Hi everyone
Following on from my look at previous Himini releases here :
and here:
Its my pleasure to be able to show you another this time a bust , advised here by PF member Martin Rohmann along with other figure releases
with the sculptor ( pf member RantaN showing here:
another version painted was shown here by PF member Klassik:
Depicting a high status Russian Noble , this is a very well armed and armoured individual , , the company have based these on original items found in museums amongst them the armoury in the Kremlin and also finds in various cities/towns , also looking at original manuscript illustrations
I will include reference at the end of the review for your information
Details of the release are :
Title: Noble Russian Warrior 14th Century
Reference: HI-B-001
Scale: 1/9th ( 250mm )
Material : Gray Resin
No of pieces: Information insert plus 20 resin parts
Sculptor: Stepan Nikolaev
Box Art: Kirill Kanaev
Casting: Russian Company local to Himini
Continued in next post
Following on from my look at previous Himini releases here :
and here:
Its my pleasure to be able to show you another this time a bust , advised here by PF member Martin Rohmann along with other figure releases
with the sculptor ( pf member RantaN showing here:
another version painted was shown here by PF member Klassik:
The release is of course this ( painted by Kirill Kanaev )

Depicting a high status Russian Noble , this is a very well armed and armoured individual , , the company have based these on original items found in museums amongst them the armoury in the Kremlin and also finds in various cities/towns , also looking at original manuscript illustrations
I will include reference at the end of the review for your information
Details of the release are :
Title: Noble Russian Warrior 14th Century
Reference: HI-B-001
Scale: 1/9th ( 250mm )
Material : Gray Resin
No of pieces: Information insert plus 20 resin parts
Sculptor: Stepan Nikolaev
Box Art: Kirill Kanaev
Casting: Russian Company local to Himini
Continued in next post