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Review Roman Cornicen from Altores Studio

Discussion in 'Reviews , Video Reviews and Open Book' started by Sergey Popovichenko, Jan 16, 2022.

  1. Sergey Popovichenko A Fixture

    Another novelty from the Russian manufacturer Altores Studio.

    The figure of a Roman cornicen. Sculptor Vladimir Sychev
    The figure is cast in resin and available in sizes 75mm and 54mm.
    Kornitsen (lat. Cornicen) - a legionary trumpeter who played the copper horn - corn. They were next to the standard-bearer, giving general warning sound commands.
    Kornitsen most likely performed the same functions as bucinetor and tubucene. In the camp, they signaled the changing of the guard, the arrival of a legate, emperor or military commander, as well as the announcement of various decrees and death sentences. On the march, he usually gave signals “to march”, “to battle”, “to drop anchor”, etc. Kornitsen belonged to junior officers - principals.

    Cornu (lat. cornu - horn) - otherwise the Roman horn - a wind musical instrument in ancient Rome.
    Kornu resembled a bucina, also had a rounded shape, but was longer - up to 3 meters. Most likely, the sounds of these two instruments were close to each other, both in timbre and in strength. The cornu was probably used in the same way as tubas and bucins for signaling in the Roman army and in ceremonies.
    The outward distinction of the Roman military musicians was an animal skin, draped over a helmet and tied with front paws on the chest, like other representatives of the banner group of the legion.
    The armament consisted of a gladius and a pugio. As protective equipment, the Cornices used lorica hamata or squamata, as well as a small round shield - parma, which was worn on the side of the belt.

    3-16.jpg xodtJ4ar8Lk.jpg

    The quality of the figure is beyond question. The master model is made in 3D, printing, pre-processing and casting made it possible to convey all the small details as accurately as possible. Weaving of chain mail, buckles, rings on the attachment of weapons, rivets and even a pattern in the form of a warrior adorning the sheath of the gladius are distinguishable. Sculpture by Vladimir Sychev is distinguished by the maximum liveliness of poses and anatomy.
    Another figure for me, to refuse the acquisition of which is impossible.
    This review is also available on my Patreon
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    Nap, Ferris, oldtrousers and 15 others like this.
  2. Redcap A Fixture

    Lovely figure and thank you for the excellent review.

    Sergey Popovichenko likes this.
  3. clrsgt A Fixture

    Not much into ancient figures, but a lovely sculpt nonetheless. Well done review as well.
    Sergey Popovichenko likes this.
  4. Vladimir Sychev Well-Known Member

    Sergey Popovichenko likes this.
  5. Egg Active Member

    Excellent figures. Thanks for the review/
    Sergey Popovichenko likes this.
  6. lpa53 Active Member

    Wow! That looks fantastic! Can the same level of detail exist at both offered scales?
  7. Sergey Popovichenko A Fixture

  8. MCPWilk A Fixture

    Superbly modelled. I'm not sure what helmet the figure is wearing. The first re-enacter is wearing an Imperial Italic type 'D' Krefeld helmet.

  9. Nap Moderator

    Hi Sergey

    My apologies, missed this originally, nice looking quality figure, looks well cast assisting the build

    Be nice to see a bust version with this much details

    Thanks for sharing


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