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Roman Cavalryman

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Shane, May 11, 2006.

  1. Shane Active Member

    Hey Planet Figure people,

    Here is a shot of my latest bust completed. This represents a Roman Cavalryman in sports armor from the late 2nd century A.D.

    I worked on this piece with the reference help of Mike Thomas who provided me with a catalog of all the existing sports armor pieces. The bust is in two pieces, main body and mask. I could have easily done the bust as one piece, but I was afraid that might make the eye openings less convincing. So I chose to do the mask separate. There is a complete face under the mask. I decided to do this since I thought there might be a chance that the face could be seen through the eye holes. I now know that isn't very likely.

    I'm happy with the results. This project was a huge step forward in technical ability for me. But I don't know if I will be taking on any projects as challenging as this one again anytime soon. I think my next piece will be simplier.

    For those who would like to see the step-by-step on this project, please visit MedRom.

    Hope you like it. Look for it to be a UEM realease in the future.


    Attached Files:

  2. Shane Active Member

    Another shot.

    Attached Files:

  3. Excatlon Active Member

    great looks like hypia
  4. Dutchbird New Member


    this one looks awesome. And with you having sculpted the face, it does give people the opportunity to leave the mask open... (though maybe a little conversion work is needed to do that. Which IMHO is only an added bonus... At least that is how I have understood your comments.
    Congratulations on an awesome bust....

  5. Hyades New Member

    Hey Shane,

    Great idea for a bust and fantastically executed! I'm glad you left a face underneath the mask - it'll be such an interesting piece visually with the facemask in its "up" position.

    I'm adding this one to my wish list. Well done!

  6. dario966 New Member

    Shane kind sir,
    one fantstic job! keep them coming
    and perphs in the spirit of horsemen of the past - something simpler ;) - a Sassanian Asavaran cataphract in all his finery and steel or a Sarmatian predecessor to all these armoured cavalrymen...
  7. periklis_sale Member

    Fantastic work mate!!!!!

    is it going to be available to by? I am a fan of ancients and specialy Greeks (because i am one) and Roman,

    do more of them please!!!!!!!
  8. Shane Active Member

    Thanks for the kind words everybody.

    Making the face exposed is possible, but would require some work. We talked about the issues involved in making the mask open over on MedRom. You might want to stop by there and read the comments.

  9. Arminous Member

    Hi all!

    Shane,let me tell you that I hate busts and Romans is not a plesant subject for me,but I wish this GREAT job of you goes on production,so I could paint it!It's marvelous,and it can be even better if you give the option of the open mask!

    PLEASE,let it be copied ;)

    Congradulations again!
  10. Shane Active Member


    Thanks for the comments. Given the interest in displaying the kit with the mask open, maybe I should have approached the making of the mask differently. But there was really no easy way to make the kit adaptable to both open or closed mask because of the strap that was used to hold the mask closed. Having the mask open will require removing the strap from the helmet and making a new one attached to the mask. Also the mask would need some work on the inside to reflect the contour of the face on the outside. I hope that makes sense.

    This bust will be released by United Empire Miniatures. Keep an eye on the UEM website for release date.

  11. jjgurk Member

    Wow Shane, that is superb!

  12. CorySF Guest

    Wow, I love it and as being one who does more busts than anything else and with Romans being the priority I am definitely adding this to my "get" list. Great job!
    God Bless,
  13. vergilius New Member

    Brilliant !!
    very nice, indeed !

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