Seil's 75mm Dakotas Warrior


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A Fixture
Oct 25, 2008
Perth, Australia
Hello again figure modellers, just posting this thread of my finished plains indian. It's a shame this company doesn't exist anymore as they produced many superb kits like this one. The detail is astounding, not an easy kit to put together mind you, but patience definately made up for it. I had a lot of trouble lining up the feathers to the head gear train/cape. It is painted in enamels and oils with the only changes being extra ornaments on the sheild and replacing the spear rod with a brass one. The base is also scratchbuilt.
Thank you all for looking,


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Fantastic work Ben. And every way worth the effort you put into the figure. You will see more of this subject sculpted by Sergey Zlobov with his new company he formed after Seil closed. I can't say more for now.......but you will like what is comming our way from Sergey.
Hi Ben,

This is a superb piece of modelling mate, and very worthy winner in the Small Scale Figures category at this years WASMEx competition. The groundwork is awesome and the overall impact of the piece is very impressive.
Thank you for the kind comments Roger and Guy. I thought Sergey was with the Author Sculpt team!! But maybe not.... I would love to know what he is doing now as I think his work is astounding with heaps of detail and animation.
Tony, do you have Planet Figure hotwired to you?? You're so quick to put a comment back. But thank you and hope to catch up soon.
very nice.
i have this one to do having done the seil wolf scout .that was not an easy kit either but worth it in the end.nice base and great beadwork.
Excellent work,Ben.You've really made the most of the great detail on this piece.
I think Guy was referring to upcoming pieces of Sergey's work with Author Sculpt.
Well done, mate.
Wow, very nice figure. I do think that the extra effort of putting him together was worth it. I have Seil's Thespian Hoplite in Thermopylae and putting him together was a bit of a pain.

Im juyst wanting to know, what did you use for your grass?

Nicely done Ben. I like a figure like this, it's a visual treat to look at with it's sense of motion and all that detail.

Jay H.
Thank you Martin, Stiff and Jay. With a good base of a kit to start with, it isn't hard to get a stand out model. The sculptor has done a marvelous job on this one.
Daniel, I used horse hair/hemp rope, unravelled it and cut it into different lenghts. Mixed it all up to get the non uniform length and just used white glue to attatch it to the base. A thick wash of oils gives it it's colour. After it was dry, I pushed it all in one direction to give the impression of wind blowing. You can find the rope in a hardware store. Cheap and easy.
Hello Ben,

a beautiful work, great painting job and a good feeling for native American.

One remark: I would call the Figurine "Lakota Warrior" and not Dakota Warrior, as his ourfit represents a Lakota and not a Dakota.

The Sioux, the name was given to this people from their Ojibway enemies and means snake
lived around 1600 as farmers in the upper Missisippi (Minnesota)
Under the pressure of the Ojbway who were equiped with fireams, the Sioux had to move westwards.
The Dakota also called Santee stay in the west of Minnesota (Minnesota is a Dakota word and means "Mist over the water").
When my wife was on the Lakota Reservation in Rosebud with Lakota friends, she meet a very friendly group of young people from Minnesota, who spent theri hollidays to help the people on the reservation by restoring houses. When she asked this young men, if they know the meaning of the word Minnesota, no one of them ever had heard in the school that it was a Dakota name.
In 1862 the Dakota don't got the promissed food and people were dieing from starvation. When the Dakota begged the white Indian Agent for food he called them to eat grass. In the following hunger-uprising German settler become the first innocent victimes, while other white settler were even devedet from Dakota friends. The uprising was smashed by white troops with upmost brutality and more than 300 Dakota were sentend to death by a white Jury, even innocent Dakota. More than 200 were pardoned by President Lincoln, who knows that the failur of his administration were resposible for this uprising.

The Nakota who lived in two subgroups the Yankton and the Yanktonai moved to the south-west of Minnesota, southwest of Iowa, east of North and South Dakota.

The Lakota moved to western South Dakota, eastern Wyoming and the eastern Montana.

The were composed of 7 campfires: The Oglala, the Hunkpapa, the Sicangu (Brule), the Ohenunpa (Two Kettle), Sihasapa (Blackfoot), Itazipco (Sans Arc) and Minniconjou. Their most famous chiefs were: Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse (the Lakota name actially means spirit horse), Red Cloud, Sitanka (means Spotted Elk and named by the white Big Food), American Horse (Lakota name actually means "White mens horse", Old man afraid of his horse and Young man affraid of his horse (The actually Lakota word means "They are (the enemy) even afraind of his horse".
The Lakota fight for their land and freedom until 1876, wher they defeated Lt. Col Custer 7. Cavary at the battle of Little Big Horn. Soon after they had to surrender and Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull were assassinated. The 7. Cavalry took a bloody revench when they slaugthered around 380 Minniconjou Lakota at Wounded Knee, after the Lakota had given up their weapons.

Today, the Lakota live in 3rd world conditions, with a unemployed rate of 85%, a cancer rate of 25% and a diabetes rate of 60%. The hopless of the situation leads to alcoholism and social problems.
In Germany, France, Austria, Swizzerland and Italy there are some Organisations which collect money to install projects to better the situation, by batteling the diabetes and cancer, and to get better food to the reservations.

The Dakota kept more their "Woodland Indian" style and looked different to the Seil figurine. Also the featherbonnet in this style was not typical for Dakota.

This is no critic, but only a friendly meant suggestion to give this beautiful work the correct name. The figurine represents a Lakota Chief or renewed warrior around 1860.

Again my congratulation to your fine worke!

Many greetings to Germany

Roberto, John and Marc, thank you so much for your kind comments and it is a pleasure to post some of my work.
Bruno, wow, I learnt more in your post than what I did in spending quite a few hours on the internet looking for reference. I have to admit that I dont know much about the Native Indian and what you posted cleared up some of my questions. I just called it as what the box top suggested but now I have a more definate title. Not being a historian, my modelling is mainly taken as an expression of art even though I spend quite a bit of time searching for reference on all the historical figures that I paint, to get a level of accuracy. It is great that you can give me more reference.
Hello Ben.

I'm happy that my additional information are usefull and interesting for you. I'm interested in the history, culture and spirtuality of the Native Americans since 30 years and I still discover a very fascinating world.

Again, you did a great job with the figurine!

Many greetings from Germany

Ben - excellent looking piece! I always liked that kit but never bought it. You have a done a great job. What did you use for your dark red? That is my hardest color to paint. Harder than white.

Brad Spelts
Hi Ben, it is always pleasant to see the figure in beautiful painting!
I thank.
Resolve small specification - I see conversation "Lakota" or "Dakota" - also I see your choice style embroidery, now a figure the exact name "Indian Crow". All ornaments on a figure belong Crow;).
Yours faithfully, Zlobov Sergey.