Looking now at the pieces in the box, firstly the main chunk of Resin the torso :
This has been sculpted with him wearing the sailors rig and distinctive collar and knot worn by these sailors .
Prep needed was the removal of some remnants from the casting process on the undersides ....I tried to find any casting lines and could find none on a super smooth surface .
The jacket has really nice folds put in with the collar knot being particularly well done , good undercutting in all area's with the distinctive 3 white lines on the collar being sculptd on ..well done Paul ..a good aid to painting these .

Lets have a look at the face now ......this is so so Victorian , the only prep needed was removal of casting plugs from the top of the head to allow correct fit of the hat , fit into the recessed area of the neck on the torso involved no filler being needed .
The facial features are great , nice detailing all over the face looks like its seen many a Baltic storm , his mutton chops or sideboard add that something special to the piece (Paul painted his as blonde)

As you can see the face looks really good and will be both pleasure and a challenge to paint .
On now to the istinctive cap the Sennet , this is what makes this piece stand out the look of it is very good , there is a casting plug on the rim , this will need careful removal so as not to damage the thinner brim , there is a ribbon around the crown with a bow at the back ready for the ribbons to be attached using the foil provided (some might prefer to use sculpting putty to produce these) .
Note no ships name has been put on the ribbon allowing you as a painter to put your own name on it (just google ..lots there!!)
Fit onto the head is good minimal filler will be needed .

Now to the supporting piece the base this is a nicely formed pedastal type of various levels , prep needed just involved removeal of 2 small casting plugs and a bit of sanding on the underside there is a lug to fit into the torso but for me I plan to remove this and pin the base to the bust for additional security .

Finally my conclusion:
I like this subject , presentation is very good , with minimal prep work needed , at the end of it you will have a distinctive and interesting piece for the display cabinet ..having first had value for money (just look at Pauls website for prices ..very reasonable) and hours of enjoyment in producing the completed model .
I for one will be looking out for more from Paul and I thank him for his work and releasing this and the others in the range .
Here's Paul at work
.......and here is a picture of the piece painted by the man himself :
Have a look at the website@
www.paulbalber1.moonfruit.com ...you will not regret it .