JPG DSCF1297.jpg DSCF1296.jpg DSCF1307.jpg 000p.jpg
    housecarl and gordy like this.
  2. Jazz A Fixture

    What a surprise to see this figure here. I also repainted this figure some years back for my son who, like me, is a big superhero fan. I still have the Batman and Joker figures waiting to be done in my grey army. I dont have any pics of my Silver Surfer but it is nowhere near as good as yours. I agree that it is a hell of a job to paint silver especially when you are stripping this down to base metal which is a bit grey if I remember right. You have done a great job with this, well done.
  3. Knikki Member

    That looks nice.

    The aircraft modellers when doing natural metal finishes on US aircraft use Alcad paints which are meant to be great for getting the look. I think the have to airbrushed.
  4. cblakey1 Member

    Great job. I have a collection of 200+ DC and Marvel figures like these that need new paints. Can I send 'em your way? :rolleyes:
  5. Lew J Active Member

    Thanks Jazz, Nick and Clayton.

    Clayton that would be a hell of challenge to get that lot done lol, I only have 20 or so and think they would take some time. It's nice to be able to paint in a more bold style with the Marvel & DC characters, they are also pretty well cast for what they are.

    Lew J.
  6. cblakey1 Member

    well cast but in most cases, pretty bad paints. :(

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