Review "SANA" from White Wolf Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to you all ,

Another week begins and what better way to start than to do a review from a new company to me ...I refer to

Who are they ...based in Norderstedt in Germany , the company was set up by a guy called Juan Pueto who has previously worked as a digital sculpting artist , freelancing with many other companies before deciding to go out on his own with White Wolf .

Previous release was a 75mm figure called Lagertha ( The shield Maiden ), details of which you can see on their website

The subject released :


As you can see its a female samurai , we have all heard of these warriors , this sculpt is not based on any in particular but its known that they existed for instance in the famous warrior Tomoe Gozen .

The sword is an iconic symbol of the japanese warrior , superbly made and decorated beautifully in particular the hand guard or Tsuba .
XX.jpg(this is a later sword showing names)

Books on the samurai and sword are available here are a few , all making inspirational reading .


Lets set the scene on the release:

The bust has a almost fantasy feel about her .....she wears full armour .

Handed down from her father or rather taken to being worn after here father fought and was murdered in a silent but deadly night raid alongside with her family

.....she escaped ...just .....coming back to carnage and to bury her beloved family in the dust of the ruined house that she once called home more she will wander the land wearing the armour and carrying her fathers sword ...avenging the death of her family

.....listening only to the wind that whispers and howls to her ..." Sana, Sana, Avenge, Avenge"

....She will ...... never run again .

Continued in next post

Onto the resin!!!

Details of the release:

Title: Sana

Reference: N/A

Scale: 70mm in height ( approx 1/12th scale )

Material: Gray resin

No of pieces: 3

Sculptor: Juan Pueta ( Digital sculpting)

Box Art: Dion Morgan

Casting: SAGO

Parts are packed in a good box with a colour rendition of the painted model on the top , the resin was surrounded by very soft almost cloud like material , protecting the pieces well and its looks to be a useful addition to the groundwork box as well could certainly be used in diorama's as dust or smoke effects .....a nice use of the packing !!!
Sana 001.jpg
Sana 002.jpg

Parts consist of torso , head and sword together with a sticker of the box art .

Sana 003.jpg


We only have 3 pieces so prep should not be too difficult !!! here we go .....

Torso....Sand away a casting line on the lower part , drill to receive a post for basing .

Head....Fit in place ...NO work needed

Sword....Sand back resin lug slightly and fit in place into cutout

Thats it ..dead easy eh!!!

General comments

A quick bit of prep and with digital sculpting being used I am expecting quality ....

I got it .......the whole sculpt is excellent , sharply done with really clean undercuts and details , the pictures will show it in full glory !!!

Perhaps a styled base might be a nice addition but I use brass rods anyway for my busts


Depicting Sana in full armour with arm protection as well , the back and front armoured plates are "wavy" in shape at the top of each section , with some cuts from battle also added on , the cording is very nicely done with the securing ties at the side pulling the front and back together .

There is well designed cord holding the armour onto the shoulder safely with load spreading pads underneath , the sword cord runs across the middle , front and back , the rear having a cutout for the sword to fit to .

Under the armour we have material, well lined in design the sleeve armour on the arms being held in place by cords that pull into the arm .

The arm protection continues as the body armour extremely well details some reall good decoration on the lower piece , on the top one there is a japanese design , all are very cleanly worked .

Sana 008.jpg Sana 011.jpgSana 006.jpg

Sana 009.jpgSana 004.jpg Sana 010.jpg

Sana 005.jpg
Sana 007.jpg


This is a delicate looking female ..perhaps but lethal as well , features are really very good the design of the sculpt allows for the neck area to fit beautifully into the cutout on the torso filler needed whatsoever. the lips are full and held together , on her left ear there are 2 small rings , nose slightly turned up but cute!! , eye work is first class with upper and lower lids together with the eyball being spot on .

The face has small scars worked into the left upper chhek and one above the left eyebrow , all are not over defined .

The hair is pulled up into a top piece rolled round and tucked in , strands hanging a little both here and at the sides. the style allows full view of the face itself ....a crackng bit of work .

Sana 015.jpgSana 014.jpgSana 013.jpg
Sana 012.jpg


The final piece but the tool of her chosen profession of warrior , this is the top part of the sword , the handle , the tsuba (hand guard) . Sana 017.jpg

The handle itself is another lovely bit of detailing , diamonded in design with the hand guard having some designs on it ..on both sides , sharp in style , swirls amongst them .
Sana 018.jpgSana 019.jpg
The scabbard again has intricate detailing with the sword cords being cast on , this is in front of the cast on resing lug that fits into the cutout on the torso rear .
Sana 020.jpg

Final Thoughts

White Wolf are a company that will be in my favourites , this is a really well presented subject , sculpting using the latest techniques available by a skilled team of guys , a pleasant subject beautifully cast as well , sharpness all over . this and the 75mm figure are both female in gender and there is another release dues according to the website ...what will that be ...whatever will be interesting to see in the market .

A company to keep a look out for

For more details


There is links to a blog on the website as well

They are on FB as well so why not follow them ....and enjoy yourself

Thank you to
for the review piece.......

and to you all for looking in

I must have this figure. We need more figs like this.

Here is White Wolf's correct website. Nap's link didn't work, but I'm not complaining, he's only human. Keep up the good work, Nap! And thanks for the review and info!