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Completed Saturday Morning

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MattMcK., Jul 27, 2024.

  1. Oda A Fixture

    What a lovely kit.

  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Matt

    That’s so impressive .....doing the LED on the lamp ...very clever modelling , liking the mask he will have ...it’s all the extras that’s going to make the scene ....like the monsters ...

    If you want painted badly ..send to me ..lol

    I’m intrigued what you might be thinking to do with the actual TV screen .......

    Your really having fun with this ..it’s great to follow

    Looking forward to seeing more


    Oda likes this.
  3. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Wonderfully nostalgic and lots of fun, guess if the monsters are going to be accurate then everything else will need to be as realistic as possible to show how intentional the monsters are. I'm rather enjoying this as you progress through.

    Cheers Simon
    Oda and Nap like this.
  4. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    That is what the maker said he wanted, a “Norman Rockwell look.”
  5. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Clearly mission accomplished
    sd0324 likes this.
  6. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Work-in-progress post four for "Saturday Morning," coming soon from Michael Berglund and Escape Hatch Hobbies!
    This session has been all about the details! There is a wealth of flashback goodness to paint in this kit. I added some hand-painted logos to a few items, like Ronald McDonald on the brush holder, and the Kool-Aid face on the cup. I can say from experience, there is little that is more fun to paint than a bowl of Count Chocula!
    Michael has included a wealth of papergoods to boost the detail, all of which are cut and glue. Good old Elmer's white glue works fine for these items. For the lunch-box sides I found it works best to attach the three smooth sides first, then carefully cut windows for the handle and latch in the fourth. Their location is easily marked by carefully pushing the paper panel down over the top of the box to indent the areas that will need to be snipped. Be sure to use a fresh x-acto blade!
    The model and cereal boxes go together in much the same way. I recommend carefully scoring the insides with your blade to get sharper folds.
    I set it all up on the base to get a look. Look at that stack of magazines! I wish I had that many back in the day. Back to the furniture, and on to the monsters next.
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  7. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Awesome. Looking great. And now you have me thinking of my collection of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazines that disappeared in one of my Mom’s room purges. I checked out replacement cost on eBay and that would buy a lot of figures.

    Nap likes this.
  8. Nap Moderator

    Hi Matt

    It’s all in the details ...love the breakfast cereal .... Lunt Chocula ...brilliant

    Like the slinky and the viewer .....

    A lot of careful thoughts gone into releasing this and it certainly shows

    Like what you’ve done on the brush holder

    Great updates

    Looking forward to seeing more ...bring on those monsters

    Happy benchtime

  9. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    That is a lot of scatter detail to go around the main character and really well done. This is a fascinating set you are doing.

    Cheers Simon
  10. sd0324 A Fixture

    That is just fantastic, it describes my childhood very well. I too did all those monster kits along with my tanks and planes. Really nice work and thanks for sharing all of it.

    Nap likes this.
  11. NigelR A Fixture

    Great subject and I too remember making the Mummy figure as a kid! I'm sure this will be a stunning project that will twang our nostalgia strings......:)
    Nap likes this.
  12. Len K. Well-Known Member

    This is really cool. I love the Viewmaster!
  13. Larsen E. Whipsnade Moderator

    It's a trip down Memory Lane, Matt. Beautiful work.
  14. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    You guys were spoilt...lol
    I had Beano & Dandy, a bowl of Sugar Smacks, the table was definitely covered with newspaper, and I would have been painting Richard the lion heart or my Airfix 1/32 soldiers, with Action Man close by.. Where has the time gone.. And who will invent the time machine.

    Nap and Scotty like this.
  15. Nap Moderator


    Bless ya ...lucky you , try having the hand me downs from 3 sisters ....who doesn’t love Sindy .......LOL

    Matts doing a great job on the model here ....every bit of it

  16. Uruk-Hai PlanetFigure Supporter

    Its like they portrayed my youth.

  17. MalcC A Fixture

    Awesome progress.

  18. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Work-in-progress post five for "Saturday Morning," coming soon from Michael Berglund and Escape Hatch Hobbies!
    Today was electric! That is to say, I worked on wiring the TV set [IMG]. Just an upfront reminder: the kit doesn't come with any lighting supplies, so you'll need to get your own. That said it is super easy to do and adds a pop that really brings things to life.

    The attached photos show the process, and I added a caption for each one in my original Facebook post if you want to see just what I did . There are a lot of great l.e.d. products on the market, so I'm sure there are other and maybe better ways to do this, but this worked pretty well for me.
    Next time, the monster kits and the kid!

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  19. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Work-in-progress post six for "Saturday Morning," coming soon from Michael Berglund and Escape Hatch Hobbies!
    Lots of time spent the past few days, but progress feels like it has slowed a bit. A base has been cut, drilled, sanded, and finished to hide the wires for the lamp and television, and I have been working on the kid's pajamas.
    I went with a Superman theme, so had to make the logo first, as spraying red and yellow over blue is tough to get properly saturated. I hand painted the 'S,' then masked it off and sprayed the highlight and shadow for the blues. I underplayed the contrast, so have paid for that by glazing and re-glazing to bring up the colors. Almost there, but not quite. I went with a burgundy towel for his home-made cape, remembering that you could never quite find one the right color to perfectly match your PJs. [IMG]
    The most fun has been setting it all up on the base to see where it is going. This weekend I hope to get the head and remaining parts painted, then will work to harmonize the shadows and lights and get the wiring set. Pinning this all to the base will be a job and a half!
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  20. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    This is awesome, I'd like to say I'll have a go at this but I know I wouldn't get past unboxing it. That and the electrics scare me, I'd burn the damned house down, I'm not good with electrics, my mother once stopped me testing a plug i wired with my fingers on the bare ends of wire. OK I was about 10 but haven't really got any better!

    Cheers Simon
    MalcC, MattMcK. and Warren SMITH like this.

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