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Discussion in 'Figure News' started by SEMPERFIDELIS68, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi Guys

    Good to see customers are getting the purchases , let's hope all arrive

    Certainly the casting looks really good ...thanks for pics Tommi

    Everyone enjoy the painting

    Happy benchtime

  2. Tom W. Well-Known Member

    I paid last year and get nothing until today,no reaction nor something...........hmmmmmmmo_O......
  3. custer760 Well-Known Member

    Hi Tom,
    me too but I contacted Jose per E-Mail and he was very upset About the whole incident and promised me that we customers in Germany will be recieving our orders soon. He has Problems with his cast parts getting through British customs.
  4. Tom W. Well-Known Member

    Hello Pete,I get the same informations some minutes ago.As my grandfather and my father told me and I ever tell my employes and especially my son....give the customers little informations,then they know,that they were not forgotten and the things are running!!!
    custer760 likes this.
  5. Tom W. Well-Known Member

    The boyz are in the house!!Some of the nicest figures I ever see!Painting hours without an end!Hope Mike Blank get his hands on it :happy:!
  6. custer760 Well-Known Member

    Great to hear you got yours Tom....mine still havent arrived to Germany.
    Very sad
  7. BrownMoose Member

    Is there any news with orders ?
  8. custer760 Well-Known Member

    Recieved my set yesterday here in Germany......was it worth the wait?? Yes yes....beautiful sculpts Excellent Casting.....Well recommended.
    Nap and Tommi like this.
  9. farab New Member

    recieved my set yesterday here in Italy.. beautiful sculpts Excellent Casting.... but one has a small problem that I hope José solves.. the templar has two left legs.. still to be recommennded
  10. Noel Walker Active Member

    Anyone received theirs lately?
  11. Martin64 A Fixture

    Hi Noel,
    ordered the set in April - nothing so far. According to the CEO there are currently delays due to changes in the production. It is unfortunate that the communication to the customers leavesb so much to be desired.
    That is all know...
    Cheers, Martin
  12. Tom W. Well-Known Member

    I get mine some weeks ago,waiting from Dezember until May......from my order is a sword from the mercenary/30 Years War and the figure of the Irish galloglas missing.I send a photograph of the parcel,write some lines and.....last Tuesday a FedEx-parcel with the two figures arrived.I think they are too little in their company and things grew over their heads...........
  13. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Ordered mine in December and no sign of figures yet, I keep a eye on PF about how others are receiving theirs or not as the case may be, I chose to remain silent for many months but thought it was time to contact the company to try and nudge them in my direction, I eventually did receive some apologetic emails outlining the problems that have plagued the production and delivery of the Warband set and I tend to believe it, the last email that I got several weeks ago was very positive stating that my order would be posted on Monday minus one figure that would follow as a separate package when it was available, however there was no notification from FEDEX that they have a package for me so I contacted the company and asked them to confirm that the order was on route to me as they had stated but no reply so I can only wait in hope.
    As I stated in a previous post the last thing we want to do is torture Jose to the extent that he just starts posting poor quality figures out to get people of his back so I am prepared to put my trust in him and give him a little more time so sort this out.
    DaddyO likes this.
  14. farab New Member

    my experience was positive. a figure arrived with two left legs. josè immediately sent me a pair of new legs
  15. Noel Walker Active Member

    I'm not torturing anyone I trust him as well just hadn't heard anything for months
  16. Nicolaos Well-Known Member

    I'm still waiting for my set of Paladin + the King. I understood the problems, I think almost all clients did it, José was very polite in his answers, but there are sometimes a lot of good silence pauses.
    I hope that everything be just fine for everyone, surelly their Crusader line was a huge expected project, the quality didn't dissapoint those happy to have already the figurines in their hands, but the communication seems a little complicate.
    Martin64 likes this.
  17. Martin64 A Fixture

    Just wanted to let you know that my order of this set (Order #1183: paid for on April 15th) arrived today after receiving an email from Jose`three days ago with a tracking number of Fedex announcing the shipment.
    The castings look very nice and crisp - some done in Great Britain - some done in Spain. During shipment there was just one very minor damage (one cross guard of the sword hilt of "The King" was broken off) that could be fixed with ease and there is one distortion of one casting (the head of "The Paladin" with open visor shows a distortion of the lower jaw and lip due to a casting seam of the moulds running across the face) that needs a bit more effort to fix. At very few parts you can notice a slight loss of detail where the moulds met but in general the casting is excellent and shows structures of the different materials of the clothing and damages of the armor which gives the figures a nice battle worn impression.
    The packaging is quite safe as the kits are stored in ziplock-bags within plastic shells that are packed in thin cardboard boxes. The Paladin is an exception as there is no plastic shell to receive the ziplock-bags. Therefore the heavy bags containing the base and the horse left the box during shipment and squeezed their box and another one.
    I am happy with the kits and thank Jose`for his efforts to deliver the products finally. As said the communication about delays could be improved and so I would like to tell others still waiting for their orders that there will be a happy ending.

    Best, Martin
    Renato, Nap, custer760 and 2 others like this.
  18. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Martin good to see there is movement and you have received your set, wonder has anyone else been lucky enough to get theirs since the last posting in this thread? I am still waiting from December 2020 on my set 1110, come on Jose, come on Jose, go go go.
    Martin64 likes this.
  19. Nap Moderator

    Good to see the orders are getting through from Jose at least to Martin ...hope Terry receives his soon

    Hope we see a painted version here as well

    Martin Rohmann likes this.
  20. Nicolaos Well-Known Member

    Mine too, arrives soon, José was very quick this time!
    Martin64 likes this.

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