A Fixture
After seeing a lot of new members join who have stated they have very little figure experience I decided to back up the normal sbs and start out with the basics of figure painting and do a short sbs on preparation and clean-up of the figure prior to priming and painting.Then I will progress into the painting and right on to the mounting to a base and doing the groundwork. There are 2 figures in this vignette, both Pegaso 90mm white metal. The 1st one is 90-042, their newest Samurai Ronin. Here are the 2 figures that are being used:

Here is another view of the figure I am starting with.

One of the first things I do is to examine the kit completely and lay the parts out in a work tray. I want to make sure all the parts are there and none are damaged.

This kit of the Ronin requires quite alot of clean-up. Clean-up is the removal of any and all seam lines and burrs that exist on the casting. As this is a Samurai, the seam lines run right down through the leg armor and require careful removal by sanding and filing. There is even a seam line on the armor ties which requires scraping with a knife or scalpel. Being involved in show judging years ago in the eastern US shows the first thing that will take a figure from placing in the Gold, Silver, bronze category is a seam line that wasn't removed. The seam line causes the figure to be in the "also ran" category because the painter didn't do the preparation and a seam line shows through the paint like a sore thumb.

Any kit also requires repeated dry-fitting to ensure that the arms fit into the socket tightly without fill and the waist fits snuggly onto the leg section. Quite often its sand a little.....test fit........sand a little more.......test fit until it is a good fit. Being a Pegaso kit you usually don't have a tremendous amount of sanding and filing to do for fitment to be good.

Above you see one of the many many test fits done. The dremel D-Vise is used for clamping the parts while filing and for a hand rest to bring the parts closer to the eye for examination.
The photo in the above right shows the 2 halfs of the waist section that are being test fit after sanding the joint area smooth.
The photo in the above right shows the 2 halfs of the waist section that are being test fit after sanding the joint area smooth.
[ to be continued in next post ]