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Completed Sgt. 2nd Armoured Division WW2.

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MalcC, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. MalcC A Fixture

    I made an early start this morning, as the weather forecast is a hot one.

    Tempting fate, I set up my portable airbrush to paint the helmet, which I'd previously primed black.
    It took more time cleaning the airbrush afterward than it did spraying the helmet.
    Once it was dry I mixed up a suitable shade of green in oils, a thin coat was applied and its been left to dry before finishing off.

    Simon mentioned I was going to have fun painting the glove and he wasn't wrong.
    I googled a picture of Brad Pitt wearing the gloves and based the appearance of them in the painting.

    1000008033.jpg 1000008035.jpg
    Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

    Almost home and dry now, just the helmet to complete and Fury to add to the barrel and he's finished.
    Next project is on the way, a real golden oldy from my grey army.

    CCL, NigelR, Nap and 2 others like this.
  2. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Nice going on the glove, a well used and worn glove it is too, sweat, damp and grease all to good effect. I've not done WWII since making dioramas, but they were mostly German or Italian.

    Next project sounds intriguing.

    Cheers Simon
    MalcC likes this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Malc

    Brads looking really good mate , nice work on the clothing and the glove looks right , well dirty

    Good start on the helmet as well

    Looking forward to seeing more on Brad .....post final piece pics in Completed forum if you wish

    ..and seeing what you’ve rescued from the GA ...a blast from the past eh and a golden oldy as well

    Have fun @ the bench

    MalcC likes this.
  4. MalcC A Fixture

    Cheers Simon.
    I've been adding some additional highlights on the back of the glove, to give contrast between the mucky fingers.

    As for the next project, I think the kit is about 20 years old. :wideyed:

  5. MalcC A Fixture

    thanks Nap.
    Made a little more progress this morning on the glove and helmet, as well as marking out "Fury".
    Fingers crossed, I'm hoping to get it finished early next week.

    As for the next project..... Its from Pegaso and its in white metal 90mm.

    Nap likes this.
  6. Nap Moderator


    Sounds like your getting there ...hope you spelt fury correct ...lol

    90mm and Pegaso ....definately not a bust then !

    Look forward to seeing this finished and following the next from you

    Have fun @ the bench

  7. Nap Moderator


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